Missile Crisis In Cuba
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The present research work, aims to answer the question raised. To what extent the US policy during 1962 influenced the missile crisis in Cuba ?, From the analysis of different secondary sources, including books, missile crisis or October crisis? of were Morales Domínguez, and the book The Crisis of October 1962 of which a critical and comparative analysis will be made according to the criteria of each author, a contrast of the subject will be made, with the use of valuable university documents to verify theImpact that the US policy had on the development of the missile crisis, from the origin of the crisis, to deduce the background that caused the strong “October crisis.
The missile crisis in Cuba was one of the crucial moments that the US and Cuba crossed at a political, economic and military level at the end of the 20th century, during that time the rulers of both nations enjoyed excellent diplomatic relations, especially in the political sphere, since the American president Dwight D. Eisenhower maintained friendship ties with Cuban President Fulgencio Batista. However, after the devastating ones have occurred that have occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of both countries found themselves in a decline, so mutual support meant a determining advantage to change the reality of both countries.
However, Fulgencio’s political governance period ended, so new political movements arose, one of them the reformist led by Commander Fidel Castro, who began his political life, implementing socialism as a predominant ideology in his country, meant aProblem for the capitalism of Americans, for having a close country with a state model that threatened their capitalist ideals, therefore the US president did not hesitate to break any type of relationship with Cubans, modifying their political laws and initiating theactions against the new movement.
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The desire to bring its development grew, thus beginning one of the most disastrous moments for the US, Cuba, the USSR and the entire world, hence interest in investigating the political background that led to these nations to face to establish their ideology, andDetermine if capitalism, socialism or communism was the political system that triggered the crisis.
Therefore, the US president did not hesitate to break any type of relationship with Cubans, modifying their political laws and initiating actions against the new movement. The desire to bring its development grew, thus beginning one of the most disastrous moments for the US, Cuba, the USSR and the entire world, hence interest in investigating the political background that led to these nations to face to establish their ideology, andDetermine if capitalism, socialism or communism was the political system that triggered the crisis. Therefore, the US president did not hesitate to break any type of relationship with Cubans, modifying their political laws and initiating actions against the new movement.
After the failure of the invasion of the anti -tristas in April 1962, for the world a panorama too tense opens, especially for Cuba and the US, all American attempts to defeat the revolution of Fidel Castro that during the twentieth century predominated inCuba did not benefit the Americans in any term, because being one of the most important revolutions of those times, the dispute from the beginning became the militaristic field, because they had as a leader a tenacious man, willing to train in hisCountry, a truly united socialist nation, seeking and fighting for citizen rights, so that everyone adhere towards the defense of the Cuban islands.
Therefore, Fidel Castro’s ideology was one of the main reasons to begin rivalry between Cuba and the United States, being a persevering and conflictive leader, he established in his country, a military and political model that changed the vision of the worlddrastically, for the violent actions used to achieve their interests. He kept clear the ideal of establishing a revolution, as expressed: revolution is unity, it is independence, it is fighting for our dreams of justice for Cuba and for the world, which is the basis of our patriotism, our socialism and our internationalism.
This thought reflects the reason he fought, in search of Cuban unification, so that socialism predominates before all state organization models, even underestimating the US model, this thought violated the political sensitivity of President Jhon Kennedy, whichHe immediately began plans against Cubans, with the help of all his ministers and political allies.
In this way, over the years, hatred and anger from the United States to Cubans, it intensified, so much that in 1962 the invasion of the Bay of Cochinos was given, where the US troops rammed the islands,being one of the last and most aggressive attacks, before the missile crisis in Cuba began. Thus begins one of the most disastrous facts at the political, economic and social level that the US and Cuba suffered.
It is important to highlight the events that previously happened to the great conflict, with the first collision between the US and Cuba, both revolutionary fronts were interested in seeing their opposite overthrown, on the one hand, the Cuban revolution of Fidel Castro achieved great acceptance within the country, with a military leader, who during his years in power established socialism as a form of government, which promulgated equal rights, fighting for a liberal Cuba, supported by the communism of the USSR, while on the US sidePresident Eisenhower implemented a single ideology, that of capitalism, intensifying the rivalry by ideologically leading the world, triggering a series of indirect clashes between the nations involved, so the events that intensified the missile crisis in Cuba are the following:
At the end of World War II, the US was in an immersed situation to its opponents, its policy and economy had undoubtedTo the world power (USA), activate the economy within the nation, open the gaps of the import and export of oil from Cuba, cooperation and military, economic aid to Greece and Turkey, countries of the same government system;reinforce its political integrity, in order to prevent any communist attack demonstrating superiority to its state model, disconciating political relations.
However, communism was another of the ideologies that wanted to take prominence and possession worldwide, the USSR began to work and have plans that allow the development of its state model. The opportunities for the Soviets were in the countries that were confronted with the US, or had some political sequel, since that was decisive when supporting that country, such is the case with Cuba, which, after learning of the firstRocks between Eisenhower and Fidel Castro, Nikita did not hesitate, to appear as the salvation of Cuba;having an advanced technological and military advance made it easier for you to form alliances. This antecedent was one of the main ones to give the outbreak of the October crisis, due to the great magnitude that meant having the Soviet as allies.
Likewise, in the development of the Cold War, the two political blocks led by superpowers began to discuss global domain, Soviet communism after achieving victory and absolute power by defeating Nazi Germany, it developed a plan to convertRussia in a superpower, the same that was at an optimal level to face the US, while, on the side of the Americans, the containment policy had an impact on the entire territory;In the crisis and the creation of the Berlin Wall, the Korean crisis, disputing the north, which prevented the communist progress. The generation of these conflicts reflects the ability of both superpowers to generate war conflicts, with the objective that their ideology dominates the world.
Therefore, it can be defined that the main cause for the three countries to fall into provocation, was the arms and nuclear advance by the US and the USSR, because they were the nations that had the industrial and economic power to provide andlaunch any nuclear conflict, through atomic bombs, lethal weapons and excellent militarism, which meant danger to any country. Authoritarianism and egocentrism by leaders, Fidel, Kennedy and Nikita caused the world to collapse one of the greatest nuclear conflicts.
During the mid -twentieth century, the US felt the decline of dwight d power. Eisenhower, who despite his great performance during his period, in which he played a fundamental role in American military service, and after establishing policies that possess the country as one of the most protagonists of conflicts, special in World War II, soA high point was the great support he gave Fulgencio Batista, since the beginning of the Presidency Eisenhower felt a great political attachment for the Cuban dictator, they maintained excellent relations, even reciprocal agreements that allowed both fronts to the development of their nations.
However, at the end of the presidency of Fulgencio, Cuba felt the emergence of new reformist models, the Cuban Revolution, which since time of campaigns was one of the ideal ones to overthrow President Fulgencio. That movement was led by another militaristic character, Fidel Castro, so one of the most disastrous times for Cuba, because the new movement had gained strength over Cuba, its proposals and political ideology, were accepted by the majority ofCubans, since he did not agree with the president, Fulgencio Batista, and more for the ties of political friendship with the US, which made the entire Cuban country arouse interest in the new political proposal of Fidel Castro, a military with renewed ideasSocialists, who somehow represented advantages at the time of the social and economic organization of Cubans, so since the 1959 elections in Cuba,
In this way, the US president after learning of that devastating news, raised the slogan of: ‘If we do not prevent power, we can prevent them from consolidating and finally overthrowing them’ (Dominguez), which was accompanied by decisions and actions and actionsthat cause harm to the Cuban revolution, being the main objective to prevent the revolution from arising as a state model that threatens the US policy and other American countries, so they immediately applied tactics and strategies to politically hurt the Cuban state,The measures taken were the following:
The first thing that the American State did was to offer refuge to migrants who desperately escaped from Cuba, due to the aggressiveness of the Castro government, this measure represented a low blow for the aforementioned revolution, granted advantages for US President, because it allowed them to stayFor a certain time, with food and housing, but with the condition of serving the American government, being ready and predisposed for the fighting that were coming from the strong rivalry between the two fronts, given the critical situation of the banished from Cuba, the faultof support and opportunities in their country, they had no choice but to accept and comply with the orders of the American President. In this way, the US was gradually prepared, and its cunning when establishing their aggressive strategies, determine some advantage and power over Cuba.
Another of the US actions was the anti -communist campaigns, which consisted of collection of Cuban inhabitants, which were against the ideology of Fidel Castro of his country, to provide them with arms, such as rifles, submachine guns, among other advances, which, whichAt that time he was one of the Forts of the US, once gathered, they went to the islands to protest and attack surprisingly, taking the Castro waves, where additionally political organizations played an important role in this strategy.
The CIA together with the US government, with the high intelligence and preparation, were responsible for congregating all those who are willing to fight against the Cuban revolution, clearly denoting that the US had greater authoritarianism when applyThey have impact the Castroists, because during the years of confrontation it was one of the states with the greatest economic rate, well -developed militarism, nuclear weapons and especially the ideology of capitalism, which was one of the best presentation letters when provoking andFacing a conflict anywhere in the world, this time during 1959-1962 it was directly against Cuba.
Also in the 1960 elections in the US, the favorite was Jhon Kennedy, in front of Richard Nixon and Cabot Logde, during that time the campaigns were the most interesting and important for the US, because in many years there had been not much competitiveness,being with 0.5 % votes The favorite and winner John Kennedy, who immediately assumed the power and political reins of his country. It should be stressed that prior to Kennedy elections had its own objective and ideal very well raised, having felt the reality that the country was going through, and having the support and support of the Americans started the first actions against Cuba, measures that are alreadyThey had launched with the previous principal Eisenhower, and Jhon’s patriotism encouraged to continue the policies that cause damage to Cubans.
Therefore, after the failure of the invasion of the beaches of Girón, it was impossible for the US Ideal of ambition, power and republicanism prevented them It is the responsibility of the Nation, called the Mongo Operation, in which the war that USA had against Cuba and the USSR is reflected, with said operation the terrorist attacks on the islands had intensified, the use of weapons meant that the sabotajes Be the most important of the strategies to tear down Cubans, likewise, clandestine activity had an impact to Cubans, given the lack of equipment and prepares Arration to face those environments, left the communists without defense possibilities.
The impact that said operation had was representative, it is estimated that there were 5 .780 The approximate attacks against Cuba, almost half of them were directly destined to the cities most populated by the revolutionaries. This first operation transmitted the true ideal that Jhon Kennedy was looking at at the head of his country, because he only had in mind to overthrow the revolution of Fidel Castro, regardless of the true interests that this movement wanted to achieve in his country Cuba, demonstrating euphemism in hispolicies, so it was seen by many as an infamous country, especially by Cubans, that from my point of view the US policy was discredited, just because of the influence of hatred, anger and power, for being the modelof the most important state in the world.
Another of the facts that denotes that the US policy was the main sequel so that the crisis explodes in October, as evidenced in the book The crisis of October 1962 that was the implementation of the second operation, “OperationQuick Kick ”, where Kennedy tested all militaristic power so that the operation is successful and that his plans and policies prevent victory for Castristas. To do this, he decided to dress as a soldier, take the reins of his homeland, and launch into an adventure, which was effective, and every year of dedication, effort and work by the nation, they came to be fruitful, because 83 vessels were enough, 400airplanes and 40.000 men to leave the Cuban islands in ruins, those led by Fidel Castro had felt the strongest blow, both in the political and military aspect.
Those devastating facts, meant the alert by the Cubans, who immediately sought policies and measures that defend them from American power, so in April 1959 the USSR intervenes for the first time, Nikita Jrushchov learned about the clashes and bad relationsFrom the USA, at first he decided to keep calm, meditate and reason before supporting Cuba to attack Jhon Kennedy and his nation. The relations between Jrushchov, Fidel Castro, Raúl and other leaders of the revolution were understandable, which facilitated Nikita’s intervention so that the missiles are installed in Cuba, in response to Kennedy’s attacks.
The US Before the rivalAmerican threat, so he saw Cuba as an exit and opportunity to indirectly face Kennedy’s policy, quickly sending Alex Aleixeiv as an ambassador to Cuba, who had excellent relations with the Castro, lighting the wishes of attack by thecommunists.
However, the US continued to revolutionize in all parts of the world with its arrogant policy, supplied Germany with the "polaris", intensifying the actions of the USSR, which finally after the last meeting in Moscow, designated providing the strategic coheterile troops, fourMotorized Infantry Regimes, Terrestrial Troops, Air Force and the Double Silvery weapon, the winged tactical rockets.
It was supposed that, after this measure, the US had no knowledge, the entire armament installation by the USSR was totally hidden, for fear that an attack would arise directly with the Americans, all these actions some time later for 1962, thenTo know that more than 40 Russian missiles were located on the islands, Kennedy’s policy explodes at its maximum expression, when deciding, positions that had only two options, blocking the Russians or attacking them.
The critical situation led to the president to analyze and reason the measures that would be used to counteract the Russian attack in Moscow in a Kennedy speech referred directly to the USSR, making it clear that if the missiles in the direction of the Americans were thrown, he togetherWith all military resources without mercy he would invade Cuba and above all the "Jupiter" would attack the USSR, given this critical situation, another nuclear conflict was glimpsed, however, it is worth highlighting the value of Kennedy as president of his nation, and theBeing involved in a conflict that meant being disastrous for the world, was the first to take the step towards peace.
In this way, after the analysis of both presidents, they reached an agreement, as the US should withdraw the missiles located in Turkey and not invade the islands of Cuba and the USSR would dismantle the missiles of the Cuban islands, so Kennedy’s policyDuring 1962 it influences radically to avoid the great nuclear conflict, the initiative to use dialogue as a mediator of the conflict stands out, despite having a devastating capitalist ideology, the president’s human part is reflected in the decision making, which when being toPoint of exploding the missiles Peace is achieved, for the three nations involved, and of course for everyone.
After the Cuban crisis, a peaceful coexistence between the USSR and the USA began in the period of 1962-1975.UU. This measure meant that both superpowers resigned themselves to living together, respecting and maintaining each one their respective political limits in the countries of their region. However, Jrushchov, Kennedy and Fidel Castro’s political leaders in 1962 agreed to a permanent dialogue and the expansion of international political relations between the countries involved. In this way, the tension of the missile crisis decreased because the communication relationships between the two superpowers were constant, which facilitated to improve their mutual understanding and knowledge about their policies, contributing to each nation watching and fighting for their own interests, withoutUse violence, promoting a more pacifist world.
Once the missile crisis in Cuba was raised, in 1963, the ‘Red Telephone’ was established, an apparatus that put the Kremlin in direct contact with the White House politicians. This facilitated, so that personal encounters among the top leaders of the powers are common. Finally the Salt agreements between the USSR and EE.UU. where they dealt with the limitation and control of nuclear strategies and weapons. With the aim of avoiding nuclear attacks in 1968, the Non -Propagation Treaty of Nuclear Weapons was signed in Geneva, by 62 countries except China and France. Also in 1972, in Moscow, the communist Breznev and the capitalist Richard Nixon sign the Salt i Agreement that established the number of nuclear missiles that each one would have.
However, in the capitalist bloc, the pacifist and revolt movements of 68 in the Western universities, of the Americans, criticized the type of world leadership exercised by the United States and, especially, their involvement in the Vietnam War (1965-1975). This conflict was universally criticized and originated in the US.UU. A crisis of trust about its ability to lead the world, reflecting that the appearance of movements of rebellion and answer against American leadership not only meant a military and political defeat, but a very important discredit and ended up providing an emphatic opposition that affected its policyand therefore internal tranquility.
EE.UU. By establishing resurgence policies of the internal economy, it reached an optimal development in its nation, which later allowed it to expand its international ideological policy, having Greece and Turkey as allies, providing diplomatic help to attacks by the USSR attacks.
Likewise, technology was decisive to create nuclear weapons, such as pumps, missiles, tactical winged rocket The main objective of the leaders Eisenhower and Kennedy correspondingly to initiate a war conflict against Cuba and the USSR that threatened the stability of capitalism.
As for the investigation question, you can see that the USA.UU. During 1962 he not only helped promote the missile crisis in Cuba, but was the main driver of the conflict, having capitalism as a political identity, and establishing strategic missile implementation plans on the border of Turkey in the direction of the Soviets, which had a direct impact so that the USSR joins Cuba and installs the missiles on the islands, being in the same attack conditions, having the world to the collapse of the largest nuclear conflict of all time.
However, it must be recognized that Jhon Kennedy was a great contribution to the entrepreneurship of pacification with the USSR and Cuba, preventing the conflict from exploding, which meant the beginning of a stage of greater distension and dialogue, characterized by mutual passivity Between the two blocks.
In addition, thanks to Kennedy, EE.UU. The political image improved, from conflicting to Pacific, since the personal approaches between the leaders of the two superpowers were frequent, which facilitated to sign peace treaties, and the control of nuclear weapons, leaving in history a nuclear conflict thatHe sowed fear throughout the world and never occurred, to arouse hope of freedom in his nation, in Cuba and in the USSR, avoiding the great demographic magnitude that missiles could generate.
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