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Equality is a social norm that has been and continues to be implicitly centered in our societies. The existence of multiple inequalities or multiple dimensions of stratification and social categorization is today part of common sense in society. When talking about various aspects, however, it is necessary to start from a significant differentiation between the analytical dimensions and the criteria and categories that the Protagonists construct and use in their daily practices and their interpersonal relationships. For the protagonists, the groups with which they differentiate or identify with others and are built from their experiences, in the specific situations in which they find themselves. The differences between individuals are more often converted into inequalities because we are immersed in systems that privilege groups over others, providing them with more and better opportunities for well-being. Also, the difference is a transversal variable that affects homogeneously all the social strata in which women and the rest of the discriminated groups are situated. Patriarchies is not a structure of autonomous oppression, concentrated in the relations of subordination of women to men, but a similar set of abuse, class, race, gender, and social condition.
Gender discrimination in education severely affects women, and also the male gender at times. Discrimination is facilitated by other variables, with the example of social or sexual orientation, religion, and ethnicity.

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To understand the social inequalities between men and women, one must start from the fact that it is a historical and complicated process of social relations, based on the belief that men gender is more superior compared to the female gender. The act of gender discrimination tolerates one gender to receive privileges and domination in the society in aspects such as ethical, moral, legal, material and symbolic aspects. After having done a survey, the most repetitive responses had to do with the low expectations of teachers related to intellectual skills, since female students are perceived to be inherently less bright than boys. Some students have been protagonists of these actions wherein group work; the male was always given the responsibility of representing the group while the woman only had to say. This lack of gender equality is detected within education. This situation has been an evident experience of a student and that we can use as an example when talking about gender inequality within education.
Other disadvantages of women, focuses on sports. Usually, children have enough space to practice certain games, while girls are not offered the same area. For example, Ana is very good at playing soccer, but when registering she never had the acceptance of the sports department at her university. That experience shows the inequality or disadvantage that women have within education. Although in some universities, gender inequality has dramatically reduced, others continue to register this lack of gender equality between men and women.
Discrimination on aspects of skin color, race and gender is still a problem that is registered even in the contemporary society in general and in education in particular. There are many disadvantages that students have with black skin and advantages that white skin has. For example, white people are associated with a wealthier and higher social class, since, for historical reasons, the white race was of European descent. After having interviewed certain people, the interviewees showed that they had higher educational expectations for the white student than for the black student. Thus, for example, while they were waiting for the lighter-skinned one to succeed in college, they were more likely to study at a professional institute or just not enter higher education. They also believed that the white student would get better grades and that the black man was more likely to want to go to work instead of continuing to study. Those and many answers show the inequality within education. Although the participation of people with black skin in school is now widely recorded, many people still assume that participation would not change their point of view about the black race.
The inequality of educational opportunities is a fundamental principle of society that can be explained by the social stratification; which will determine the social division according to the distribution of economic, social and symbolic goods. Many have the privilege of belonging to high social status, and others have the disadvantage of about low social status. Some students are not proud or happy in the universities they study because they lack certain things that other universities have. It is there where the social state plays an important role. The higher your social rank, the better your children will go to college.
After having interviewed individual students, many say they are not happy in the universities where they are studying, but there was no option. They would have liked to explore at universities such as Washington State University, Maryland University, etc. But it has not been possible because they do not belong to high social status. The best universities have high prices, and that would be a disadvantage for a family with low social status.
In an educational environment as in society, in general, the color of your skin plays an essential role in how a student from the discriminated groups receives their education. For example in America, a black or Latino student has low chances of pursuing and completing his/her postsecondary education unlike the white students in the nation. This isn’t because they have a disability or lower capability than other students that will prevent them from studying. Instead, these students from minority groups aren’t supported in their education instead they are discouraged. The education sector is faced with many flaws such as quality of teaching is wanting, teachers are scrutinized, and the media criticize the inability of some school to perform hence ends up worsening the situation. Many usually attend schools that are poorly funded under a racist, classist system while the whites and the high-income families provide good education to their children. For example, a learning institution that offer to learn programs to low income and the minority may lack access to out-of-class programs that may assist students with their learning such as field trips to laboratories and other educational centers; they lack basic learning items such as adequate textbooks for all students and technological tools such as computers.
Race does not necessarily affect learning negatively because these minority students who are discriminated due to their race may opt to deeply embrace their culture and heritage hence forging new paths and reclaiming their identity for positive individual development. This developmental process can, in turn, lead to new paradigms in adult education that leads to better success for minority student by incorporating socioculturally appropriate values and beliefs in the learning sector.
In conclusion, inequality is a transversal variable that affects homogeneously all the social strata in which women and the rest of the discriminated groups are located; Patriarch, which is not a structure of autonomous oppression concentrated in the relations of subordination of women to men. But a similar set of abuse, class, race, gender, and social condition. After analyzing specific points, we conclude that inequality of gender, race, and class is still registered within society. Where the masculine gender, the white race, and the upper class have a significant advantage in a community in general and in education in particular, while the female gender, the black race, and the lower level do not enjoy specific benefits and privileges such as others.
The factors in the society that influence social inequality include divorce and discrimination. Divorce is a matter that not only affects those in marriage but their kids and the society at large. According to research, four people in every 1000 people face divorce in their lifetime. Therefore I perceive divorce as the most problematic inequality in our society. According to a census that was carried out in 2007 it was evident that factors such as education, focus on individualism, late marriage and focus on employment are the main factors that are influencing divorce in the society. These aspects have negatively affected how humans interact, and the female gender has been negatively affected because more than half of the women in the nation are living solely without a husband. Other aspects such as the political and economic situation in the nation also affect the family. Due to divorce, the society has transformed because harmful activities such delinquency, poverty abortion and crime rate escalate. Divorce has an adverse effect on the children in that family and research proves that kids being taken care of by a guardian or a single parent tend to perform poorly in school and life compared to kids living with both the dad and the mother. Therefore there is a need to curb divorce if we wish social inequality to end in the society. Some aspects such as traditional marriages need to be encouraged with the aim of improving how couples live together.
Work Cited
LEON-GUERRERO, Fifth ed, 2018, pp. 170–238.
Kimberly. Personal interview. 12 Mar. 2018.
Parker, John. Personal interview. 14 Mar. 2018.
Rokou, Ana. Personal interview. 14 Mar. 2018.
Beseku, Ignacio. Personal interview. 15 Mar. 2018.

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