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Octavio Paz And The Bad Mexico


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Octavio Paz and the bad Mexico

Bad words serve to define what we feel at that time "the others are the children of the fuck, foreigners, the bad Mexicans". They are everything that does not represent the bad that comes from a mother who was raped or mistreated by foreigners.

The Mexican gives different meanings to words depending on the tone of voice that is used "fucking" was broken down, "this chingón" is father. The Mexican uses bad words as a way of expressing himself and the shape or tone of voice sometimes reflects. The term "chinggar" is used in two ways the chingo is man, he who bothers, pity. And the chingada is the woman who lets herself hurt, as is a symbol of weakness that is why it opens, one is the one that has the power and the other will be applied by said power.

The Malinche betrayed his people by opening the Spaniards to conquer us. It was raped, but rather it was raped by Cortés, since it opened the doors to conquer Mexico. "Malinchista" people are called that for Malinche are able to betray their homeland as she did or deny her. Hence the expression that the Mexican uses "go to the chingada" when he does something bad like this woman did when betraying her people.

Conquest and colony

What the Spaniards did when they arrived in Mexico or rather what Mesoamerica was before was to replace the civilizations that were already established in this territory, clearly in a political and "civilized" way.

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In the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica they were defeated by the Aztec empire doing these had to integrate into their empire. Like the Spaniards the Aztecs believed in religion, with the difference that they worshiped different gods according to the needs they had. (War, fertility, agriculture) For the ancient peoples who had been defeated by the Aztec people the arrival of the Spaniards was a way that the Aztera Empire fell. But what caused the Aztec Empire to fall was that it was defeated, "when Moctezuma opens the doors of Tenochtitlan to the Spaniards and receive Cortés with present, the Aztecs lose the game" (Octavio Paz, pp108 and 109)

The Aztec people believed in prophecies according to what their religion told them, seeing Moctezuma the arrival of Cortés knew that his time ended and had to open the doors to a new town. If it weren’t because they believed in prophecies and mandates for their gods, perhaps their empire would have been a strong rival for the Spaniards and the conquest would not be so simple for these. That is why the "suicide" of the people, since they did not fight to defend what was theirs.

Having already conquered Cortés began with the colony. Colonization was for the Spaniards the indigenous people were only their slaves "colonial society is an order to last" (Octavio Paz, P117). With this it means that when establishing the political order and the other things that govern a society is so that they remain like this for a more than prolonged time.

Having no more gods the indigenous people were somehow imposed on believing in the Catholic religion, this to the Church convenient for the influence it has in people as seen throughout history. The Church could handle slaves to their convenience manipulating the writings of the Bible, so that they feared to the power of God if they disobeyed. What was sought in the colony was to adapt the forms of government, religion etc. what was in Spain to what New Spain was now. 

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