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Origin And Evolution Of The Administration From Ancient Civilizations


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Origin and evolution of the administration from ancient civilizations

 Administrative science is very old, since it is born with man, because at any time there has been the need to coordinate, make decisions and execute. When analyzing the story, you can find the contributions that the ancient peoples have expressed, such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

In prehistory, the first settlers had to coordinate and combine efforts to achieve objectives. As humanity progressed, the population began to form and establish small groups that later became great masses;Therefore, it was important to seek forms and strategies on how to achieve organizations that will carry out their activities more effectively and efficiently;This led and contributed to the development of the administration.

Administration is the social science that aims to study organizations and is the technique responsible for planning, organization, management and control of resources (human, financial, material, technological, etc.) of an organization, company or person so that the result is efficient and effective at the same time.

Administration in the old world

In the ancient era it is when the administration that is currently available is based, since there were contributions from different empires around the world. When man began to organize in societies he had the responsibility of delegating and managing the production that was generated during periods of time, but it is nothing more than a few hundred years after organizing in large societies the first civilizations appear, such as Sumeria, Egyptian, Hebrew, Babylon, China, Greece and Rome, these civilizations that are the oldest and oldest of which there is knowledge had a great development in all their areas.

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Administration in modern times

Administration is a universal activity in the modern world;Every organization requires making decisions, coordinating functions, directing people, evaluating performance to meet the objectives determined with the placement of different resources. The Industrial Revolution played an important role, because this period various discoveries are made, resulting in the disappearance of several artisanal workshops and centralization in production and a factor system is given. It is where the entrepreneur, owner of the means of production, bought work force showing a coercive administration, leaving the entrepreneur with great freedom of action. In addition, the complexity of work, developed fixed specialists and administrators to directly resolve the inconveniences in the factory. This administration was also characterized by its lacking scientific base, with the exploitation of the worker and bad working conditions (excessive schedules, unhealthiness, hazards, etc.). Subsequently, this led to the appearance of a current of social thought in favor of the workers that led to research, maturity in administrative disciplines and the training of scientific administration.

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