Nursing And Japanese Care
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From the combination of the culture of Japan, considered one of the richest and most exotic worldwide, the traditions that last, the organization and order that is constantly maintained almost perfectly (both culturally and socially), as well as another series of factors, the Japanese nurse profession will be described precisely, in order to acquire a minimum of cultural knowledge. To do this, it will be essential to position yourself in a contextual framework not only in the past, but also today, and subsequently continue with the development and influences that Japan nursing has experienced.
Likewise, care will be discussed during times of war and postwar period, and there will be mention of Take Hagiwara, a representative figure of Japanese nursing whose work showed to be of great importance. After understanding all the above, the work will be concluded with a brief comment in order to reconsider and reflect on what Japanese infirmary is unique.
Origin and contextual framework of nursing in Japan.
As needed in documented history, it is said that Japanese nursing had its origin approximately one thousand two hundred years, and as it is traveled in the complete historical chronology of the country, the temporal framework in which it is corresponding to the ancient erafrom Japan (Kodai), which, in turn, is divided into two;being in the respective order: Nara period (Nara-Jidai) and heian period (Heian-Jidai).
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The time that Nara encompasses (from 710 to 794) continues towards the beginning of the Asuka period after establishing the capital of the country in the current city of Nara. This became a city that was based on the capital of China existing at that time, being Chang’an during the Tang dynasty. The Nara period is marked by the splendor that came to experience numerous spiritual and artistic works that today become the most representative of Japan, considered important not only for their age, but also because of the fact that they contain legends, poetry, and history.
You should not ignore a Japanese classic, Kojiki, if you want to study in depth the history of the country. Translated into Spanish, it is titled “Registration of Ancient Events”, and contains, as its title suggests, a medley of previous events along with a compilation of legends, songs, poems, anecdotes and substitutes. Nihon Shoki, or literally translated as "the chronicles of Japan", nor can it go unnoticed, because it is another representative work of the entire history of Japan. This book mainly contains a set of myths and legends that cover from the appearance of the Kami or gods, until the year 697.
Together with these two books, both of the oldest in Japan being mentioned the fact that the upper class of Japanese society during the Nara era assimilated the writing of ancient China by incorporating characteristics of Chinese language, whichToday the third existing alphabet for Japanese language (Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) forms. Consequently and inevitably, the Japanese culture of that time adopted Chinese culture and in turn the Buddhist religion, which would become one of the most important religions together with Shintoism, both coexisting to today.
Subsequently, the era of Heian (peace and tranquility) begins with the establishment of the new capital of Japan to Heian-Kyo, being the current city of Kyoto. It covers between 794 and 1185 and like the previous period, this is also remarkable and important for its artistic literature and poetry. It is worth noting the appearance of Kara-E art, which, translated into Spanish means Chinese-style painting and derives from the art of the Chinese T’ang dynasty, composing mainly from illustrations of Chinese stories and legends along with landscape illustrations.
However, the fact that the era of maximum splendor and fullness of the class of the Samurai warriors should undoubtedly be emphasized, and although the origin of these becomes the present in a controversial debate, in the past it wasspeculates that they are the successors of the Kondeisei system. In this system, the Japanese government then resorted to young heirs of weir families with skills worthy to shoot with the arch and riding on horseback, and thus being able to serve the corresponding provincial rulers. Historians, therefore, believe that due to the increase in dynastic wars and battles, the act of care began to take importance.
As mentioned previously in the first section, there is a record of the first time that nurses are discussed twelve centuries through a legend:
It is said of an empress whose name was Komio, wife of Emperor Shyomu, who built many temples and brought sacred objects from China and India. Komio was endowed with a merciful and charitable heart, and therefore decided to establish two charity institutions, Hidenin, a timely place where orphans and the elderly could be treated, and Seyaknin, where they were provided to the poor with medicines and priests forthe sick. With the permission granted by emperor, she lifted a house where the people of the nearby cities suffered from leprosy could bathe and be served.
One after the other the patients arrived, but the number of members remained at nine hundred and ninety -nine, which disappointed the Empress. However, a dirty and hard -haired individual arrived, whose totality of the body was full of ulcers, even the smell that emanated was enough to get those around him. This, despite begging him to enter, the custodian refused, until the word reached the ears of the Empress. After sending his orders to let him in, Komio himself led the leper to bathe after the request by the man to bathe him.
Komio did not hesitate for a moment, and while he washed the leper, he became a being whose beauty surpassed the limits of the imagination. Amazed, she asked who she was, and the man replied: I am the incarnation of Ahiniyorai, and I came to check if you were doing this job to gain the recognition and praise of the people or simply did it from your heart.
Then, he mounted in a cloud and just before disappearing a light so bright that those who saw it in the sky began calling the place of the Komio event (which means bright) San (which means mountain) Ashikaji (place where they were madefeet washed). This brief history presents a symbolic content for Japan nurses, making special emphasis on ministrations and services that care for sick children.
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