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Natural Biodiversity In Peru


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Natural biodiversity in Peru

Peru has an extraordinary variety of natural wealth, living resources and ecosystems.

We are one of the 10 diverse mega countries in the world. We have a lot of ecological floors and ecological zones on the planet, this makes we can produce a great diversification of products, such as potatoes, corn, cocoa, cañihua, peanuts, quinoa, and in turn house several species that inhabit the planet.

Biodiversity in Peru is due to the Andes mountain range, latitude and the Amazon jungle, factors that, together with the Humboldt current and the child generate a wide variety of climates, ecosystems and ecoregions in Peru. We have an abundance of forest resources, especially in the Peruvian jungle. Of the 128 522,000 million hectares that we have, 74 106,000 million are forest area, that is, 58% of our territory presents forest resources with 2500 different species.

We have one of the most productive seas, where 6% and 8% of the world’s fishing landings are produced, a Amazon that represents 20% of the planet’s air and 77 protected natural areas (ANP) that cover a surface greater than19 million continental and sea hectares. (17.3% Peruvian territory). We enjoy food diversity, we have 184 species of plants and 5 of domesticated animals. This variety of ecosystems, which includes the entire Peruvian surface, generates a broad capital to improve the development of the country.

Renewable natural resources, the profits offeredImprovement in the use of ecosystems.

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Protected natural areas have an enormous potential for use to generate wealth that benefits local populations. In this way the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp) works for biodiversity conservation and the best way of use for the development of our country. Only in the protected natural areas, 1 billion dollars to the national economy are contributed every year. The forest resource is unquestionable a great and valuable potential, which properly used, would mean the future of the country’s economy, with a probability of becoming one of the most important areas for the national and international market.

However, the forest resource has not been administered in the right way in its management, administration and protection;Therefore, this resource presents a growing threat in deforestation due to talas, burns and mainly migratory agriculture, the main cause of deforestation in Peru. The problem is very complex, it has environmental, social, ecological and political impacts. Therefore, part of the strategy in this problem is to determine the deforested places to recover soils, increase productivity and allow the population to have a stable activity that does not lead to the felling and burning of trees.

Discriminated livestock and agriculture, the overexploitation of the natural environment, pollution of the environment, are some of the other threats that put the work of the natural areas protected to society and the economy at risk. The loss of biodiversity generates very serious consequences, since most of the poorest rural population depends on productivity and ecosystems for their food and daily economy.

Therefore, its conservation and sustainable use is sought and through that, improve the quality life of rural populations.

In order to value and maintain natural capital in the country, the General Directorate of Biological Diversity has worked in the following solutions:

  • "Public Investment Policy Guidelines in Biological Diversity and Systemic Eco Services 2015 – 2021":

They seek to reduce threats to biological diversity such as deforestation, overexploitation of species, ecosystems degradation and climate change changes;Promote public, private and society participation. improving the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and systemic eco services, through financing and investment to achieve said objective.

  • “National Science, Technology and Innovation Program in Biodiversity Valuation together with the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (Concytec)”:

Its objective is to increase scientific knowledge and technological innovation for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for the benefit of society.

  • “Law No. 29811 of moratorium to the entry and production of modified living organisms (OVM)” 2011-2021:

Law that establishes a moratorium for 10 years to the entry and production of OVM.

It seeks to increase national capacities in biodiversity, promote the development of specialized infrastructure in the field and generate knowledge about scientific biodiversity to face and regulate the use of OVM.

  • "Law No. 30215 of compensation mechanisms for Systemic Eco Services":

This law seeks to generate, guide, and invest economic, financial and non -financial resources, where it contributes to the development of local, regional initiatives that allow the conservation and sustainable use of systemic eco services, generating economic, social and environmental benefits for society.

We are a country with enormous biodiversity that must be preserved and exploited for our development, since it is an important part of our innumerable wealth. They also help the well -being of the population of the country and the world.

Nature is an important element of production, Peru seeks sustainable growth that promotes the use of our natural resources in a rational and established way in the laws, maintaining the balance between those interested in the environment. 

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