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DownloadBiological Influences and Challenging Behavior
Title: Biological Influences and Challenging Behavior
Thesis: Many genetic syndromes are associated with several challenging behaviors which affect an individual’s normal function in the society, and they interfere with significant sections of the brains in which most of the syndromes are associated with intellectual disabilities. Some of the genetic syndromes are Down syndrome, Prada-Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and William’s syndrome.
Defining Challenging behavior
Biological influences associated with challenging behaviors
neurological abnormalities
genetic abnormalities
Purpose of the research
Defining the problem: The relationship between the development of challenging behavior and mental illness is viewed as frequent resulting in problems concerning adaptive skills (Lang, Sigafoos, van, O’Reilly, Lancioni, & Didden, 2013).
Examples of biological elements associated with the development of mental problems.
Research question: what are the challenging behaviors exhibited by individuals diagnosed with specific genetic disorders concerning the biological determinants of human behavior?
Challenging Behaviors
Down syndrome
Features associated with down syndrome that include a proportionately large tongue, facial malformations, short physical stature, immature muscle tone, including intellectual, disability
Development of down syndrome on children and adults
Challenges; communication problems
Treatment and management
Prada-Willi syndrome
Associated behaviors and signs; skin picking, excess appetite, high temperament, difficulty to adapt to changes, and frequent mood fluctuations
Treatment and control
Angelman syndrome
Associated features; aggression, sleeping problems, learning disabilities, eating problems, communication issues, protrusion of the tongue and microcephaly.
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Behavioral characteristics in children and adults
Necessary behavioral management support
Fragile X syndrome
Associated behaviors and symptoms in children and adults; intellectual incapacities, repetitive behavior, delayed development growth in terms of language and walking, avoiding eye-contact and the development of autism.
Management and treatment
William’s syndrome
Definition and causes
Risks in children; cardiovascular infections, connective tissue problems such as an umbilical hernia and problems with bowel movement, distinctive facial issues such as a short nose and a small jaw, intellectual disabilities, and developmental defects.
Associated features and symptoms;
Special gifts associated with the condition
Challenging Behaviors
Management and support
Analysis of biological influences on challenging behaviors
Examples of genetic syndromes
Biological factors play a role in influencing the behavior exhibited by individuals
Research analysis
Lang, R., Sigafoos, J., van der Meer, L., O’Reilly, M., Lancioni, G., & Didden, R. (2013). Early Signs and Early Behavioral Intervention of Challenging Behavior. Challenging Behavior, 1-35.
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