Overpopulation In Humanity
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Perhaps he was not wrong, maybe Thanos – the famous villain of the Marvel heroes – was right when trying to eliminate fifty percent of all existing creatures in the universe. People were going to sleep being hungry, they were looking for food remains, the planets were on the verge of collapse. The Crazy Titan could have remedied that, and what would have happened since then? Children born would not know more than full bellies and clear skies. It would be a paradise.
A high there may have seemed to mention superhero films characters, but I think it is necessary to pay attention to the intentions of the antagonist: it is not about eliminating half of the population, but also generating, or rather, return to a state of demographic equilibrium where everyone has the necessary goods to subsist.
Superpopulation constitutes an issue that has always been part of the critical agenda of humanity since recent times, but little or almost nothing has been done to find and apply solutions to this situation, because it is a problem to which it is necessary to providethe due importance. After all, it is the future of the human race. It is a simple calculation. This universe is finite, its resources are limited. If life is not controlled, life will cease to exist. You need correction.
In this essay we will address this issue so that the vast majority of information concerning it meets and we will see how it has affected society over the years.
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War, disease, poverty … what about overpopulation?
The number of human individuals who inhabit a place increases more every day. In 15000 BC, there were already 5 million, in the 1st century, there were already 300 million;In 1600, 600 million. But demographic growth would make great jumps: in 1800, one billion already stepped on the earth;at the beginning of the 20th century, two billion;and actually;plus 7.5 miles of millions of people … and going up.
In 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus – Anglican call and British scholar born in 1766 – published the book essay on the principle of the population in which he raised a problem in which he points out that man, if he obeys the fear of not being able to meet the needs ofyour children, do it by virtue many times. But if, on the contrary, it is guided by its instinct, "(…) the population grows more than subsistence means". It also indicates that the amount of population increase is governed by a geometric progression, unlike food, which grow in arithmetic progression.
Here we already realized that there is a problem, if human beings continue to increase in number, the time will come when food will not be enough to fill the needs of each and every one of us. However, we have other critical aspects in humanity, such as social conflicts, corruption, famine, etc. But if I told them that everything is caused by the enormous ration of humans that exist on earth. Overpopulation will cause almost the entire human race to be extinguished.
Let’s take a look at the past. Since there were human groups, there have been clashes of various types, wars were an expression of power that a nation had and how much could submit to other peoples. Many times, economic factors are one of the pillars of the entire fight between countries. It is a trigger for the conquest of territories, goods, infrastructure, etc.
In the same way, given the political-ideological causes, it is also presumed to attack the other nation in order not to find opposition to the system they carry in their territory (protect their assets). In this way, we will realize that everything is about the defense of what is our own, but why? Well, everything is finite, and the population increase generates that everyone has enough to live, and if another has it, it is likely to want it.
Now we will go to another problematic aspect of humanity: the corruption of our rulers. Why is someone corrupt? When the resources of a certain place, it steals, it commits acts of money laundering, it does so to have more and pretend, then, to be more. That superb is the one that causes assets to be removed from people, goods that are also limited by the enormous number of human beings that exist, which causes competition for these resources.
As we see, overpopulation is in everything. But there are even more.
The man has the tendency to go from well -being, something that is good. But, this is accompanied by technological advance, and with it, also above the increase in machines production. It is inevitable that the time comes when the growth of prosperity will cause the opposite: it will reduce people’s health.
This is because high levels of pollution will occur, something that derives to damages for ourselves. Overpopulation will allow us to seek new forms of solution for these problems;However, although scientists emphasize that technology will remedy everything, the truth is that we depend so much on the machines, that we will only do more damage. Theodore Kaczynski said it well in his manifesto, the famous United States terrorist: the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. It will certainly submit human beings to great indignities and inflict great damage to the natural world, will probably lead to a social collapse and psychological suffering, and it may lead to the increase in physical suffering even in countries in countries.
Putting a little more writers, in Inferno de Dan Brown – taking as an inspiration the divine comedy of Dante Alighieri – this author makes us see that something catastrophic is coming, or that perhaps it is already found here: a hell on earth as a resultof overpopulation. Under the pressure of overpopulation, those who never considered the possibility of stealing will be forced to do so to feed their families. Dante’s sins (greed, gluttony, betrayal, murder, etc.) will begin to emerge everywhere …, amplified by our diminishing resources. We are facing a battle for the very soul of man. Brown illustrates us here how the population growth will end the human race.
Before plague, overpopulation, famine and economic hardships ravaged the Middle Ages. While frightful, the sudden arrival of the black plague diminished the human population, and caused a sudden abundance of both food and opportunities that, according to many historians, was the main catalyst in the Renaissance.
Given this, I thought about the solutions to the problem of overpopulation. It sounds very crazy to cause a war, but they have already done so, according to some. There are also diseases that have spread due to direct and conscious of man. Anyway, and although no one recognizes it, there are indications that the high -ranking authorities have tried to reduce the world population, although those are not the media.
Hell is already here, it is in our hands to do something so that the human race does not disappear.
The human population has grown greatly since 1800, generating an lack of control in the number of people who inhabit the land. Now, more than 7 billion human beings live all over the world.
There were many characters that predicted what would happen: Malthus said that the population would grow so much that food levels were not going to meet to meet the needs of all individuals. We notice that, in underdeveloped countries, this is being a reality for decades. Even throughout the times, there has always been high levels of famine and poverty.
Our dependence in technology does not generate solutions, but, on the contrary, it only forces us to advance more in machine developments, at the expense of citizenship, which is not a victory in reality.
In Inferno, they expose us what life would be like with superpoption, or should say what life is like, a hell. It is our responsibility to make life into earth into a sky.
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