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Origin Of The Sexual Revolution And The Right Of Women In The 60s


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Origin of the sexual revolution and the right of women in the 60s

The sexual revolution or better known as a liberation that reminds us of the deep and generalized change that occurred during the second half of the twentieth century, is identified with equality between sexes, feminism, contraceptive methods as well as social and political response. It was a liberation of full recovery of the human body and its nakedness. Sexuality as an integral part of the individual and social human condition by questioning the traditional role of women and therefore of the man and the institution par excellence, marriage. Sexual liberation has been possible thanks to the dissemination and generalized use of contraceptive methods (contraceptive pill, IUD, condom, emergency contraception) as well as legalization, in numerous countries, of deadlines for the practice of abortion at the free request of the free request of thewoman. But this free exercise of the activity would not have been possible without two conquests of modern pharmacopoeia: penicillin, which prevents the risk of venereal diseases, and contraceptive, which eliminate the danger of pregnancy. One of the most involved in this theme of the sexual revolution was Wilhelm Reich of Jewish origin, nationalized American. Famous for its contributions to sexology, psychoanalytic therapy, its commitment in favor of sexual liberation (the "function of orgasm") and its research on "organ energy". He believed that the body responded to repression generating muscle tension, which over time translated into chronic pain and disease, among others.

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As in the sexual revolution, equality between sexes was involved, the LGTB group and feminism are involved since it was the creation of these two groups officially. In this essay it would be discussed that the sexual revolution was one of the greatest cultural revolutions of the twentieth century, and so far their ideals feel.

The LGBT group is the social and political movement that fights discrimination, either by sexual orientation or gender identity, and in favor of the equalization and recognition of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual people. Initially the expression "gay" was used, but lesbian and bisexual organizations considered it insufficient, so LGB acronym began to be used, to which the letter T would later be added to include the transsexuals. They are characterized by the symbol of the rainbow flag was popular in 1978 as a symbol of gay pride by its creator, Gilbert Baker, an artist born in Kansas.The current version consists of six stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet colors, which reproduce the order of the colors of the rainbow. Before the sexual revolution of the 60s, there was no common term other than non -heterosexuals. The closest thing was the third genre that came from the sexology of the 1860s and the Hindu culture, but never reached a generalized use. The homosexual term was used by the 60s and 50s and later in the 70s the term gay as well as for women the Lesbian term. The Daughters of Bilitis organization was split in 1970 by internal tensions due to the direction in which they should focus: feminism or homosexual rights. Lesbian feminists took gender equality as a priority, perceiving as patriarchal the differences in roles between men and women. The lesbians who had a more essentialist vision, who thought that homosexuals were born and used the term lesbian until then descriptive to define those of their sexual orientation, generally considered that separatist and choleric opinions of lesbic feminist were harmful to the causeof homosexual rights. To this soon joined the petition of bisexuals and transgenic people to be recognized as an integral part of the great community. The four groups that make up the term LGBT had difficulties in developing their own identity and their relationships with the other members of the collective group, sometimes excluding them. These difficulties are still in force today. The LGBT term was probably used for the first time to refer to the entire community by LGBT activists from the 60s, although it is not clear how often or scope the term was then used. It was not until the 90s that began to be treated with the same respect and with equal groups and people, lesbians, bisexual and transsexuals within the LGBT movement. Seeing this we can understand that having the sexual revolution, the LGBT group was created in whether to be able to defend the rights of others and understand their own tastes itself, so far you can see that it still feels a fairly strong discrimination towards this groupBut as it was in the 60s, we have enough communities in many parts of the world where they support and demonstrate that just as heterosexuals have rights and a voice, this group has an opinion to present and a voice to defend, the courage is shownof these people, who, as in the revolution in the 60s, people defend their way of whom they are. 

In general, the use of the LGBT term has helped, with the passage of time, to integrate individuals who would otherwise have been marginalized in the global community. Today in the LGBT group even if it has both legal support as legal benefits today there is still a physical and psychological risk of being part of this community. There are some countries that have protection laws against discrimination and harassment, but still there are acceptance problems. On the contrary, there are countries where it is even punished with death penalty. LGBT people can suffer hate crimes. This is defined as the crimes made for being partial to race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, gender, sex, etc., That is, they are part of some marginalized group, as well as being able to go to jail for having sex, or more serious to be in death. The psychological risk can reach a rejection from the family environment as well as affects the workplace, sometimes it can reach suicide since they have greater risks to commit or try suicide due to stigma, discrimination, harassment or family rejection that they experience.

On the other hand, feminism was a heterogeneous set of political, cultural, economic and social movements that aims to search for equal rights between men and women, and eliminate the domination and violence of men over women andSocial roles according to gender, in addition to a social and political theory. This group of feminism was created in the same way by this revolution, as in the subverted book (Sub -verted, Ignatius Press) by Sue Ellen Browder, a journalist who after embracing gender ideology changed sides narrates that the feminist movement composed of women who foughtAt first for equal rights and opportunities. And what had a lot of fair crusade for the equality of women, degenerated into the greatest of injustices: the massacre of fetuses in the womb, by converting abortion into the flag of that movement. According to this journalist, he was going to free the woman but instead of that became a toy managed by the most called machismo. At first this group made up of women was not very close to issues such as equal access to education and labor market. So that abortion divided the movement of women into two. In fact, the pro-life movement represents the authentic branch of feminism, which came out through the door when abortion was inserted in the movement by just 57 people, some under diabolical influences. 

This story of feminism was hidden for several years since several chapters were told separately but Betty Friedan finalFemininity". It was quite abortion at that time since just as in the 60s the feminist movement;They saw themselves as fighters for freedom for women. They saw abortion as a human good, available to the rich and inexplicably denied the poor ». But in itself, feminist families clearly see abortion as what really is: debasement and betrayal of women. They know that a mother and her baby are not separated, who are not totally independent individuals whose rights are "battling" each other. As we can see, feminism was a group created in the sexual revolution to completebody since in itself abortion should be legal since it is a personal decision of women and quite mature in deciding a future in which or not being prepared. Nowaday. Today it is not very practiced thanks to the type of education we receive, everything depends.

In conclusion we could say that as much as the LGBT group and feminism that were created in the sexual revolution were quite important, that gave an impact to the world in which we live and that this revolution showed us a cultural revolution towards us since by the groupLGBT showed us that both problems from times ago are still in force today as well as the risk of their own lives since time spending more time even though I have support communities in some people, discrimination towards them and there is a risk ofthat suffer psychological problems when thinking that something bad is in them and that in themselves they are problems. In case they show us that loving someone does not define who you are, that like all we deserve rights, that that also goes the issue of feminism since it supports the woman to have a voice of their own, to be able to handle their bodyTo what you want, that by being able to have an abortion, it is a decision of its own but obviously in the same way it remains in force against us that we have both women and men right to our own voice. In case this revolution leaves us a unique impact since it talks about acceptance in different people with each other and supporting their own decisions, a revolution that demonstrates courage from people who have unique thoughts.


  1.  Fraser, N, 1997, interrupted Lustitia: Critical reflections from the "PostSocialist" position, Universidad de los Andes. Bogota Colombia.
  2.  Browder N, 2015, How I Helped The Sexual Revolution Hijack The Woman´s Movement, United States, San Fransisco (2018.03.11) The-feminism-actual-this-wey-help-to-women/https: // is.Ring.org
  3.  LGBT community risks (2018) https: // es.Wikipedia.org
  4.  Interview/life/el-secuestro-of-activism-femenino-and-the-resurgence-of-feminism-proprovida/(2017) https: // www.Actuall.com/world/news-46846221 (2017) https: // www.BBC.com
  5. · Journals.Openedion.Org/Generehistoire/1296 (2016) https: // journals.org

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