Origin Of Interest And Assessment By Nature
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DownloadOrigin of interest and assessment by nature
The human being has a sense of curiosity towards the inexplicable of nature that creates in him the need to explain it and relate to it. This development of identification of man with nature is linked to certain cults to the mountains or the forest in the principle of civilizations, this form of worship being the first sample of reflection that would later intervene in morality and human behaviors . That is, beliefs and rituals are developed that revolve around natural elements through which man tries to give reasons to phenomena, in addition to expressing his astonishment towards her, therefore, this refrained from resorting to the abuse of natural spaces that connoted as sacred areas, and even deities households.
The forests meant the most rudimentary sanctuaries where the first temples rose, being a clear example the Doric temples, erect in dense vegetation spaces with columns alluding to arboreal trunks; In the same way that the Egyptians resorted to the application of natural elements (such as the lotus flower) in their architectural structures, specifically in their capitals).
Nature constituted the mold for the center of the moral life and lifestyle of the ancient civilizations, due to its enormous veneration towards this as a divine manifestation of the gods; In particular, in ancient Greece, the oak represented the strength and power of Zeus, the laurel alluded to the victories of Apollo, and the throne of the goddess Hera was adorned by Sauces .
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This natural-divine relationship, which restricted the man of usurpart or run over natural areas, allowed the emergence of a magnificent respect for this.
Even after this period of strong admiration before nature, the thinkers who arise maintain their astonishment before the shows of the natural world, and seek a more logical way to explain natural phenomena, excluding at a certain level the previous mystical beliefs.
Before popular myths, thinkers arise that, driven by astonishment to natural shows and curiosity that creates the need to find their own origin in what surrounds them, seek to unravel for the use of reason and experience the secrets of the world natural or physical. As the first exponent, Tales de Mileto said that "water was the beginning of all things", thus positioning its importance in the first place and attributing to water all natural phenomenon, such as the tremors of the earth.
In other words, Tales presented to the water as a component of all things, observing that the food of all things is wet and because the wetter’s own heat is born […], and that he conceived that for everything wet the water was The beginning, "water is the beginning of all things’" . Also, other thinkers sought the principle or arjé of all things in nature, considering this as the field where the explanation to all known natural phenomena should be sought.
Man’s need to relate to nature
The need of man to discover how this could be included in the natural environment leads him to establish bases that directly relate it to this: man ventures into the observation of the natural environment with the purpose of being part of it, and making it part of it. Plato, as an example of this, presents his vision of the man-nature relationship by placing the natural beauty of plants and animals as a useful tool for the formation of the customs of men.
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