Opera Is A Musical And Theatrical Genre
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DownloadOpera is a musical and theatrical genre
Opera is a musical and theatrical genre in which the actors are expressed by song to tell a story, being accompanied, meanwhile, by an orchestra. Then, this interpretation is represented in a theater before an audience. In other words, the opera genre takes any type of dramatic history and tries to give more emotion and likelihood with the help of music. And it is this particular use of music to convey a complete story/plot that does to the unique opera.
The Opera conception developed many years before the first opera was written. The birth of the first form of opera dates back to ancient Greece, with the Greek tragedy, a theatrical genre based on the myths of oral tradition. This type of tragedy originated from the Dirambo, a religious celebration dedicated to the god Dionisio, where stories sung by choirs were told. In this way, the Greek tragedy included and merged text, dance and song components, also accompanied by instrument music, specifically strings or wind. Consequently, due to being a genre that mixed music with spoken parts, it became the beginning for opera composers.
However, the strict origin of the genre is located in Florence, during the end of the 16th century, when they decided to start gathering several artists to recover the forgotten genre of the Greek tragedy. The circle or group of the artists gathered was called Camerata Florentina. One of the initial groups formed was in which Count Giovanni Bardi, composer Vicencio Galilei, and Giovanni Caccini, a singer and songwriter.
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This group, Camerata, formed between the 1570s and 1580s, managed to significantly influence the aesthetics of the following opera.
Later, around 1590, another group of individuals formed, which began to gather in the Palacio del Merchant Count Jacopo Corsi. The individuals gathered were this count itself, the poet Otavio Rinuccini and the composer Jacopo period. They, first, made a pastoral drama by Giovanni Batista Guarini called Il. Pastor Fido (The Faithful Pastor). Subsequently, the jacopo corsi union, Otavio Rinuccini and mainly Jacopo peri, I create the representation of Dafne. Estimated by some as the first opera.
The work comes from Greek mythology and tells the story of how Nymph Dafne became a tree because of the love that Ovid is. Sadly, all the work except the text was lost. Any other work of rinuccini-peri was Euridice, to celebrate the marriage of Enrique IV of France and María de Medici. This opera was based on the myth of Orpheus. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century, the structure of the opera continued to evolve and develop thanks to the composer Claudio Monteverdi, considered by numerous people as the father of the opera.
Monteverdi’s great opera was Orpheus written in 1607, in order to celebrate the weddings of the Prince of Gonzaga with Margarita Savoya. This opera is generally estimated as the first opera. L’Orfeo, Favola in Music, was the first major opera, as it was the first to reach an important place and establish itself in the operatic repertoire. This work also established the rules in the dramatic structure, such as; The orchestra must charge greater importance, as well as the purpose of highlighting and reinforcing the expression of the word through music.
Monteverdi’s work is about the love story of the newly married Orpheus and Eurídice. One day a snake stung to Eurídice and she died. Orpheus devastated by her death, decides to go to the lower world to save her. Proserpina, Pluto’s wife, grants her desire, but she tells her that on the way she she can not return her face. Even so, he turns, breaking his promise and sending Eurídice to hell. Finally, Apollo leads Orpheus to Paradise where he will meet forever with his beloved.
Who was the creator of the first opera?
The creator of Orpheus, the first opera, is the renowned Venetian composer and singer Claudio Monteverdi.
Claudio Giovanni Monteverdi, was born on May 15, 1567 in a family of humble indications; His was a barber who worked clandestinely as a doctor. Monteverdi lived during the transition period between the Renaissance and the Baroque. So, being such a consistent and recognized musician, he undoubtedly became the most important figure between these two stages.
Claudio Monteverdi began his musical studies with Marco Antonio Ingegnieri, a chapel master of the Cremona Cathedral, and with only 15 years he published his first works. Between 1587 and 1638 he published eight collections of Madrigales. In 1599 Claudio married Claudia de Cataneis, who died in 1607. In that same year, he also premiered Orpheus, Favola in Music, his first musical drama of his, which was a success. Then, in 1613 he was director of the Cathedral of San Marcos de Venice and Professor of Choir. Unfortunately, Monteverdi died on November 29, 1643 in Venice.
Opera types
There is a wide variety of opera types, as:
- Baroque opera
- Bufa opera
- Serious opera of classicism
- Romantic opera
- Cimlri Lyric Drama Opera
- Popular opera
- Concert -shaped opera
- Opéra comique
- Grand Opera
- Singspiel
- Opera-Ballet
- Farsa (Opera)
- Jocular drama
- Dramma per music
- Semipera
- Operetta
- Camera opera
- Savoy Opera
- Intermezzo
- Ballad opera
- Beijing opera
- Opéra Féerie
Serious Opera: He was born at the beginning of the 18th century, from a literary reform started by the Arcadia Academy. This opera treats historical or mythological issues with a minority of comic nuances, so it was one of the first types to appear. Likewise, the serious opera will be addressed to the aristocracy for its refinement and the complexity of the arguments treated. In addition, it is usually extensive, large choirs intervene, contains numerous characters, and has great staging. His stylistic counterpart is the bufa opera.
Buffa Opera: It originated in Naples at the beginning of the 18th century, because the opera also liked the flat people, although these were not very interested in mythology or ancient Greek history. As a result, this opera treats comic songs taken from daily life with lively music, and is directed towards the bourgeoisie. In addition, it is not extensive, few characters intervene in it, usually sung in the language of each country, and spoken and sung parts alternate. Your stylistic counterpart is the serious opera.
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