Native People
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Violation of the Rights of Native Communities in the USA.
In the 21st century, democracy is superior to all nations of the world compared to the colonial times when the dictatorship was the order of the day and citizens were not liberal in their native land. In the colonial times, there was neither constitutions nor set of rules that were established to ensure that each citizen had rights and freedom or even exercise democracy. Upon attainment of independence in all states of the world, there was a sense of ownership by the native communities in their land which is very crucial for the self-existence of the nation. Constitutions were put into place to cater for the needs of the citizens and also for the serving government in the land. Despite many years passing after attainment of independence, there are a variety of forms of dictatorship that have emerged in various nations or states in the world.
Globalization has opened doors to the migration of different races and people across continents and states to another through brain-draining, scholarships, educational exchange programs and even humanitarian aid for the refugees (“Rights Violations Of Indigenous Peoples” N.pag). The world is now popularly referred to as a global village showing the extent to which interaction has increased. America is composed of 51 states, and these are not fully comprised of the Native Americans that originated from the land. With the increased growing population of various races, tribes, and nationalities into the USA has sidelined the native communities to the extent of being regarded as extent.
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The federal government has clearly despised the rights of these native communities in the United States of America.
The native communities have clearly been downgraded by the current US governments as the treaties that were signed in collaboration with them have been violated and have led to the loss of acquisitions such as land. A movement of Native Americans initiated protests against the local government thus with the primary aim of appealing for the return of their pieces of land grabbed (Lendman N.pag). Among the land The Onondaga Indian Nation claimed to be grabbed included 2.5 million acres in upstate New York. The land that was accorded to them through a treaty signed by the founding Presidents of the U.S.A such including George Washington clearly stated that the stretch of land belongs to the native communities.
The US government in conjunction with the courts refusing to listen to the petitions against the land grabbing is a clear indication of the mistreatment and violation of laws to the native communities. The treaty signed by George Washington was an assurance for the Onondaga that the land was free for them to use in ways deemed fit you m. This is clearly not what has happened they have been pushed to the interiors, and their land has been converted to a money-making business as apartments, suites and rentals have been built over their land as they settle in marginalize lands that are remotely situated.
Sexual harassment and physical assault have become prominent among the Native American women residing in the US. The US Department of Justice departments clearly shows statistics that one out of three Native women shall be raped in their lifetime and out of four, three of the indigenous women shall be assaulted physically in their lives. Research has also clearly shown that the major assailants are non-Indians. The US government has not put in enough effort to secure the human rights of the native women by prosecuting the culprits performing the wrong deeds. All women have a right to be free will and to be treated with due respect and protection from violence and other dehumanizing situations. The native nationals such as Indian are unable to defend their citizens because the United States government only provides limited tribal authority to protect their people and punish perpetrators of iniquities. The federal government has also substantially cut down the funds allocated to law enforcements to the native communities which have significantly promoted the harassment and assault.
The dismissal of funds on law enforcement has led to the eradication of the tribal authority and also a denial of equality of the natives. With no form of protection towards the native communities their women are at a great risk of rape and assaults which are very shocking as human rights should be accorded to each and every person regardless of whether being a citizen or not. According to Keller et al. (103) imposition of the formal education by the United States of America to the native communities such as the Indians is clearly a violation of the human rights. Every human has the right to education according to their lifestyle.
Historically, United States of America denied tribes the right and capability of governing the education of their tribe members. In the 19th century, the US government contracted Indian education to the Anglo-American churches. Indian students were transferred to Federal US government boarding schools that were located far from the tribal lands, and upon the dawn of the 20th century, a large portion of the Indian schools had been closed down. As a result of this most native kids lost their tribal values and cultures (Holland N.p). NARF and TEDNA are associations that brought about relations between the states and the tribes. These federal agencies developed educational governance in member tribes, and this ensured that the kids of the native communities were able to learn their people’s way of life and virtues. This has led to the preservation of their culture and passes it on to future generations.
Levels of poverty in which members of the native community are living are very devastating. Most of the elderly in the natives dies of hypothermia during winter clearly indicating that their living standards are very much low. Most of the Natives live below the poverty line. Discrimination in workplaces, the organization, is very rampant towards the natives. Their median annual income is too much low. The federal government has deprived them of their resources such as lands that are filled with valuable minerals such as gold and have used them for their gain. No form of aid is guaranteed for the natives despite mining operations occurring in their lands. Incarceration of natives in the US is a very high rate. A large percentage of prisoners in the US are composed of the Native Americans. The Native Americans are blamed for any form of crime in the US. The natives are often disregarded across Europe in the case of thefts, or even dispossessions thus Native Americans are the prime suspect and most of them end up in private prisons (Lendman N.pag).
The federal government of USA has not set aside policies and laws that protect and safeguard the interests of the natives Americans making them vulnerable to harsh conditions as they serve jail terms. In the jail, whereas the Native Americans serve their jail terms they are ill-treated inside there. Discrimination from other inmates from other races. The corrections officers impose harsh treatment upon them as they are assaulted by mobs and also exposed to the filthy environment and poor medical treatment. Hard and tedious labor is given to them. This clearly shows that their rights are not only violated in the free world but also behind the prison walls where everyone is condemned and convicted they are still treated as outcasts (Keller et al. 102).
The federal government of the United States of America has clearly shown no keen interest in the rights of the Native Americans. The US government has completely extorted the Native Americans of what they originally owned. No legal protection has been set to safeguard the treaties that were established years ago. No legal protection against harassment of the native women and children. President Barrack Obama tried his best by ensuring that Native Americans are well treated and equally given opportunities as the rest of America. As new leadership dawns in the United States of America. Better environment shall be created for the Native Americans as they are part of America and have in the past taken a leading role in working hard for better conditions for all citizens. The federal government of USA should reclaim back all the lands and property taken away from the Native Americans. Thus, in conclusion, Native Americans should be equally treated as they are also a human who deserve dignity.
Works CitedBottom of Form
“Rights Violations Of Indigenous Peoples | Special Rapporteur Tells United Nations Permanent Forum | Meetings Coverage And Press Releases”. N.p., 2010. Web. 16 Nov. 2016. Top of Form
Holland, Jesse. “Native Americans Say US Violated Human Rights”. The Washington Times. N.p., 2014. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
Keller, Rosemary S, Rosemary R. Ruether, and Marie Cantlon. Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006. Print.
Lendman, Stephen. “Poverty And Despair: The Failed Policies & Human Rights Violations Directed Against Native Americans”. Global Research. N.p., 2008. Web. 16 Nov. 2016.
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