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4th December 2015
Nursing My Future Career
A Career in Critical Care Nursing
A career in Nursing is one of the noblest and important profession for the service of mankind. After passing out from a college with knowledge of clinical sciences and health care a degree in Nursing is highly appreciable and rewarding. The field of critical care is advancing day by day and the scope of critical nursing is widening up too. Nursing in the critical care set ups is highly challenging and exciting. In these units, patients’ come with diverse health care needs and are very critical. A delay in care, a deviation of care or inappropriate care may increase the incidences of morbidity and mortality in patients (Villanova University 23-31). Moreover practicing in critical care set ups, demands updated nursing and clinical knowledge of the patients’ physical condition (Scott 9).
Critical Care Nurses provides interventions and nursing care to individuals who suffer from cardiac attacks, stroke, and life-threatening infections, febrile conditions, drug overdose and trauma. The field also provides an opportunity to intervene the patient with certain pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions, which are permitted to be administered by nursing personnel. Recovery and management of a patient in critical care units have been correlated with the promptness and evidenced based care, extended by the health care providers.

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The improved prognosis and appropriate management of a critical care patient provides great professional satisfaction. However the hazards of nursing in critical care units involves psychological stress and anxiety on the part of the care providers (Hay 109-118).
With the background and requirements for critical care nursing through literature review, I present interviews with two such individuals currently deployed and delegated with care in critical care nursing units of “H_L_ Cross Hospital” and “JO_N_ CARE HOSPITAL”. The names of the care units are not disclosed.
Interview with Ms. X
Me: Hello Madam, I would be enlightened if you share your field of practice.
Ms X: My specialty is critical care nursing and I deliver care to those patients whose existence is threatened
Me: How they are threatened?
Ms X: Good question, threatened means they have to be given the highest standards of appropriate care without wasting much time.
Me: But Madam, we were taught that a proper diagnostic test needs to be carried out before rendering care in any settings?
Ms. X: Again you are right, but not “diagnostic tests” it is the diagnosis that is very important. Look a patient with heart attack has to be administered streptokinase and you have to be clinically judgmental and sound in medical knowledge.
Me: So attending consultants are not important?
Ms X: Off course they are, but they depend on us to a great extent for rendering preliminary care.
Me: Thanks Madam, my last question “Are you happy with this position.”
Ms X: Yes I am when I see that my timely intervention has saved the life of a patient.
Me: Thanks a lot Madam
Ms. X: You are most welcome.
Interview with Ms. Y
Me: Madam, I would be obliged if you share the hazards in your day to day profession.
Ms. Y: “Hazards”?? Please do not use such comments, nursing is a noble profession and some things do work out and some do not while managing patients with critical care. However, we should always try to save the life of the patient who is in need.
Me: I am extremely sorry Madam. I understood the vision and mission of critical care nursing
Ms. Y: Never mind, but you should remember that you have to be mentally very strong and must intervene without many dilemmas.
Me: Thanks a lot Madam
Ms. X: You are most welcome
Works Cited
Allen, Scott . “Critical Care: The Making of an ICU Nurse.”, The Boston Globe (Boston,
MA), (2005): pp. 9
Hay, Donald. “The Psychological Stresses of Intensive Care Unit Nursing” (PDF). 
Psychosomatic Medicine 34.2 (1972): pp. 109–118
Villanova University. “Nursing Careers: Critical Care Nurse.” Critical Care Nursing.
University Alliance, Bisk Education Inc., (2013): pp. 23-31

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