Oedipus the King
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Oedipus the King
Q. 1.
A tragedy denotes an unexpected aspect or occurrence. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus is considered to be the tragedy with the behavior that he develops towards his mother and why he hates his father to the point of thinking of killing him as a remedy to his jealousy (Sophocles n.p.). A good tragedy portrays elicit pity in conjunction with fear in their quest.
Tragic Hero
Oedipus is also a tragic hero as he is portrayed to succeed in his weird and evil plan to be the successor of his mother.
Tragic Flaw
The tragic flaw in the Oedipus the King was the pride of King Oedipus. According to the prophet, Oedipus is given the information that one day he will kill his father and marry his mother.
Q. 2. Oedipus is taken to be a tragic hero since he elicits pity and fear among its viewers or readers. He also causes readers to show a sense of release. There is an aspect of excessive pride and defiance of the Gods (Sophocles n.p.).
Q. 3.
A hero is an individual who performs the unexpected deeds. Oedipus is considered to be a hero as he saves many characters. Oedipus is portrayed as the pride man since he has several reasons to be proud (Sophocles n.p.). Oedipus is depicted to have saved Thebes from Sphinx. For example, Martin Luther King is a tragic hero since he tried to seek justice by using protests in America that were considered to be rebellious. He focused on watershed events like bus boycott to champion his quest for a change.
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Secondly, Malcolm X is a tragic hero in his time as he struggled to advocate for the rights of Blacks despite his Islam stand.
Q. 4.
I feel sympathetic about Oedipus since he is portrayed to be against the Gods by seeking to kill his father and marry his mother. There are no other characters who represent to be tragic heroes in Oedipus the King. Oedipus is the main character who centers the stage for the unexpected in the novel.
Q. 5.
Would cast my vote as guilty since Oedipus let his ego to guide him into evil thoughts of killing his father into marrying his mother. It is morally wrong for one to let their desires in intimately falling in love with their mothers.
Work Cited
Sophocles, E. “The Internet Classics Archive | Oedipus The King by Sophocles.” Classics.Mit. Edu, http://classics.mit.edu/Sophocles/oedipus.html. Accessed 31 Oct 2018.
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