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New Technologies Applied To Human Resources Management In Colombia’S Companies


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New technologies applied to human resources management in Colombia’s companies

The objective of this bibliographic review is to investigate the new technologies that currently exist in Colombia and that are applied in the area of human resources management. The results show that the new technologies applied to the human management area focus on digital recruitment, knowledge management and replacement of people in jobs by machines or software.

Likewise, this bibliographic review exposes how this issue is addressed, for the most part, by the area of computer sciences, a fact that made the achievement of scientific articles that address this topic from the area of administrative and strategic management difficult.


Human resources management was born in the United States in the 70’s as a complement to strategic administration, from there it has evolved and has almost been practiced in all countries of the world. In Colombia, the practice and research in the area of human management was incipient in the 2000s, however, at that time it was expected that human resources management would be an administrative discipline to be part of the strategy of organizations. At present, the human talent management, also called Human Resources Management, is a significant tactic for the company, because an adequate implementation will be reflected in the company’s human and economic capital. 

The evolution in human talent management has been accompanied by the development of other lines such as computer science, artificial intelligence and the development of robotics, these sciences create interesting mergers that have allowed throughout the last two decades,Generate synergistic and collaborative processes where the use of Colombian technological tools that allows them to manage knowledge within the company, to make personnel selection in a digital and automatic way and replace labor with specialized machinery is evident.

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This review is presented in 6 sections, throughout which the problem addressed, the basic concepts for the understanding of this review, the methodology used, the findings are shown, an analysis of these findings is carried out, it is carried out,concludes and written some recommendations based on the difficulties presented in this bibliographic review.

Human talent management in companies

The first practices around human talent management aimed at the welfare of workers and within companies, the department in charge of this was called the Secretariat of Welfare or Welfare Department. Social, political and economic conditions has marked the evolution of human talent management, in the Colombian case, in the 21st century a change in the conditions of hiring practices is evidenced, today there is a more flexible hiringAnd with a remuneration for productivity and competency management, this is how human resources management today aims to increase productivity and competitiveness. In this historical moment, different theoretical perspectives are imposed that talk about human management not only as a necessary process, but as the very center of the organization.

However, there are other currents such as the globalization and development of information and communication technologies, which have made human management a hiring trend that contains the commitment to create loyalty and potentiate the qualities and aptitudes of thepeople. Due to the aforementioned changes, human management must tend to create cybernetic systems that help manage these changes properly. Since 1992 the authors propose the creation of two types of systems that allow managing skills and behaviors as well as work performance evaluation systems that should be complemented with results -based reward systems.

Currently, human resources information systems called the HRIS have been created in English, the knowledge economy accompanied by the advances in the aforementioned ICTs, brought with them these developments that have been adopted by many companies in order toto improve their processes, in human resources management. The most important thing in the use of HRIS is to provide qualified personal organizations and manage knowledge, providing employees with the ability to develop applicable skills in the same company.

Artificial intelligence applied to human resources management in Colombia

Artificial intelligence (I.A) It is the union of engineering and science to make machines intelligent. The I.A has been useful implementation in several fields and its application in business has generated good results in the achievement of the competitive advantages of companies by improving processes, reducing costs and showing possible future scenarios so that managers can make decisions.

In Colombia, the application of artificial intelligence systems has been evidence. Companies are benefited in production costs, but with these strategies the labor system is holful because these people become unemployed. 

Another modern process that is evidenced and that has also been permeated by innovation and computational sciences has been knowledge management within companies, which seeks to motivate, infuse, appropriate and apply knowledge where necessary for the company. Knowledge management can become a competitive advantage depending on the strategy with which it is managed. Knowledge management within companies must be an organized and coherent process to generate knowledge and transfer it 

Some companies in Colombia use information systems to manage knowledge within the company, these softwares offer employees digital training in areas recommended by the company and carry the training hours of the training hours that each employee has taken, with this information inThe system, companies are clear who has that required knowledge and who could move from dependency to apply the knowledge acquired. However, the information systems that fulfill this function within the companies have challenges very similar to the difficulties that knowledge management presents, these are classified into three great difficulties, the first would be the barriers for the integration of knowledge, the transferof knowledge and finally the actions for effective knowledge management.Based on the above, it is known that the information systems that manage knowledge are greater complexity software because they must recognize staff skills, overcome the difficulties mentioned and be in continuous review and modification by the company.

Recruitment is one of the key factors in human resources management dependencies, however, this factor has also been subject to changes when permeated with computational sciences, which gave way to the so -called digital recruitment. The electronic media that drive digital recruitment are social networks, the websites of companies and employment portals. However, today in many countries of the world the traditional recruitment method supported by digital recruitment is used. 

For digital recruitment through the companies’s own websites, a link called “works with us” is used, there the person who is looking for new job opportunities must enter their personal data, the studies they have, some ask for certification of thestudies, the position he could aspire and his salary aspiration. To generate efficient recruitment, the user must enter such information but the company is called to maintain updated labor proposals and provide effective feedback to applicants in case vacancies are supplied.

Internet also offers other recruitment alternatives such as job search portals that offer the option to offer jobs for companies and the vacancies search option for natural persons. Employment portals also offer the possibility of presenting behavioral tests and reviewing the comments that other employees have made of the company. 

The last digital recruitment strategy is made up of social networks, which allow companies. The contact by the human management area with the user of social networks is accompanied in most times of a virtual interview using ICTs for this. 

It is expected that digital recruitment tools will increase over time that ICTs and world community access to the Internet advance.


The study carried out was of an exploratory type, with a descriptive, transverse, qualitative approach since the development of the topic is taken into account in the current time, what is found is described and the VosViewer program is taken into consideration to perform the analysis of the data found.

4 databases were chosen having as the most important the Scopus database for the ease that this presents for the development of the bibliometric analysis. Likewise, 4 search equations were developed which were applied to each of the databases.


An exhaustive information search was performed, which yielded few results due to the emphasis that was chosen about artificial intelligence in human resources management. The bibliography found was more focused on the computational science algorithms and programs that are used to program the machines to perform the work, as indicated in Figure 1, which shows the concurrence of key words of the investigated bibliography.

It was sought in four databases, Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc and Google Schoolar with several search topics such as artificial intelligence in human resources management, new technologies applied to the selection of human talent and artificial intelligence applied to the selectionof human talent.


Returning to the search equations and graphics made to find familiarity between the articles, the collaborative work between authors and the countries that work on this issue, it can be seen that, as indicated in Figure 2 the three countries that write the most about theHuman Resources Management are the United States, China and India (VosViewer). It had already been mentioned that the human resources management issue is very worked from the areas of computer science and robotics. Analyzing this context, it should be noted that the United States and China are developed countries, which invest in research in software, robotic and computer development areas. In these countries there is a return on the investment that they carry out in research by presenting more stable economies than developing countries. In the case of India, despite not being a developed country, young university students have a certain taste for training in areas such as computer science and languages, causing India to develop potential knowledge in these areas and some developed countries seekThat knowledge in this territory.


Human resources management has had several changes over time, these changes have been marked by the industrial, economic and political moment of countries, as well as technological developments in telecommunications and robotics have led to transformationbusiness and all the company’s offices. We can conclude then that the management of human resources and everything that this entails is the subject of constant changes and that in the future the tendency is that this dependency works in greater synergy with the computational sciences while ensuring the specific requirements and objectives that requirethe company.

In Colombia, there is also a marked tendency to use computer systems that help in some human resources management tasks, the true challenge at the country level is that the use of these technologies does not generate greater unemployment but based on trainingAnd good knowledge management, employees can be trained and thus introduce the technological tools that replace the operational part of people but create new jobs for the support of said technology.


According to the results obtained from this bibliographic review, it is recommended to emphasize the planning and development of research projects where the new technologies applied in human resources management are worked with a more administrative, managerial and strategic approach. Additionally, for the specific case of Colombia, as a country in development, where technological tools and technological change are not as fast as in developed countries, it is recommended to carry out training for people to learn about the technological tools that will be used inA near future so that at the time of entry of new technologies people are trained and a job can be found more easily.


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