Negative Consequences Generated By Nuclear Plants In Our Society
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Nuclear plants are industrial facilities used to produce electricity from nuclear energy, taking advantage of the heat produced by nuclear fission, to convert water into steam and thus generate energy, it is by this means of electricity generation that has been supported largely the demand for energy at a global level; However, in the past certain catastrophes caused by nuclear plants that have questioned the use of this method of electricity generation have been evidenced, since, a disaster of this nature could cause high levels of radiation and affect health, agriculture and other areas of the human being.
Throughout history, different catastrophes generated by nuclear plants have been evidence .“In [1], on March 11, 2011 there was a nine -degree earthquake on the Richter scale, which occurred on the Pacific plate, thus causing the tsunami waves more than ten meters high, which generated large destruction in different reactors of the nuclear plant, mainly in the reactor one, this caused liberation of polluting gases and radiation ".
About nuclear disasters it is important They correspond to those that stop by not appropriate means, however, it is important to emphasize that in both cases we can show collateral damage, “in [2] it is mentioned, that even if the generation of fission, which causes radiation), can stop By the appropriate means, the heat released by the disintegration of the combustible elements of the reactor, remain radioactive for thousands of years .
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.. human, since, even in the best scene of a possible catastrophe, some negative impact will always be generated, in this case radiation.
As a consequence of nuclear disasters, other risks that nuclear plants represent, in addition to radiation, are the case of soil, air and seas pollution; that generate infertile soils, diseases such as cancer, among others.
“In [2] it is evidenced, these materials are not only deposited on the ground, on a radius of tens of kilometers around the plant, disabled the land for cultivation and room, but expands with winds and currents Water throughout the globe, increasing the risk of death, especially due to cancer, in neighboring countries and not so neighboring … "
On the other hand, the economic impact generated by a nuclear catastrophe can be evidenced, with the case of Fukushim Of the operations of Japanese nuclear plants, this idea can be sustained with the following paragraph: “Japan was forced to reduce its consumption of electrical energy by 15% and suffer the heat of summer. The temperature of the air conditioners was placed 2 ℃ above the usual and now is set at 28 ℃ ”.
The previous text highlights how it affected the country to depend on nuclear energy, creating negative consequences in the Japanese population, such as the increase in electrical receipt des proportionally in the best case, but the total lighting, in addition to millionaire losses of different entrepreneurs and the Japanese government; evidencing once again than the use of this energy method, it mostly generates negative consequences, that the benefits that society can obtain.
Due to nuclear accidents that occurred in Chernobil (Ukraine) and Fukushima (Japan), different countries took the initiative to stop the operation of nuclear energy production, as evidenced, in [1] the use of the last active reactor of The 54 that are installed in Japan. For the first time since the Japan Nuclear Plant Program began in 1971, the country will stop generating electricity by this means. It is not expected that in the course of a few years the operation of nuclear power plants in Japan will be reactivated. This is how different countries took initiative to reduce or eliminate electricity production by nuclear reactors.
In summary, nuclear plants have evidenced throughout history different negative consequences in many areas of society, it is for this reason that the production of electricity is suggested by alternate means such as: wind, geothermal, solar, hydroelectric energy and others; With the aim of reducing the risks that can be generated in the production of electricity, in addition to eliminating the uncertainty generated by nuclear plants in surrounding populations or in itself worldwide.
- Morones Ibarra, José Rubén. Fukushima’s nuclear accident. TECHNOLOGICAL SEARCH OF COSTA RICA (BASE). 2012.
- Julio Gutiérrez, Professor of Molecular and Nuclear Atomic Physics. Nuclear energy risks. PDF Document Google search engine. Alcalá de Henares, November 21, 2012.
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