Novel La Peste By Albert Camus
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Albert Camus at the beginning of his novel mentions the city of Oran, where you can see its negativity towards it, mentioning that the city is ugly, implying that it cannot be compared in a city that has trees, pigeons and even noticedThe change of the climatic station, which is why it generates a prejudice, but really, what is a prejudice? It is a previous negative trial of some group and its members.
To specify the information Myers (2005) mentions that a prejudice is the negative pre -conception towards a group and its individual members. They are a prejudiced attitude and person. Prejudices come from various sources. They arise from differences in social position and desires of people to justify and maintain these differences. When prejudices are established, they are mainly held by inertia. If society accepts prejudices, many people follow the way of the least resistance and fold to use. They do not act so much for a need for hate, but for a need to be loved and accepted.
Now identified prejudices, because this negative attitude towards the city is taken? This is due to the stereotypes that we have as a society, ideals, beliefs in which we have grown, by our parents of fact for generations, beliefs are transmitted and that have made us have throughout our life.
Stereotypes are beliefs about the personal attributes of a group of individuals. Sometimes stereotypes are excessive, they are inaccurate and are resistant to new information.
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Stereotypes (beliefs) are not prejudices (attitudes). Stereotypes can support prejudices. Anyway, one would believe that, separate prejudices, men and women are ’different but the same’. Stereotyped beliefs, prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behaviors have harmed human existence.
Now in what has been observed, it is asked again and derives to have this negative attitude?, And sadly it develops from feelings, thanks to our culture and ideologies. If we realize a little, even what has been read and understood of reading, and related to texts, everything falls to our culture, ideologies are influenced by society, and I think we are all able to form an idea about ourown thoughts.
Deepening the reading of the plague, we can observe why there is some repulsion about the city of Oran and in a way there is right, the carelessness of the people or the same government is not known, but an epidemic is hit in the city, an epidemic citywhere it leaves hundreds and thousands of dead and corpses in the city, putting it in quarantine and having many limitations for the development of an active city of commerce.
In the text there is something very important that we must highlight Dr. Rieux, the medium treats anywhere sustain and reduce the cases of the epidemic, although the most curious thing about this situation, he is not originally from the city and tried to sneak out but bySurveillance measures were not successful, thus taking the reins of his life and doing what he likes most with ethics and value.
It is observed that the epidemic brings many negative consequences for a social group, but also positive things, in this case the city where they all have a common objective that is to achieve the integral health of citizens who live in the city and ifWell mentioned (Turner, 1990) a group influences their opinions, beliefs and behaviors. This indicates that any social behavior depends on the culture they have taught us.
In the city of Oran, the plague altered the psychological state of all its inhabitants, since they are subject to many precautionary measures due to the result of what was the expansion of the plague. They were faced with situations of isolation, and caused a feeling of imprisonment over all where many things begin to value that they did not take much importance to give them much importance. A massive depression invaded all of that place, where the appearance of the city is impregnated with a great feeling of bitterness, uncontrollable despair and loneliness. That despair manifested himself at a time in the violence of the inhabitants of Oran, and life for plague becomes overshadowed, since he did not only affect his body but also affected his soul and his mind.
For several months, the city of Oran remained bent to the plague where thousands of people living in that city circled over the same place, without moving forward more where for weeks they maintained an attitude of indifference towards the plague and the world. It was lived without future in the city all exhausted but then little by little a feeling of equality between all those who lived the city, since everyone was trapped in the plague so they better understand each other and friendly gestures began to emergeAmong them where melancholy surpassed them and their memories pressed over their hearts.
Arciga (2013) mentions that groups are different in the sum of their parts. A group in the psychological sense is one that is significant for its members, they refer to it to make comparisons, to acquire values and norms, as well as all its members are accepted and they feel that they belong to the group. In all groups there are collective representations: beliefs, ideas and memories in common as well as staying in this story.
With the passing of the days, the authorities decide to open the doors outside and return everything that was expected with anxious where the relatives who were finally remote words of love and sincere condolences, and began to reign a peace,After so much suffering. The people of Oran were no longer the same as before, and they began to value the things that were not before their liking or kept them far, in appearance people had triumphed at what the plague was and began to forget everything bad. The deaths sowed a feeling of equality among all and were glad when the city’s doors opened, giving a new opportunity to the city of Oran to get ahead socially and economically.
And finally, learning can be understood in what happened that people have things that are worth admiring to despise but above all it should be taken into account that happiness is always threatened despite the fact that even when the crowd isfinding blissful it was ignored that the plague will never die or disappear and that it can remain hidden for centuries in thoughts and then whip humanity again.
The negativity towards the city of Oran is simple, nobody in the world thinks the same, you can have similar but not equal thoughts, this triggers how the city is handled in its surroundings. In this story, stereotypes are reflected as the prejudices that are made. As well as the groups that were formed in the city were developed to continue with the pandemic where different attitudes were reflected that the people who lived that situation took, where there was violence and aggressions not more by the people who werecontagion but also by people who were not and wanted to stay away from the plague, but at the end of everything it was achieved that people understood that it is better to be united and not separate into groups so that there is no violence and can move onWith their lives because perhaps an epidemic does not disappear totally as it seems but you learn to live with it but taking care of the disease that harms the most is how society behaves in these situations in the world.
- Arciga, s. (2013). Groups in s. Arciga, j. Juarez and J. Mendoza (coords.) Introduction to social psychology. Mexico: UAM-Porru.
- Baron, r. And Byrne, D. (2005). Aggression: its nature, causes and control in social psychology. Madrid: Pearson Education
- Camus, a. (1956). Plague. Alliance Editorial
- Myers, d. G. (2005). Prejudices in Social Psychology. (8th. Ed.). Mexico, MC Graw-Hill/Inter-American.
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- Turner, j. (1990). Rediscover the social group, Madrid: Morata.
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