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Middle Ages In Medieval Period


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Middle Ages in Medieval Period


Throughout the medieval period, the inherited linguistics of Greece and Rome are followed. Latin continued as a language of scholarship and, therefore, will be very studied in works such as Prisciano Grammaticae institutions, although linguistics as we understand today will not have a leading role;For medieval, grammar would be the basis of scholarship.

The study of grammar had a practical purpose: teaching and learning of Latin, for this they were written manual only for school use the most widespread is the Alexander of Villedieu Doctrinale Puerorum;The monasteries and churches in foreign lands will also give a great boost to the study of grammar. 

We highlight Prisciano (mentioned above) and Donato as fundamental in the medievo since his theories were not subsequently modified.


Until the sixteenth, even later, only Latin was considered as a language, the Greek was hardly known and throughout the Middle Ages the grammatic word was known as a synonym of classic Latin. The second part of the Middle Ages (1100-final) is the most remarkable, since it was the period of scholastic philosophy;In this, linguistic studies reached an important position;and a lot of linguistic research was carried out.

Literature flourishes and the first European universities are founded and the didactic work of linguistics followed, but the most significant in linguistic terrain is what achieved in speculative grammars (result of the integration of the grammatical description of Latin made by Prisciano and DonatoThe Scholastic Philosophy System.

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From the 12th century it was given a great impulse) since it went beyond what was demanded by the teaching of Latin and the writings in which it was explained. The work of speculative is very important to understand how linguistic ideas arose in their context and to see their importance in current problems about language.

We also see that medieval dressmaker linguistics focused on grammar, excluded pronunciation and etymology created nonsense. Your system is based on the following explanation: things as existing beings have several properties or modes of existence (Modi Essendi). The mind learns things through the modes of active understanding (Modi Intelligendi Activi), to which the passive understanding modes correspond (modi intelligendi passivi), the qualities of things are apprehended by the mind.

In the language the mind gives oral sounds (voices) the active modes of significance (modi meaning activi) by virtue of which they become words (dictions) and parts of the prayer (orationis parts), and mean the qualities ofthings;These qualities are, in turn, represented by the modes of passive significance (modi meaning passivi), the qualities of things meaning by words.


The Renaissance marks a change throughout Europe assuming a change in the science of language with a renewal. The increase in trade and international relations favors and encourages the interest of different languages, in addition European linguistics with non -European works were enriched. 

The Greek were studied, formerly forgotten;Latin, more important language;and the Hebrew, developed thanks to the religious interest in being the original language of the Old Testament

At this time two lines of linguistic thinking are developed that today are also very considered:

  • Composition of the descriptive grammar of European and non -European.
  • The first comparative essays tend to establish a family tree of the world’s languages.


Increased interest and understanding of Hebrew linguists studies, studies very influenced by Arabic linguistic research;This is important because European linguistics contacted another other than the Greco-Roman tradition. The Arabic world and the Hebrew were very important in the Renaissance, so much that they managed to soften the strong ties that linked Latin and Greek to linguistic studies.

From this period a linguistic curiosity of broad horizons is created that will be developed in the next centuries without interruptions

Important contributions made the French schools of Port Royal and the schools of English empiricism.

English empiricism

Francis Bacon in his work of Dignitate and Augmentis Scientiarum distinguishes a philosophical grammar and another literary, the philosophical treats the relationship between the word and things and the literary is dedicated to the word. He believes that grammar would have to be a comparison of all educated and vulgar languages in order to expose the peculiarities that each of them has and their advantages and disadvantages creating a balance between all of them.

A generation later this John Locke with Essay concerns Human Understanding (essay regarding human knowledge) is a criticism of human knowledge dedicated to the nature and function of words, makes a division between word and thing, meaning and significant, and trying to proveThe variable between Word and Idelanguage. This is based on American linguistics.

The Port-Royal School

The dissemination of Cartesian philosophy had a different way in France than in England. A general or philosophical grammar is to be created than Bacon that was based on empiricism grabbing as many languages as possible to compare them, the rationalism method starts from the logical principle and the language is structured as something logical leaving aside the method the methodexperimental that is necessary in language, showing only the languages cut structure is considered necessary.

The first grammar of this school is Grammaire Générale et Raisomnée published in 1660 of Antoine Arnauld and Claude Lancelot that had great diffusion and influence and was reissued several times. The object of this work is practical, giving a general explanation of language and grammatical concepts for the use of the Port-Royal School.

Although he said that he would talk about all languages, Latin and French are compared, sometimes Greek or Hebrew and rarely name languages such as German, Spanish and Italian, use French as a reference of a reasoned analysis. The most important thing is that he is dedicated to doing the language as something logical.

Vespers of modern times

Linguistics in the 18th century

Grimm, Whitney, Meyer-Lubke, Brugmann and Sweet, among others, are responsible for having modeled the different branches of linguistic studies. The beginning of contemporary linguistic science is dated in 1786, since there was one of the four most significant "advances" of modern linguistics;Sir William Jones established the kinship between the Sanskrit (classical language of India) with Latin, Greek and Germanic languages

  • In the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the nineteenth century there is a great boom of linguistic studies are established the following sections:
  • Grammatical studies. They try to reduce all languages to one in common, the model will be the grammar of Port-Royal. 
  • DESCRIPTION OF LANGUAGES. Interest increases in the most remote languages such as the American, they are studied for ethnographic reasons, the study of the culture of the various human groups.
  • Language philosophy. Everything focuses on philosophy to explain all the things that are abstract. 
  • Comparative linguistics preludes. There are various points where the genetic kinship of languages is, not only similarities or affinities, the kinship between all languages and the discovery of Sanskrit begins.


The study of Sanskrit and Hindu linguistics developed thanks to English William Jones, this was a judge in Calcutta and because of this he had to study the language, but did not continue his studies. 

The most highlight is Schlegel who studied Sanskrit in Paris for some years, cared about the study of the language from the linguistic point of view and from the culture of India, the similarity with other languages surprises him and makes a list of words almostGreek, Latin and German equals. This is not a casual but it is due to the loans of India and it is a relationship of kinship with other languages. He was the first to perceive consonant changes in Indo-European languages such as K-, H ..

The linguistic studies of the Sanskrit made by the Europeans produced a double effect:

  •    First stage of a systematic development of historical and comparative linguistics.
  •    Linguistic tradition of India influence on the different branches of European, deep and lasting linguistics.


Since the European linguistics of the S. XIX mainly studied historical aspects, the value given to Hindu grammatical concepts in descriptive work was delayed

Comparative linguistics

Franz Bopp is the founder of comparative linguistics, he was a student of Windischmann who followed Schlegel and BopP be inclined to the curiosity of discovering new origins of thought, culture and human religion.

Its method is the analysis of the grammatical structure by building a system where the unity of the languages examined could be seen more clearly. The objective was to discover the source of verbal forms. BOPP wanted to discover the origin of the flexion elements of the verbs, but discovered comparative grammar.

Grimm will make a comparative grammar of Germanic languages, following BOPP.


The highlight was the knowledge of Sanskrit due to its age, wealth and the precision of the grammar structure. Hindu linguistics is much older than the European, although it was not of historical orientation, developed by the need to preserve certain religious and ritual texts that had arrived orally since the Vedic period. They discussed the same as in the western world about general linguistics.

It was discovered in the fourteenth century with the contact of the West with India, the first reference is from an Italian Filippo Sassetti, was also noted in 1762 by Coeurdoux Missionary of India who, through a letter sent to the ‘Academie des Inscripts’, exposed his reflections on the anthology between the Sanskrit language, Latin and Greek, but he found himself 40 years later when he had been discovered by others. 

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