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Nursing Notes That Are And That Is Not


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Nursing notes that are and that is not


  • Socio -historical context 

The book was written in 1859 in England, and collects a series of guidelines that every nurse must know according to the author’s criteria, Florence Nightingale, but not with the intention of creating a manual or fixed standards.

The nineteenth century was marked by many changes in all social, political and economic spheres of Europe, specifically. The French Revolution (1789) and the industrial revolutions in England, brought important social consequences. During the monarchy of Queen Victoria England it reached an era of boom and splendor, becoming a world power.(Ocampo, 2011)

One of the most revolutionary processes was the freedom of printing that influenced many social aspects such as the struggle for women’s rights or freedom of expression. In this way, ways of thinking or scientific discoveries that could not be published by censorship came to light. (Ocampo, 2011)

  • The care

Kaiserswerth Diaconisas (which originally arise in the Christian era), resume their work this time as Protestants. Pastor Teodoro Fliedner. Previously this pastor was dedicated to prison care. After marrying, he decided together with his wife Federica Münster, to change the situation of the care of the sick, in which Kaiserswerth’s diaaconisas also participated (Maria Rosa Parentini 2002)

Due to the great acceptance and social work so in need, they expanded their work creating two more hospitals in 1840.

Wait! Nursing Notes That Are And That Is Not paper is just an example!

This institute was in charge of the formation of diaconists and the care of patients. Diaconisas were that women who worked in churches offering care to patients.

After reaching a lot.


To properly understand a book of these characteristics, it is important to know beyond. This work is based on the experiences and opinions of Florence Nightingale, its author;So knowing more about her provides very interesting data that help understand her importance in the history of care.

He was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence, and died on August 13, 1910 in London. It is worldwide known for being considered the first nurse. Until then, care had been taken in a traditional but not professional way;that is, it was considered an act of necessity rather than vocation. Which is also true, since care is essential for the well -being of the person. We are careful for someone from us to be born until we die.

Among its multiple awards, the great contribution he made during the Crimean War, which was sent to the front of the nurses team as inspector of the Nursing Institution of the English General Hospitals in Turkey (Francisco Morales Gil) stands out. Throughout his career he won a large number of awards and became an inspiration figure for many toilets.(Florence Nightingale.2019).

In 1860, Florence Nightingale created the first Nursing School at Saint Thomas Hospital in London, with the donations he raised after the end of the war. She felt she was a nurse because God had done it for it.(Florence Nightingale.2019)

As Margaret B tells us. Dollan in the preface to the book, Florence Nightingale did not write this book as manual for care professionals;If not to all the women who cared for their families (Florence Nightingale 1859), (because at that time care was almost exclusively reserved for women).

The main themes, places or historical events that stand out in the book of Florence Nightingale are: food, care of the sick, nurse, history of medicine, fight against disease, medical treatment, life in a hospital.

The topics discussed in the book are the feeding of the patient, the care and treatments of the patient, part of the history of medicine and care, the role of the nurse and, in general, life in a hospital.(Nursing notes: what is and what is not.)


  • Chapter I: Ventilation and heating

The way in which the author guides this important aspect of care, such as the atmosphere of the place where the patient is, makes the reader take another point of view. Entering the room and that the temperature is pleasant, does not mean that the conditions for the patient are optimal. As the book emphasizes, nurses try to perform the most complex care but do not look at something as basic as the ventilation of the place where the patient is. Being more concrete, the author explains that the fact of staying with closed windows and doors, trying not to cold to the aforementioned, produces a contradictory effect. The lack of oxygenation assumes that the patient is continuously breathing his own contaminated air, so care becomes less effective and the slowest recovery.(238494415 Florence Nightingale Notes on original nursing)

Not only in relation to windows and pure air, also with unhealthy customs such as leaving stool or urination under the bed until it comes to picking it up, this implies an increase in bacteria and environmental pollution. Chapter VII: Food and Food Classes

Continuing with its demanding standards, Florence refers to the patient’s feeding as a discipline that requires punctuality and intelligence by the nurse. Establishing schedules is essential to get the patient to feed what is necessary for recovery. Otherwise your body will not accept food, due to lack of habit and you will feel weaker. In addition, it can be seen that he compares public hospitals of private;On this occasion assumes that in private the organization about food is always worse, and a "negligence" about patient nutrition is more likely.

In very sick patients, a sign of improvement is the decrease in dysphagia (difficulty or impossibility of swallowing) (Asale,);This is an improvement of the quality of life and a faster recovery. A study was conducted to observe the complete recovery of oral feeding after a stroke.(Calvo et al., 2019), obtaining almost 70% of the group that recovered the complete food. What I want to express with this is that this aspect of our day to day is fundamental not only for our quality of life but for the recovery of the disease. However, it is a great care work by health personnel.

As for the types of food and which are adequate and which are not, we currently have many studies and information on them, in addition to methods for their conservation. In a hospital, they will never give you sour milk, meat in poor condition, or allow you to have hypervitaminosis or hypovitaminosis. But Florence belonged to the nineteenth century, so with these notes he opened his eyes to many nurses who, as long as the patient took something in his mouth, any food was given. Each patient is different, and once again observation and intelligence will help the nurse and, later, the doctor to make an adequate diet.

It seems to me to comment on the importance that sugars have, when there is currently an opposite movement to the consumption of any type of processed and non -processed sugar. Moreover, its relationship with the appearance of cardiovascular, carcinogenic and, of course diabetes has been demonstrated. Even so, it continues to be sold and consumed even in hospital diets, for the money that moves in the world. As I have already said the knowledge that were at that time were minimal, since these diseases were not predominant. However, they knew exactly the causes of malnutrition, lack of vitamins, the effects of a food in poor condition, etc. (Florence Nightingale, 1859)

  • Chapter VIII: The bed and bed clothes

A continuation of ventilation notes can be considered. Continuously emphasize the barbarity that is not to change or air the sheets daily and, even more, from one patient to another. The contaminated air expelled our body should not breathe due to obvious issues and also explains that a nurse should be pending at all times of the posture and placement of the patient in bed. Rest is really one of the most important parts of the recovery of a disease and care is not taken from it.(Florence Nightingale, 1859)

  • Chapter IX: Light

After ventilation, the second essential is the sunlight of a room. A patient who feels isolated from the outside, locked up, and little illuminated throughout the day, or with artificial light, is a decrease in mood and a lack of strength. Florence compares the sun with a painter and sculptor, that is to say with artists. She considers care an art. The art of staying healthy, or eradicating a disease, since not only knowledge is needed, but also intelligence, creativity and ability to improvise. (Florence Nightingale, 1859)

Argues that light is one of the most important parts for recovery. That not only helps encourage but also the body. For them a nurse must be able to guide the patient so that natural light aluminates most of the day, being able to moderate it with curtains. This is a detail with which it is not usually counted. A healthy person does not appreciate the sun when he is in bed, because he is only there at night;But a patient spends most of the day at rest on her so a recovery that contains ventilation and sunlight, will be remarkably more effective than one than one. (Florence Nightingale, 1859)

  • Chapter X: Cleaning rooms and walls

The author addresses this issue with some hardness and demand. Maybe because it is a very important aspect, or perhaps because it is difficult for them to become aware of him.

We can say that the basis of care is hygiene. Starting from that for a room to be clean, it must be ventilated and illuminated, as Florence already mentions in previous chapters, but it must also be clean.

As he explains, passing a rag or broom in a closed room, does not clean the dust, just remove it in the room. The carpets accumulate pollution that can remain there for months until it is cleaned;And the walls must be painted or tiles, as well as the ground, whose maintenance is much more hygienic. However, all this will not work if the room is not ventilated. And ventilation will not occur if there is dust inside the stay. (Florence Nightingale, 1859)


Continuing with the issue of cleanliness, this nurse dedicates an individual chapter, although unleashed to write about personal hygiene. As the term indicates, it is the clean.

However, a person who presents a disease cannot perform these care by itself. The nurse must be pending to keep the patient’s clothes and body ventilated. Free of skin or body excretions and always pending drying it well after the protocol. Florence talks about the relief you feel when you receive these care, and marks some guidelines to know the different ways of washing and cleaning the body. (Florence Nightingale, 1859)

  • Chapter XII: Chalatanería that gives hope and advice.

F. Nightingale also dares to criticize the influence of visits and family members in the patient’s state. It is true that they can encourage the patient with his presence, and even improve his condition, but they can also produce overwhelms and depression if they take a wrong attitude.

This is where the role of the nurse comes into play. According to the author, this must be able to identify when the patient is receiving stimuli that will produce a worsening of their mood. It deals with this issue from your experience, like the rest of the previous notes, but also adds a plus of objectivity when talking about the ignorance of some people who try to give false advice in order to feel more useful in the recovery processof his patient.

“How can the favorable opinion encourage him- if he can be called an opinion- of the casual visitor, when she is different from that of the experienced doctor?”(Florence Nightingale, 1859). It is one of the rhetorical questions that is asked to argue that from ignorance, the only thing to contribute is moral support, not tell him what he wants to hear, since he will not be able to deceive him, just disappoint him. Avoid talking about him and his state, and tell him issues that make him see that life outside those four walls continues, he can encourage the patient and recharge his forces.

Currently, two centuries later, studies are carried out that demonstrate that animal therapy helps the recovery of the sick for the happiness they transmit to them. The therapy assisted by company animals is part of the treatment and care of the patient. In 1792, the first time this therapy was used in the mentally ill in York, England was found. Later in the nineteenth century, 1867, they intervened in epileptic therapy in Bethel, Bielefeld, Germany. (M. P. Zamarra San Joaquín, 2002)

‘The human being must remain in contact with nature throughout his life to be able to maintain good mental health’ (Boris M. Levinson, 1969.)

  • Chapter XIII: Patient observation

One of the main positions of the nurse is to observe and inform the doctor of the patient’s evolution. In this Nightingale chapter he says: "The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them to observe" (Florence Nightingale, 1859). To develop this statement, what it does is expose different examples about sleep and food and the way of relating it to the state of patient’s disease;and then comment on the mistakes that are made and the wrong information received by the doctor in charge of cureing the person in question.

It is interesting the way in which it does since it does not describe a specific way to do so, but it does not show how important it is to know the patient and be clear that not everyone is equal. Based on questions, you can’t know exactly how a patient is since it can be perceived in different ways. In addition, it emphasizes that many times even if it looks good, it does not mean that it is better;which confirms that to give the information on how a patient evolves, the nurse must make continuous observations apart from having a series of specific data and periodically collected, in addition to talking with the aforementioned.


In its conclusion, it clarifies again that the art of nursing consists of many dependent aspects of each other. Where at the moment in which one is missing (such as hygiene), the rest (such as ventilation or food), will be useless. Its main objective is to emphasize that the only way to really learn to be a nurse is in a hospital or a room of patients, and that in these notes it only intends to complement the training, not create a manual. (Florence Nightingale, 1859).

Also dedicates a lot to emphasize the special delicacy of children, which is the best care that a nurse can give. And it ends talking about the reality of the moment: the dominance of men about women and, therefore, that of the doctor about the nurse. Doctors did not allow nurses to prescribe medications among other things, because many women took advantage of those medications to give them to other patients who needed them with the intention of caring for them, causing problems in them. (Florence Nightingale, 1859). In my opinion, this was only due to the tradition and moral obligation that the woman felt to take care of her, and to do so with the means she had, among which were not the training or basic education.

And personal opinion, exaggeration regarding the treatment of a patient, similarity between care and servitude essential to know the patient know what he likes (speaking, not speaking) contradiction-preparation for many situations. Change for centuries: reference to nurses undervaluation of private nurses


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  • María Rosa Parentini.(2002). Nursing history: relevant aspects from its origins to the twentieth century. Uruguay. Ediciones Trilce 238494415 Florence Nightingale Notes on original nursing
  • Nightingale, F (1990). Nursing notes: what is and what is not. Barcelona, Spain: Salvat Editores, S.A
  • Asele, r.«Dictionary of the Spanish Language» – Tricentennial Edition. Retrieved from https: // dle.RAE.it is/
  • Calvo, i., Pizzorni, n., GILARDONE, G., Mayer, f., Vanacore, n., Buraschi, v., . . . Corbo, m. (2019). Predictors of Oral Feeding Summation after Stroke in a rehabilitation hospital: A retrospective study. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases: The Official Journal of National Stroke Association, 28 (7), 1958-1970. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jstrokerebrovasdis.2019.03.040
  • Florence Nightingale. (2019). Retrieved from https: // is.Wikipedia.org/w/index.PHP?Title = Florence_nightingale & Oldid = 119450754
  • Nursing notes: what is and what is not. Retrieved from http: // www.phrases and thoughts.com.AR/Phrases/Notes-on-Fermeria-Que-E-and-Que-N-ES-1859.HTML
  • San Joaquín Zamarra, M. P (2002). Assisted by pets assisted therapy. Welfare for the human being. EAP, Aranjuez.  

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