National Security In Times Of Crisis
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The crisis of what has been called a new economy is a global crisis, because everyone developed, to a greater or lesser extent, has participated in the investment process in this type of technologies and because developing countries or have producedAnd also exported, this type of goods and services or have benefited from the general growth that these investments have led.
The increase in public, military and civil expendof 130.000 million dollars of public spending, more than 1% of the American people, is significant compared to the losses of the new economy, one million millions of dollars worldwide. The concept of security in the 21st century must be broad and dynamic, to cover all areas concerning the security of the State and its citizens, which are variable according to the rapid evolutions of the strategic environment and cover from the defense of the territory to stabilityeconomic and financial or the protection of critical infrastructure. The changes and tendencies related to the security environment, its dimensions, and the responses requested by its preservation are factors that affect the vision of national security.
According to this integral vision, national security is the action of the State aimed at protecting the freedom, rights and well -being of citizens, to guarantee the defense of Spain and its constitutional principles and values, as well as to contribute together with our partners andAllied to international security in compliance with the commitments assumed.
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The constitutional mandate to guarantee democratic coexistence within the framework of the Constitution and the rest of the legal system and to protect citizens in the free exercise of their public rights and freedoms is facilitated in our country through a public security system supported primarily onTwo state bodies, one of civil nature the National Police-and another of a military nature-the Civil Guard-that, together with regional and local police, they have the responsibility for the maintenance of citizen security. The national security strategy constitutes the strategic political framework for the national security policy.
The modification in the meaning has sought to incorporate threats to security, and think that they are not located only abroad but also within the State, which forces to relate and integrate national and public security, separated by tradition, but inreality linked to face these new dangers. In a complementary way, after the impact of Hurricane Katrina in the United States, the need to rethink the national security approach has been recognized, to incorporate and take into account the increasingly severe damage that natural phenomena can cause. However, gradually it has been shown that local governments and their nationals are unable to face them alone, making intergovernmental collaboration and the formation of national and public security, whose articulation has been developed through the concept of internal security.
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