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Migration In Venezuela: Migrational Essay


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Migration in Venezuela: Migrational essay

Human migration is a type of population movement that consists in abandoning the place of origin or residence to establish itself in a different region, city or country. Human migration is a phenomenon found in all regions of the world;This phenomenon of human migration is due to a variety of reasons and causes.

According to (Martín Pérez, 2019) the main causes for which human migration exists are:

  • Wars
  • Political conflicts
  • Economic poverty
  • Lack of opportunities
  • Family reasons


All these causes are vital for a good standard of living and development of a human being, which is why people have the need to abandon their residence to change airs to a better place.

The fact that people migrate, have consequences both in the country that is abandoned, in the recipient country, in migrants as well as in the people of the receiving country. Migration is a difficult and unstable process for the people who do it, that is why migrants are psychologically and mentally affected, this is because migrants often abandon their families, their comfort zones and in the majority ofThe cases the process and travel from one place to another is very hard and it is not very pleasant generating depression, anguish, panic crisis etc.

Another consequence would be that the population of the country of origin ages, this is because people who are physically and emotionally trained for the migration process are young people leaving the elderly.

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Since all the consequences are not bad, a positive consequence of migration is that the growth and flow of the economy of the receiving country grows and develops since many times migrants take jobs that locals do not want.

Venezuela’s migratory situation is one of the most complicated worldwide since it has alarming data;Venezuela has more than 4 million refugee migrants worldwide and more than 464,229 asylum seekers in different countries of the world. (UNHCR ACNUR, 2019). This immigration crisis is due to different factors. One of them is the politician, Venezuela and its people live in constant political conflict since there is a constant war between the dictator Nicolás Maduro and the elected president of the National Assembly of Venezuela Juan Guaidó also known as the "revolutionary leader". Another great weight conflict is the economic one since today, Venezuela is in a very serious economic crisis, this is a consequence of several things such as erroneous policies by Maduro and his government, the strong infractions and sanctions of the president ofAND.OR.To Donald Trump that generate that Venezuela cannot export their oil abroad (main and most important export of the country), the strong corruption of the government and strong inflation, generating as a consequence unemployment on a large scale, international and internal conflicts, insufficient food forthe population, few public services among others. 

According to (Florantonia Singer, 2018) “The South American country closes the year with a rate of 81.4 homicides per 100.000 inhabitants – a figure that places it as the most violent in the region ”meaning that Venezuela is a country with an index of insecurity and very high violence. This is a great reason why the people of Venezuela are not happy and feel insecure since the robberies, sexual assaults among others are very high.

The set of all these factors together in the same country towards the same population (people from Venezuela) makes people cannot have a good quality of life, a happy life and a safe life causing many times people are forced toleave Venezuela in search of a better life.

Although migration to leave Venezuela can be the best option for Venezuelans, it can become a very big problem for neighboring countries that receive so much migrants and in such bad conditions.

The leaders of the receiving countries say that one of the reasons why it is no longer convenient to accept so many migrants to their country since they say that their countries are "saturated" because in all countries there is a certain amount of work and opportunityAnd the governments of these countries also have to feed, take care.

"The massive arrival of migrants also generates pressures on the labor market of the receiving countries" (Ángel Bermúdez, 2019) causing sometimes the salaries of the receiving country to fall.

All this set of factors and situations have their negative sides and on the other hand its positive aspects.

In the case of Peru in the city of Lima, the Great Wave of Venezuelans caused inflation in the food sector to decrease compared to the other Peruvian states.

Likewise in Chile, the Central Bank of Chile announced that due to the increase in people working in the labor market, the economy of its country could be developed without being affected by inflation.

In conclusion that the issue of Venezuela’s migration to other countries is a critical situation that requires urgent attention since this migration has very strong impacts both in Venezuela and the receiving countries affecting countries in their economy and inThe life of people.

I conclude that there must be urgent action to remedy the damages made to Venezuela and its people since no one deserves to live in inhuman conditions. 

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