OSHA Law Discussion
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1. What is OSHA’s impact on safety in U.S. workplaces?
OSHA is necessary as it compels the employers to provide a safe working environment.
It ensures that employees’ health is protected while they conduct the activities (US Department of Labor, 2018).
It provides for the security of employees to file cases against their employers whenever they mistreat them, or the work conditions are unsafe (US Department of Labor, 2018).2. What are the disadvantages of the OSHA law?
It renders the Human Resource Department powerless as the employees are free to launch their complaints with other services (Society for Human Resource Management, 2008).
It fails to recognize that there are existing institutions that deal with the various cases such as the USERRA which caters for the welfare of veterans and ex-servicemen (Hero, 2017).
It does not put into account that some employees may blackmail their employers via OSHA laws or by acts of whistleblowing(Society for Human Resource Management, 2008).3. What would be the consequences if OSHA were repealed?
The employees would be at the mercy of their employers, and some of them would be fired in case they launched any concerns (Society for Human Resource Management, 2008).
The “employees at will” would be misused in the workplace as the employers are not obligated to having them in the company for a given length of time (NOLO, 2011). So, in case they were to raise any complaints about their safety in the workplace they would automatically be fired.
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It would be difficult to implement some of the various acts set by the government and the labor department to protect employees. For instance, the execution of the American’s with Disabilities Act (US Department of Labor, 2018).
Immigrants would have a difficult time securing the right working conditions (BLR, 2018).4. What recommendations do you have to improve OSHA law or its regulations?
That the OSHA laws should take into concern the cases of some employees being uncooperative and using the OSHA laws as a scapegoat for their actions (Muhl, 2001).
The OSHA laws should extend to all branches of civil service to ensure that everyone is covered. For instance, people with disabilities, and members of the armed forces.
The OSHA law should be work inconsistency with existing laws, and that employees are compliant (BLR, 2018).
BLR. (2018). Employment Contracts laws & HR compliance analysis. Retrieved from https://www.blr.com/HR-Employment/Staffing-Training-/Employment-Contracts/BLR. (2018). Employment Contracts laws & HR compliance analysis. Retrieved from https://www.blr.com/HR-Employment/Staffing-Training-/Employment-Contracts/Hero, HR. (2017). USERRA (The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act). Retrieved from http://topics.hrhero.com/userra-uniformed-services-employment-and-reemployment-rights-act/. This is a brief overview.
Muhl, C. (January 2001). The employment-at-will doctrine: Three significant exceptions. Monthly Labor Review, 124(1), 3-11. Retrieved from ProQuest.
NOLO. (2011, October 10). Employment At Will: What Does It Mean? Retrieved from https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/employment-at-will-definition-30022.htmlSociety for Human Resource Management. (2008). Immigration and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/immigrationreformandcontrolactof1986(irca).aspxUS Department of Labor. (2018). Americans with Disabilities Act | U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved from https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/disability/adaUS Department of Labor. (2018). OSHA Worker Rights and Protections | Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/workers/
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