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Modern Society And Its Transformations


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Modern Society and its transformations


In the Modern Age there were multiple transformations and great events, in the first place, we can highlight the great scientific findings, which allows the globalization initiated in this period, economic and social, all these changes gave rise to a capitalist system. 

We can also emphasize that philosophical changes were presented that are very present today, such as humanism and rationalist thought, in which subjectivity is left aside and reason begins to be used as an agreement worldwide. In this essay we will talk about how all these events influenced everything we know today, all its positive and also negative sides.


The period of the Modern Age was considered to refer to the fact that the modern man is technical and developing techniques that he previously considered them impossible, but that at that time it was no longer, so much so that everything industrialized as soon as possibleBecause other interests are established.

The man of this era is constantly looking for the truth, demonstrating it through the theories in order to technify knowledge. These changes can be observed in the economic sphere where it begins to be considered necessary to speed up the work, the greatest change in this area was the establishment of capitalism as an economic system where the relationship between who gives work and the proletariat is changed.

Another important and essential change will be the break between State and Church, which will be gradually.

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This means that legal codes and social regulations and dispositions will stop obeying the moral commandments of the Church and will therefore be developed as an independent and independent discursive body: laws.

Nowadays it can be seen that many countries still maintain a secular state, which has been very useful for their progression because if they were still united with the Church, it would have imposed many norms which are not good for society,since they would not seek other ways of life and would be deprived of their freedom of thought. “In addition to this religious reform, social movements such as the Renaissance and the Enlightenment that changed the way of thinking of society also emerged." 1

The Modern Age will also give rise to the construction of a global goods market that will have as the center of everything the large cities of Europe and Asia. This also led to slavery, which as we know today is a violation of the rights of man, but that, however, continues to be practiced in many underdeveloped countries, despite, at that time he brought with him benefits in the economy of the economy of theDominant nations. In fact, slave trafficking and merchandise smuggling were extremely lucrative activities during the time.

Modern Age will focus on man their perspective, which in medieval times focused on God. The man will become the measure of all things and also impulse to faith in human reason, leaving aside the feelings and putting the reason into practice and for that agreements were reached and globalized. ‘The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself’. Thus many branches arise especially focused on science, which will be scattered in discoveries, theorizations and manufacturing of new instruments.


At this time there was the discovery of many lands such as America, which brought an impact and with demographic, economic and cultural consequences. As is known, we were conquered by the Spaniards, therefore, they brought disease that caused the death of many natives, but in the same way the conquerors were infected with the diseases that were in this new land. 

When the Europeans arrived, they imposed their way of thinking, values, religion, language, among other aspects, which as today we can see the same thought, although it has tried to incorporate some things from North America, however, thepolitical and economic system that is still used is the European. 

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