Moral development
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Moral development
At one point or another, everyone has broken and obeyed laws. Everybody has done that based on their own reasons. Some people do things since they think they have the right to do so. On the other hand, other people do things because they are obligated by the law. Thus, looking at the two reasons, one might be interested in understanding their moral approaches for doing what they did. There are several moral development theories that explain the reason people choose between possible options (Pollock 34). Some of the theories include the following; Moral Subjectivism, this theory suggests that what a person feels or thing will determine whether an act is right or wrong. Secondly, there is the Cultural Relativism. This theory holds that a culture through its principles determines what should be considered right as what will be wrong. Thus, different cultures have different moral and it should be subjective to those people within a certain culture. Thirdly, there is the Divine Command Theory. This theory suggests that a person religion and morality are connected. That, without a sound religion, there will be no morality. Fourthly, there is the Ethical Egoism Theory. This theory postulates that our self-interest will determine whether an issue will be right or wrong. Thus, if something is agreeing with your interest, then it will be morally upright (Pollock 65). Otherwise, immoral. Lastly, the theory of Utilitarianism.
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This theory suggests the overall goodness of the action will determine its morality. It looks at the consequences of an action. However, I think that the Ethical Egoism Theory is the most plausible explanation of why people act the way they do. This is because human beings are selfish and will always put their interests before others. Furthermore, the fact that we have survival instincts, we tend to act solely towards benefiting ourselves even if it means doing it at the expense of others.
Work Cited
Pollock, Joycelyn M. Ethical dilemmas and decisions in criminal justice. Nelson Education, 2014. Pg. 1-447
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