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Mexican Revolution, The Second Social Movement Of Mexico


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Mexican Revolution, the Second Social Movement of Mexico

The Mexican Revolution was the second most important social movement in Mexico and the first social revolution that I start on November 20, 1910. The Mexican revolution began as an uprising against the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, who was already more than 30 years old in power, this movement was directed by Francisco I. Madero who with his motto ‘Effective suffrage, not re -election’ made the discontent around the country against the dictator Porfirio Díaz, this phase ended with the exile of the dictator Díaz in Paris and gave the triumph to Francisco I. Madero in the democratic elections of 1911.

This Mexican revolutionary movement was one of the most important events in the history of Mexico in which he ended a long Porfirist dictatorship and DA went to a difficult stage for the participation of different revolutionary tendencies and their respective bosses, which having purposesand different objectives of each other, fought with each other to favor their interests.

This revolution initiated by Francisco I. Madero with the Plan of San Luis which was caused by causes of political, economic and social order, but with which the initial purpose was the overthrow of Porfirio Díaz of the Presidency of the Republic.

The background of the conflict that occurs in Mexico under the time of Porfiriato since 1876 was caused by Oaxaca Porfirio Díaz who headed power in the country of Mexico in a dictatorial way where he did not let anyone think and did whatthat he said.

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This whole situation lasted for 34 years, in which Mexico experienced remarkable economic growth and political stability, but apart from the good there was also great inequality where social classes had many differences where all rich had a great benefit andThe lower class economy was harmed, in addition to giving preference to foreign companies over nationals.

But all this great growth in Mexico occurred with the great achievements that were made with high economic and social costs that paid the least favored social classes of society and for a good administration that existed at that time.

During the first decade of the twentieth century a variety of economic and social crises broke out in various spheres of national life, which reflected the growing discontent of some sectors with the porphyriath.

After many conflicts Porfirio Díaz said in an interview that he would retire at the end of his mandate without seeking re -election. But the opposition to the government gained relevance at the position manifested by Díaz. In that context, Francisco I. Madero made various tours in the country with a view to forming a political party that would choose its candidates in a National Assembly and competed in the elections.

After this event, the dictator Porfirio Díaz launched a new candidacy for the presidency and Madero was arrested in San Luis Potosí by rebellion so that the government did not win to the presidency, and during his stay in the prison the elections that elections were heldThey gave the triumph again to the dictator Porfirio Díaz.

After a while, Madero managesNovember 1910.

This armed conflict took place in the first instance to the north of the country and subsequently expanded to other parts of the national territory, once the revolutionaries occupied the city Juárez Chihuahua, the great dictator Porfirio Díaz presented his resignation and went to France where shortly afterHe was banished.

In 1911 new elections were held where Francisco I was elected. Madero, in which since the beginning of his term he had differences with other revolutionary leaders, who caused the uprising of Emiliano Zapata and Pascual Orozco against the Maderista government.

After all this elapsed time there is a second phase of the Mexican revolution that begins with the disagreement between the old bourgeois class Porfirista and Madero and with the support of the United States and its ambassador to Mexico Henry Lane Wilson.

In 1913 there was a counterrevolutionary movement, headed by Félix Díaz, Bernardo Reyes and Victorianof his brother Gustavo and with the death of Vice President Pino Suárez which leads to the Victorian Dictator Huerta to impose as leader of the country and if he assumed the presidency of the Republic, which caused a great reaction of several revolutionary leaders such as Venustiano Carranza andFrancisco Villa who fought against the dictatorship of Victoriano Huerta.

After everything that happened in a little more than a year of this social struggle, and after the US invasion of Veracruz, Huerta resigned from the presidency and fled the country and went to the United States in 1914 and if he could demolish everythingthat he had caused

After these two phases, the revolution became a social revolution with Emiliano Zapata (in the south) and Pancho Villa (in the north) fighting for social causes such as agrarian reform, social justice, and education and education. However, both revolutionaries had to make social commitments with the liberal-constitutionalist revolutionaries such as Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón.

From that event, the differences between the political parties who had fought against Huerta were deepened, which gives this the trigger for new conflicts.

Carranza, head of the Revolution according to the Guadalupe Plan, summoned all forces to the Aguascalientes Convention to appoint a unique leader in which at that meeting Eulalio Gutiérrez was appointed president of the country, the rivalries emerged again when CarranzaHe did not know the said agreement.

After defeating the Convention of Aguascalientes, the constitutionalists were ablePreviously I caused the rearrangement of the forces which caused the murders of the main revolutionary leaders in which Zapata was integrated who was killed in 1919, Carranza in 1920, Villa in 1923, and Obregón in 1928 and with this to be able to achieve their objectives all those all those all those all those all those all those all those all thosewho were dissatisfied with Carranza’s governorship.

All these conflicts that occurred at this time when they were of great importance for all of Mexico and the world, in which after a great time in social and political struggles, the Mexican armed revolution with the Political Constitution of the Political Constitution of theUnited Mexican States of 1917, recognized for having been a social liberal constitution and the first of its kind in the world that still governs Mexico today.

The Constitution guaranteed liberal and social reforms and rights, which has favored in many aspects a whole new Mexican generation, in which the ideal of the revolution was to create a modern citizenship with rights and literacy and the Constitution of 1917 was the achievement moretall.

“There is currently no consensus on when the revolutionary process ended. Some sources are located in the year of 1917, with the proclamation of the Mexican Constitution, some others in 1920 with the presidency of Adolfo de la Huerta or 1924 with that of Plutarco Elías Calles, there are even some that ensure that the process extended untilThe 1940s ".[1]

For this reason this movement came to give a great change to the democracy of our country thus avoiding the presidential reelections that left only abuse of power and poverty in our society.

This social movement had a great reason that helped that there would cease tofree expression and was no longer submissive to what other people with more power made him shut up.   

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