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My Life Philosophy: Positive Living & Resiliency


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My Life Philosophy: Positive Living & Resiliency
I view my life positively, and I am grateful for each day of my life. I believe that everything I have gone through has contributed to the person that I am today. From my childhood to present day I have gone through positive and negative life events. These life events taught me a lot of lessons, and they have also shaped my life to who I am this day.
There are various positive life events that I have encountered in my life. Some of them include: meeting good friends, being awarded a scholarship, family gatherings, a trip and many others. Positive life events made me happy and excited. They made me feel loved, appreciated and cared for. Meeting good friends allowed me to interact with them and have special moments to share my feelings, thoughts, and ideas. I was awarded a scholarship to further my education, and I was so excited to get this opportunity. A family gathering can also be considered part of my positive life events that I enjoyed time to time when we met as an extended family and had special moments with one of the members. I have also traveled to various destinations that were more beautiful than I ever expected (Csikszentmihalyi 30).
I have encountered various disappointing events in my life. I was once fired from a job that I loved so much. This experience made me feel disappointed with life, and I almost gave on ever finding another job that was good or better than the job I lost.

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Another negative life event is that passing on of a relative that was very close and dear to me. The death of the relative made me feel sad, depressed and angry since I could not understand how this had to happen. I was once robbed of my valuable things that I had left in my apartment. I had gone to work in the morning, but when I came in the evening, I found that thugs had broken into my room and taken all the things I valued. This situation was very agonizing considering that I have spent so many years accumulating money so that I could afford the things that were stolen.
In my life, I have friends who have changed my perspectives many times. They have come up with ideas and opinions that are unique and creative, and that is when I realized that people are different. I have met different types of friends. Some friends were caring and very loving sometimes more than my relatives. My encounter with these friends has enabled me to appreciate people from different cultural backgrounds. This experience has also taught me on how to live with people. I have learned to love everyone that I meet and to have a positive attitude towards people since people can change one’s life forever. These friends also encouraged and supported me in my career, and I owe them an appreciation for making me have a clear vision for my career.
I once had a trip to Africa and the experience I had completely changed my life. I had gone to Rwanda, and I got to see beautiful places as well as animals that I had never seen before in my life. I also got to see how people in that country lived a humble life without much luxury. The people there were so jovial and happy with the life they lived. Even though I did not feel that the kind of life that these people lived was satisfying, I can look back and be grateful for everything that I have. Seeing another world was an experience that I will remember my whole life since it opened my eyes to see that everyone in this world has an opportunity to live happy regardless of the money or resources that one possesses. I now live happily without letting external factors influence how I live each day (Cialdini 40).
The death of a relative taught me to appreciate people while they are alive since it will come a time that they will be no more. The experience has taught me to love people and also to build lasting relationships that would create a peaceful and happy environment. The robbery has taught me not to value worldly possessions so much since they are short term and it is only a matter of time before they are gone. Losing the job that I treasured made me think of starting my own business so as to avoid such embarrassments in future.
Positive life events have helped me achieve my goals. These events have changed my thinking so that I can focus on the positive side of my life. The memories of these life events inspire and motivate me so that I can manage to accomplish the goals. These events also give me hope and encourage me to continue so that the goals can be accomplished.
These events contributed to the high levels of stress that I experienced. The have also made me feel worse when I remember them. The robbery of my belongings made me start accumulating money again to buy the valuable. This took time before I could achieve my goals.
My level of happiness was high in case I encountered a positive event, but the level declined when negative events occurred. My level of happiness has therefore been fluctuating depending on what happens to me.
I view my life positively. I have encountered both positive and negative events in my life. Negative experiences have impeded the attainment of goals. Positive events have contributed to the attainment of goals. Negative life events have decreased the level of happiness while positive events have made me happier than before.
Works Cited
Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: Science and Practice. Pymble, NSW: HarperCollins ebooks, 2009. Internet resource.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life. New York, NY: BasicBooks, 2008. Print.

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