Need to Overachieve
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“I need to be top of my class,” “I just have to get an ‘A’ in that exam,” “I have to graduate with first class honors.” These are the thoughts that torture my mind every time every day. Since I was young, I needed to be better and perform exemplary than the other kids in academics, but as fate would have it, I lacked funds to sponsor my college degree. However, I am fulfilling that dream of graduating college now twenty years later. I still vividly remember my awful elementary days where kids would make fun of me and called me a freak. This I because I was different, I was shy, kept to myself, and I was horrible in sports, so they said. I could barely throw a baseball back then, and the other kids taunted and discriminated me for that and to add salt to the injury, they would call me ‘weak.’
I swore that I would never let anyone make me small and inferior, I wanted to outdo them in everything and prove that I could be like them or even better. From then till now, I have needed to be better than my workmates and everyone else around me, and it has not been the easiest of goals to accomplish because there are people better and more skilled than me. I feel like I owe it to myself to perform exceptionally well in my class to show my young classmates that even though I got here late, I can do better than you. It has been draining and tiresome continually trying to prove myself to people who do not even think any less of me.
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Sometimes it is like I am competing with myself. My social relations with workmates and family members have suffered a great deal also as I am always throwing my achievements on their faces to make myself feel and look good. I have recognized the need for me to work on this issue so that my teamwork and corporation with other employees can be enhanced. It is not a competition but working for a common goal, self-improvement, and actualization.
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