Nothing is Impossible with God
Words: 550
Pages: 2
English 101
20 February 2018
Positivity Is Possibility
The author Stephen Crane uses allusion and repetition to argue that the theme of positivity, which is a good perception of life, is critical to human survival and their daily encounters. The key point on positivism, which is how a person perceives life, is conveyed in the repetition of the phrase if I am going to be drowned (p. 220), it is used three times which is as the Biblical allusion to Peter who denied Jesus three times and repetition of the same phrase to emphasize on the theme.
The attitude of positivity is critical to human survival in our daily lives we encounter numerous challenges and situations daily the situations come with different intensities, and people react uniquely to them. How we people react to situations tells a lot about them and their perception of life. To other people, the situations might break them, but to others, it strengthens them. The use of the phrase if I am going to be drowned is used repetitively three times in the story, (p. 220), this is a biblical allusion of the time when Peter denied Jesus three times before the cock crowed.
The situation from the story The Open Boat is similar to the Biblical story of Peter where the persona questions themselves three times. The phrase in the story shows the desperation of the people and they expected the worst to happen in the specific event that was occurring. But, despite their desperation, they still had hope which is a sign of positivism.
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This is clearly shown when they use the word “If” (p. 220), it is used repetitively to signal uncertainty and lack of surety in their bad situation which is a sign of hope. The author also portrays a picture of irony where it is not humans that deny their super being it is Him that seems to ignore them and He let them face some little challenges probably for some reason.
Positivity is always a sign of hope and a better future, thus it brings the aspect of possibility to the ones in need. Human beings should have constructive thoughts in whatever situation they find themselves in life. In times of difficult situations, people need to think in the right manner so as to enable themselves to cope up with solutions that are practical to their lively hoods. In the story, the author magnifies the power of positive thoughts in difficult situations and the possibilities that come along when we think positively in difficult moments.
This is reflected when he says “This oiler, by a series of quick miracles, and fast and steady oarsmanship turned the boat in the middle of the surf and took her safely to the sea again” (p.221). this phrase clearly signifies the hope that people have in an existing supernatural being to whom they believe works out miracles that are beyond the human capacity and thus can redeem them even when they are caught up in trouble that seems very big. Which is the ideal situation in the current society where the majority of the people are worshipers to a superhuman being to whom they look up to in moments of desperation and despair? To the Christians and Muslims, they both have their own supernatural being with a different name in each religion.
In conclusion, the author uses allusion and repetition to teach and emphasize that whatever challenges we experience as human beings we should always look up to our supernatural being. A picture of love, care, and concern is portrayed of our supernatural being. We deduce that the supernatural being has abilities that are beyond our human thoughts. Even though we do not ask our supernatural for help He sees what we undergo and will always come to our aid.
Crane, Stephen. The open boat. Vol. 46. Lulu. com, (2016): 220-221
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