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Moral Formation In Childhood


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Moral formation in childhood

Starting from the meaning of morals this is a discipline of philosophy which is based on study according to parenting or other formations that develop from childhood.

"Morality is a set of existing norms, values ​​and beliefs in a society that serve as a model of behavior and assessment to establish what is right or wrong". 

Having that morality is a set of norms and customs which serve to direct the behaviors of an individual or siserto group of people.Allowing them to direct them to good behaviors within a social group, in order to their belief allowing it to be this, to be well or comply with certain required norms.

Starting from the importance that morality must have in childhood, it is essential since in these early stages it is where the infant is formed and develops in all the dimensions and intelligences of it; Learning to receive reiglas and respecting them which will serve you for your whole life without affecting adulthood thus a level of formation integro to serve society or a community without conflicts or undefeated behaviors fulfilling more easily the reiglas. Example: if you enter a job and in this as in which one other standards and reiglas will be easier Watch it.

According to (Piaget.) I call the morality described above as heteronomous morality. This means a morality that is formed by being subject to the rules of another person. Of course, for children at this age, the rules are what adults impose them.

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Therefore, it is a moral that comes from unilateral respect that owes their parents, teachers and other authority figures .. 

In other words, the author states that moral.

On the other hand, the author tells us about stages or stages which would be:

  • Motor Stadium: It is presented at the age of the child of the child which plays without rules and tends to play alone.
  • Egocentric Stadium: It is presented at the ages of (2 to 5) years where the child plays with other children but being a bit selfish respecting the rules proposed by the adult.
  • Cooperation Stadium: This is presented at ages of (7-8) years in this one talks about a mutual agreement between the pairs unifying the rules, and they are very competitive they want to win.
  • Stadium for the coding of the rules: sedan at ages of (10 to 12) years at this stage the children already respect the rules, without meaning and are interested in fulfilling the rule as such.


In order to present the author, the importance of these stages raised from the rules in childhood, evidencing behaviors in the child allowing to form the moral criteria of the infant which I contribute and will continue to contribute to the education and formation of the individual and thus overcome The proposed faces to form good intelligence in adulthood.

What is the importance of building a moral development in childhood

With respect to moral development in childhood it is vital since it is made foundations for life forming children with criteria, principles and character so that in the future there are no non -favorable decision -making for them, presenting weak human beings and influenced by the Modada or what they will say; by strengthening this moral aspect, regulating one’s behavior in an environment, being faithful to its principles, parenting or their culture being autonomous of their decisions.

What is our own moral development as teachers to later manage moral development in children. In relation to the moral development of the teacher it is important since we cannot talk about something that we do not know or do not live to give an example to our students being the followers of the teacher’s rules or concepts. It is such a great responsibility which is to educate; convincing with their own acts achieving an end which is teaching-learning taking into account that this is not just about transmitting knowledge is also strengthening being from values ​​and principles forming full human beings.

The moral training of the teacher is to internalize these processes and express them in everyday behaviors in the classroom with students and parents and coworkers, interacting with their environment can find their own identity, it also allows you to share your traditions, ideologies or culture which characterizes it. Having adequate moral training the teacher will reflect his aspirations or purposes of evidencing it in his pedagogy.   

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