Most Common Disabilities In Our Country And Advances
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The most frequent disabilities in Bolivia in order of frequency are visual, motor, auditory and to communicate, being the departments of the trunk axis the most affected, there are laws that favor their inclusion and reduce discrimination such as Law 070, Law 223, Law997, which implement better adaptation in education, inclusion in society and architectural adaptation. Already in the 21st century, advances in the implementation of laws, equipment according to disabilities, architectural adjustments in schools and public entities, use of technology for their best performance are evident.
Bolivia enters the 21st century and there are still no laws that benefit people with different disabilities for their inclusion within society, but there were advances starting with the Avelino Siñani and Elizardo Pérez educational law that favors in the adaptation of the classroom in front of the student with disabilities. There are other laws that avoid discrimination such as Law 977 of Labor Insertion and Financial Aid for Persons with Disabilities that guarantees a work source for people who have relatives with serious and very serious disabilities in the Armed Forces and the Police (A). Law 223 General Law for Persons with Disabilities that obliges public institutions to implement architectural adjustments in educational units, banks, etc.
In Bolivia 3 out of 100 people have some disability, 51 percent corresponding to women and 49 percent to men, corresponding 47 percent to visual difficulties, 17 percent to gait difficulties, auditory difficulties 15 percent.
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9 percent in difficulties to communicate, etc. The departments with the highest percentage of disabled people are peace with 32 percent, Santa Cruz 24 percent, Cochabamba 15 percent, etc.
In our country what are the types of disability framed within Bolivian laws?
The General Law for People with Disabilities 223 distinguishes the following types of disability:
- People with physical disabilities. They are the people with limitations in the movement,
- People with visual disabilities. People with blindness and low vision.
- People with hearing impairment. People with loss and/or auditory limitation to a lesser or greater degree.
- People with intellectual disabilities. People with limitations in the functioning of intelligence, in the development of adaptive behavior.
- People with mental or psychic disabilities.
- Multiple disability. Deficiencies are of physical, visual, auditory, intellectual or psychic nature.
Description of the most common disabilities in our environment and actions for its inclusion:
Visual disability: varies according to the degree of visual limitation, usually distinguish between blind people and people with visual decrease that had visual information of their environment, these are subdivided according to the type of limitation, either by acuity or by visual field. The causes can be:
- Prenatal causes being congenital or hereditary by different pathologies acquired by the mother or its genetic component.
- Perinatal causes for causes acquired at the time of birth.
- Postnatal causes that occur throughout life that can occur due to trauma, disease or old age.
For its inclusion to society there are texts with large typography, the Brayle system that exist in Entel cards, text electronic readers, applications in smartphones, artificial intelligence attendees, trained animals, etc.
Auditory disability: being a partial or total deficit in the perception of sound. They are distinguished between:
- Hearing loss, they present a partial deficiency that with a good diagnosis and use of devices such as hearing aids the problem is overcome.
- Deaf, they have total or deep deficiency. These require specialized operations.
Its main causes are:
- Genetic or hereditary causes.
- Acquired causes, which are acquired at some stage of life.
- Congenital, prenatal causes before childbirth for maternal infections such as rubelola and perinatal due to childbirth traumas, anoxia, etc.
Part of the treatment is to diagnose from birth to 3 years, after 3 years the ability to understand the words develops, for its inclusion it becomes sign language, a good diagnostic phono -audiologist, prevents complications, customizes headphones, cochlear implants, applications and special devices for better understanding with others.
Intellectual disability: also called oligofrenia, mental retardation or intellectual disability all belong to a single concept, which encompasses all people with a decrease in cognitive resources regarding their age. There are some syndromes such as Down, Asperger, Autism, PCI also presents a decrease in learning that are framed in the same concept. These are divided into:
- Mild intellectual disability: It is characterized by presenting among 50-70% of intellectual quotient. Most of the disabled are at this level. Their advantage is that they have little sensoriomotora condition, they come to school and can even become professionals.
- Moderate intellectual disability: its intellectual level is below 50% of intellectual quotient, they do not have autonomy, you always have to be supervising.
- Severe intellectual disability: the intellectual quotient between 20 and 35, are dependent on others, these patients do not make their own decisions.
- Deep intellectual disability: they are less frequent with intellectual quotient less than 20. It always has associated neurological problems, they have no communicative response.
Motor disability: This type of disability affects mobility being partial or total that difficulty the daily development. Its main causes can be infectious such as polyomelitis, viral such as Guillain Barre, stroke syndrome, malformations such as myelomeningocele, spina bifida, being caused by Tec, etc. They are classified:
- According to movement deficit: pays, plejias.
- According to the number of affected members: monoplexia, hemiplegia, dialexia, paraplegia, quadriplegia.
His greatest obstacles are architectural barriers, such as ramples, paths, not suitable bathrooms of institutions, banks, etc.
Psychosocial disability: Within mental disability, psychosocial disability affects the way of reasoning decreasing the ability to interact with society, it is generally accompanied by conditions such as deafness, mental or psychic diseases, motor disabilities. But it can also affect healthy people where social interaction loses.
They must be treated in an integral way, from the biological, psychological and social part, to achieve a recovery and integration into society.
Multiple disability: refers to two or more conditions present, whether at the intellectual, auditory, visual and motor level but also other conditions such as cerebral paralysis, epilepsy, scoliosis, autism, hydrocephalus and behavioral problems. Not only is the sum of these alterations, but also the development of the person, their possibilities at the functional, communicative, social level of learning.
Part of the treatment is to meet basic needs such as love, security, attention, stimulation.
Autistic spectrum disorders and syndromes: autistic spectrum disorder and large number of genetic syndromes that include: Angelman, Cohen, Williams, X-Frágil, Rett, Lango Cornelia, 22q11 deletion, Prader Willi syndromes, tuberous sclerosis complex andDown syndrome, are the most frequent cause of intellectual disability of chromosomal origin. All these have autistic features that with early stimulation can be given better quality of life.
The new laws that should be adapted thinking about people with disabilities have to promote inclusion and integration into society with jobs, opportunities and bonds in turn reduce the exclusion or segregation of schools, banks and public entities through the adaptation ofits environments for easy income.
The State must take measures that help or go for the benefit of people with disabilities such as:
- Measures so that buildings, vehicles and facilities that are built, facilitate transport, communication and access for people with disabilities.
- Discount on transport passages to people with disabilities.
- Signal together with transit the streets and special places to park vehicles that transport it.
- Facilitate adequate spaces in the streets, squares and fairs for which they must grant 10 percent total authorizations for stalls to people with disabilities.
- Favor admission to paid and discriminationless jobs
- Creation of Technical Craft Teaching Centers.
- Provide more medical care options and better protection for all people with different disabilities;
- Better access to social housing, long -term insurance with continuous rehabilitation option.
- (A)
- = 4942
- www.INE.Gob.Bo/Index.PHP/Press/notes-de-prensa/Item/448-in-Bolivia-Tres-de-Cada-100-Personas-They have-to-diverse-permanent (C) (C) (C)
- www.include know-on-disability-visual/
- www.include know-on-disability-Auditive/
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- www.Down21.Org/Virtual Magazine/1149-Revista-Virtual-2012/Magazine-Virtual-Agosto-2012-Numero-135/Summary-Testorno-De-Spectrum-Autista-Y-Sindrome.HTML
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