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Oxygen Organisms On The Planet


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Oxygen organisms on the planet


Anaerobic organisms are those that live in an anxic environment, one that lacks oxygen. While most living beings need oxygen to survive, they are aerobics, oxygen can be toxic to anaerobic organisms. The vast majority of organisms produce energy molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) through an aerobic cell breathing process. This complex set of chemical interactions takes place in the cytoplasm and cell membrane of prokaryotes and in the mitochondria of the eukaryotes. 


During breathing, oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor at the end of an electron transport chain., reason why aerobic organisms must breathe air containing oxygen to survive. However, anaerobic organisms use anaerobic fermentation or breathing to produce ATP. In this case, an atom other than oxygen is the final electron acceptor. For example, some anaerobic bacteria that live in the depths of the mud in swampy areas use a sulfate ion instead of oxygen.

Hydrogen sulfide occurs as a byproduct, instead of water. This explains the smell of sulfur in many swamps and marshes. There are two main types of anaerobes: optional and obliged. Optional anaerobes can live with or without oxygen. When oxygen is present in their environment, they use aerobic cell breathing to produce energy in the form of ATP. If oxygen runs out, they can change anaerobic or fermentation breathing. On the contrary, forced anaerobes must live without oxygen.

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They are only equipped to undergo anaerobic breathing or fermentation, and the presence of oxygen kills them. Human muscle cells are optional anaerobic. During the exercise in which a person receives a lot of oxygen in their muscles, such as background races, cells undergo aerobic breathing. But during intense exercise such as running, in which the body’s oxygen needs exceed the ability of the lungs to provide it, muscle cells will change to lactic acid fermentation. 

This process is much less efficient than aerobic breathing and produces lactic acid as a byproduct, which accumulates in the muscles and causes the sensation of ardor that is commonly felt during intense exercise. Because this is much less efficient, a person can only do such an intense activity for a very short period of time before ‘hit the wall’ and have to stop. Another family optional anaerobium is the Escherichia coli bacteria. Although e. Coli has had a bad reputation in the press due to food poisoning incidents.

AND. Coli is actually very important and beneficial residents of the human gastrointestinal tract. They help the digestion of food and the absorption of the necessary vitamins, as well as the protection against potentially harmful infections. These bacteria can easily work with or without oxygen, which makes them highly adaptable to different environments. In the anaerobic intestine, they use fermentation to produce energy. If they are found in the oxygen rich outside the intestine, they change to aerobic breathing.

Other examples of optional anaerobes. Staphylococcus aureus: Cause staphylococcal infections. S. Meticillin resistant aureus is responsible for Mrsa. Lactococcus lactis: its fermentation with lactic acid is used in the processing of many types of cheese. An infamous forced anaerobic example is Clostridium botulinum. This common bacterium produces a powerful neurotoxin that can be fatal even in small quantities. It is growing in articles such as canned products at home, baked potatoes wrapped in aluminum and honey paper. 

In poor survival conditions, C. Botulinum produces spores with a hard layer that allows them to survive for years. When conditions improve, bacteria begin to grow and produce potentially lethal toxins. If a person consumes food contaminated with C. Botulinum in probable active growth that succumb to mortulismo food poisoning, whose first symptoms are nausea, vomiting and weakness. Then come the neurological effects: blurred vision, difficulty speaking and swallowing, and deterioration of muscle control.

Followed by difficulty breathing and possibly asphyxiation death. Child botulism occurs after a baby ingests spores de C. Botulinum, which can be found on earth, dust or honey. This is why small babies should never receive honey;Before a year of age, its immune system is not strong enough to handle spores, so they begin to grow and cause serious diseases. Possibly, the greater aggregation of obliged anaerobes of the planet is at the bottom of the deep sea, where hydrothermal vents populate. 

These underwater hot springs that sprout from the earth’s crust are loaded with minerals, which bacteria use to energize their chemosynthesis process, thus building organic molecules. First discovered in 1977 by researchers from the Galapagos Islands, its existence rewritten all biology textbooks. Before that, it was thought that photosynthesis was the only means by which autotrophic organisms could convert energy into food themselves. Bob Ballard, the deep waters explorer who discovered the remains of Titanic.

I was in the Alvin submersible the day he went down to film the ventilation ducts. Later he said that the discovery of chemosynthesis in the bacteria of the vent was one of the greatest biological discoveries of the twentieth century, much more important than any historical shipwreck. Evolutionists speculate that life began at the bottom of the sea, energized by chemosynthesis. Other examples of forced anaerobes. Clostridium tetani: cause tetanus. Chlorobium, Chloroflexus and several other species contribute to the prismatic colors of the hot springs of the Yellowstone National Park.


It is clear that our planet is well populated by various anaerobic organisms. Some are pathogens and cause serious infections such as mrsa, botulism and tetanus. Others are beneficial, they add beauty to the hot springs, they give flavor to the cheeses and shape the communities of the ocean. For others, like e. coli, its condition depends on its location: while e. Coli is a necessary and useful resident of the human intestine, it can become pathogen if it is ingested orally or in some other way. In summary, anaerobes are important land residents who brilliantly fulfill their ecological niches.

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