Migrant Women To Find A Better Life
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Despite the different legal measures and political attempts carried out nationally and internationally to ensure equitable distribution in reproductive work, effective measures have not been achieved, final. As for "reproductive work" we understand that it is the "work destined to meet the needs of the family". In a traditional way, the social organizational model has promoted a sexual division of labor, in which men were linked to productive work related to the public sphere, while women are dedicated to the domestic sphere, linked to private space.
At the end of the S.XX, specifically in the 70s, there is an increase in women who access the paid work world, and therefore, the traditional tradition exposed above is modified. However, this does not imply a carefreeness of their domestic work. The woman has to acquire a double role: the caretaker and the worker, being difficult to combine both tasks and thus achieve a conciliation between working and family life. The public measures adopted to face this situation have not been enough and have led to a current "care crisis".
Faced with this weakening of the welfare state, we must add a peculiar demographic context. In reference to the INE, in the last twenty years the population of the Community of Madrid has been increased by 5.091.336 million in 1998 to 6.578.079 million people in the latest registered data of 2019, of which 17% correspond to people over 65 years.
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Several of the studies consulted relate the aging of the population with the arrival of immigrant people to Spain, since it is the group that needs more attention and care. This work is the third option chosen by immigrants who come to our country, only behind stores and hospitality.
Consequently to this panorama, families have been forced to consider alternatives such as "outsourcing part of the tasks that were previously carried out in homes, or salting part of the care work on domestic". In this "outsourcing" immigrant women play a crucial role, because they are the ones who are going to perform, today, these domestic tasks. Therefore, among international migrations, we must identify a tendency towards feminization of these flows, since they are more and more and more places, women who decide to undertake a migration project to distant and other people.
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