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outpatient coding and time management for coders


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Outpatient Coding and Time Management
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Outpatient Coding and Time Management
Question 1
What is the documentation you likely to see for outpatient services and how you will use this documentation in your coding work? Give at least three specific examples. Include information on using the right wording for diagnosis in documentation.
Documentation of medical description to patients plays a critical role in explaining the need for medical health management and the justification for exception process. Usually, the inpatient and outpatient documentation is reviewed by the medical practitioners and provides required services across the medical healthcare services (Bresnen & Marhefka, 2012). Therefore, the documentation should coordinate several sections of services in a health center to ensure a consistent transition of services.
Thus, evaluation and management documentation of a patient is the appropriate way to provide medical records, and the information is accurately reported covering the medical services. This evaluation and management documentation further ensure legibility, relevance, and justification of service bill of a patient. This detail description entails the general appearance of a patient, auscultation of the heart, and the auscultation of the lungs among other health services (Jones, Beecroft & Patterson, 2014). The evaluation and management coding using the current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes by the health practitioners provide prolonged service going beyond the duration description for assessment and management of particular service (Johnson, 2011).

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Moreover, the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) should review the service required to clearly document the medical report on service description of a patient.
Question 2
What specific issues did the coder address that you can use in your own coding?
The evaluation and management code documentation entails the service time, intra-service time and the report on every visit of an outpatient. The coding further addresses the previous visit of up to 3-5 years of medical specialty. This medical history is essential in the trend analysis of a patient and the medical description and the special care required (Bresnen & Marhefka, 2012). Nonetheless, the coder addresses the problem focus and the comprehensively expanded problem in an accurate report of the patient.
Question 3
Which of the basic principles of time management are most valuable to you as a coder? How can you apply them to your coding work?
To ensure efficient code work delivery according to the time framework, the coder needs to set tracks of records. In this context, one needs to identify the time span for the work to avoid interruption and recurring tasks. Secondly, as a coder, one needs to list the entire requirement before executing service. Thirdly, one needs to adjust essential priorities in the course of the work to ensure sufficient value development on the services. This entails extensive inquiry of the entire health practitioner in a health center to accommodate all the description of the service efficiently. The fourth principle is to identify the possible time waster activities and to focus the on the scheduling of important event in work (Jones, Beecroft & Patterson, 2014). Thus, these principle tips serve as a guideline in ensuring successful plan implementation on a code workload.
Question 4
What are the tasks involved in coding, and how will you prioritize them?
Having a productivity work output require the right tasks and working according to the scheduled time of appropriate service delivery. Besides, as a coder breaking down events will allow systematic completion of all activities. Under these breakdowns, the coder should be aware of the consequences of services in case of doubt on priorities. Moreover, the coder should set monthly goals to determine the foundation of another task ahead and split colliding priorities.
Question 5
What specific steps can you take to improve in the time you spend on the common time-wasters?
The first action is to plan and organize daily activities involving the blend of similar and innovative events. This action plan will prevent anxiety of engaging in mastered activities neglecting other important activities. Nevertheless, as a project executor, I will need to improve performance through pressure of events to enhance productive results. Workload pressure management will relatively yield speed production and reduce the budget and duration of the work. Finally, as a coder, I need to negotiate with the stakeholders and measure all the possible challenges in managing the workload (Tavakoli, Fooladvand & Jahanbakhsh, 2013). This will reduce the inconvenience created by the stakeholder in deploying the work materials and activities in the project.

Bresnen, B. & Marhefka, J. (2012). 15. Implementing an inpatient and outpatient ultrafiltration program: Time well spent. Heart & Lung: The Journal Of Acute And Critical Care, 41(4), 429. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2012.04.046
Johnson, S. (2011). System health management (1st ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Jones, K., Beecroft, N., & Patterson, E. (2014). Towards computer-assisted coding: A case study of ‘charge by documentation’ software at an endoscopy clinic. Health Policy And Technology, 3(3), 208-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hlpt.2014.05.002
Tavakoli, N., Fooladvand, M., & Jahanbakhsh, M. (2013). Developing health information documentation in disaster. International Journal Of Health System And Disaster Management, 1(1), 11. http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/2347-9019.122426

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