Organizational Behavior And Psychosocial Risks
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The lack of organization of some companies is the main cause of the origin of psychosocial risks in them. The work stress being the main risk among the working class.
The psychosocial risk is one of the most important risk factors within the SG-SST as these can affect the physical, psychic or social health of the worker. It is important to emphasize that all companies in Colombia are obliged to carry out an annual psychosocial risk assessment to all workers according to their tasks or functions, resolution 2646 of 2008.
In 2007, the first national survey of health and labor conditions, which was obtained as a result that psychosocial risk factors at that time occupied the second place of incidence with 50%, also between 20% and 33% of workers claimed to be suffering high levels of work stress.
In 2013, the Second National Survey of Health and Labor Conditions in the Professional Risk System is carried out, and which the results were discouraging because 43% of the workers surveyed had episodes of anxiety and depression.
This shows that, according to statistics, there is a growth in the affectation in workers by psychosocial risk and that a sector of companies in Colombia is not complying with the established legislation, in this case with the rules that regulate the risk Psychosocial, some companies are only governed at the level of documents before the entities that govern them, but in reality they do not comply with the provisions of their occupational health and safety management systems.
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Putting at risk the safety and health of all its collaborators.
Seen this, and related to one of the research questions, we can say that in Colombia there is a complete and detailed work such as ISO and OSHA. Unfortunately this is not enough, you have to be more rigorous with the controls in the companies to comply and carry out the required guidelines of law. The State must enforce these guidelines making rigorous follow -ups by the competent entities in addition to having in their ranks suitable officials, with criteria and ethics to fully enforce the rules and sanction companies that do not comply with the law.
According to the second question of the research we can say that everything depends on the method of monitoring organizations to mitigate the impact of psychosocial risks within them, taking into account the criteria with which they assume the plan to be developed and the budgeted economic investment plus the commitment of its collaborators.
Every organization must have an occupational health and safety management system, in which a hygiene and safety protocol that must be directed by a group of health specialists must be carried out and among them there must be a psychologist who is the one who goes To be in charge of developing the Plan for the Prevention, Control and Mitigation of Psychosocial Risks in the organization, it is completely obligatory that this plan is carried out by a psychologist, the Colombian laws are contemplated by Resolution 2646 of 2008 of 2008.
Organizations that do not comply with the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System will be sanctioned, Decree 472 of 2015.
Within the measures of prevention and mitigation of psychosocial risks, a program structured by a psychologist who carries, for example, can be established: for example:
Risk Assessment.
Preventive measures must be in accordance with the risk factors detected
- Adequate management style.
- Forms of communication in clear tasks, avoiding the ambiguity of role or role conflict.
- Action protocols for possible aggressions, sexual harassment etc.
- Adaptation of the workload, conciliation measures of working life etc.
Adequate training.
Organizations must have an instruction and training program for the organization’s collaborators. Art. 19 of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law.
The organization must prepare its collaborators to face stress.
- Participation in company decision making. Art. 33 of the LPRL.
- Active participation of workers’ representatives.
Measures aimed at protecting psychosocial well -being:
- Foster equitable treatment among members of the different working groups.
- Promote environmental and organizational conditions that encourage cooperation and the provision of aid between colleagues and supervisors.
- Establish control and surveillance mechanisms that prevent risk situations
Communication plan:
- Service memory
- Social networks
- Labor climate surveys
It should be repeated that, if companies or organizations comply and comply with the norms and protocols established fully, surely the indices of sick working people would lower due to the collection of psychosocial risks in the country, workers in general are sheltered by a regime of Occupational Health which can assert the companies in which they work and do not comply with this. It is a right that everything has and that employers must comply with the well -being of the entire organization.
- After carrying out an extensive and rigorous analysis, it is concluded that the psychosocial risk is latent and imminent in the daily life of the workers whether these physical or mental disorders without mentioning that they are abruptly exposed to suffering an accident work or contracting diseases that They are associated with the type of risk of the environment to which the company is exposed and of which according to studies already indicated in the discussion of the subject work stress is the main risk among the working class.
- In general, organizations have the knowledge and procedure so that the risk of suffering something from the aforementioned is a very low percentage, most companies are omitting the application of these procedures, they only limit themselves to complying with the party Theoretical so that the organization can remain fully with its operation, it does not have more to mention than poorly so as not to affect its production and economy, they take little into account that the growth of the company is thanks to their company’s work is due to its collaborators.
- In addition to the above, companies know about the procedures to face and mitigate psychosocial risk, know strategies and others but are not adopting and putting into practice because few invest resources in fact strategies only care about fulfilling before the entities that make The control, without taking into account that beyond complying with the standard, the protocols, a good management of psychosocial risk in this case the work stress favors the performance of the organization.
- If we enter to evaluate the level of effectiveness of the strategies implemented by organizations in Colombia, in order to know how we are in the management of psychosocial risks, the results are discouraging according to a survey conducted in the years 2007 and 2013 because the 43 % of the workers claim to suffer from chronologically work stress in the years there is a growth in the involvement in psychosocial risk due to the mismanagement and application of the same within the organizations breach of current regulations in force. The main consequence of psychosocial risk is stress, whose most frequent symptoms include from irritability to depression and are usually accompanied by physical and mental exhaustion. In this way, stress directly affects the worker’s performance, causing low productivity and affecting labor comfort. And it is that a person subject to a very high tension is unable to make correct decisions and notoriously decreases their creativity, since the mind is unable to find the multiple solutions that are required for successful performance. Güilgüiruca et al., (2015) propose in this regard that a company with many stressed people generally presents a bad work climate.
- To define tools and/or methodologies that can be applied in programs related to psychosocial risks within the organization, a total and background change is needed on production, this concept must be seen as the human resource performance of a company and which to be in the first place within the objectives of the organization, as a tool a program structured by a psychologist that allows them to be evaluated continuously and thus generate strategies and change work methods that helps compliance with the fulfillment of the fulfillment of the Objectives of the organization, in conclusion there must be an absolute commitment from the management of organizations with the destination of specific resources to identify causes and substantive solutions.
Final summary
From an initial approach to the problem and the definition of objectives of this document as a base research line, the consultation was carried out on pages, books and reliable databases that would lead us to contextualize the panorama of the psychosocial risk and their respective strategies of mitigation through a qualitative analysis, which threw us as the main aspect to take into account as that the psychosocial risk factors have been classified among the factors that have caused greater affectation in the health of the working population generating within the interior of the companies an increase in accidents and diseases of work origin.
It is important to keep in mind that although the National Government has established mandatory compliance guidelines regarding the implementation of methodologies for the intervention of psychosocial risks in Colombian companies without identifying an appropriation of this regulations by these regulations by these.
Regarding the sources of information consulted, it has been identified that some companies have not given priority and importance to the intervention of psychosocial risk factors because they see the implementation of these measures as an expense more not as an investment. And in the case of the few actions for the mitigation of the psychosocial risk factors used by some companies, these have not presented a greater impact on their intervention because they have been implemented only to meet the requirement but not for the decrease in these factors.
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