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Pablo Neruda’S Works Style


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Pablo Neruda’s works style

Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, or as we know him, Pablo Neruda, was born in 1904, on June 12 in the Chilean Parral City which is located in the Maule region. He was an only son and his parents were José del Carmen Reyes Morales and Rosa Neftalí Basoalto. Paul studied at the Temuco Men Lyceum and in the same city he meets the great poet Gabriela Mistral who introduced him to the Russian narrative. Then in 1921 Paul moved to Santiago where he studied pedagogy in French at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Chile and published his first poem "The Song of the Fiesta" using his pseudonym for the first time. He joined the Communist Party of Chile in 1945, to which he belonged until his death, and later would be the cause of his exile.Pablo Neruda receives the Nobel Prize for Literature, while he was an ambassador of France, on October 21, 1971. Neruda seriously got sick of prostate cancer and had to hospitalize it until a Santiago clinic, where he dies on September 23, 1973 with only 69 years.

Importance in lyric

Pablo Neruda was very influential in Hispanoamerican literature doing his works part of the avant -garde movement that was developed at the time, mixed with his political ideals, whose objective was to cultivate teachings, show the strength that the letters have in the reality that we all live and propagatethe art. The poet gained recognition in many countries since this protested through his compositions for the freedom of oppressed peoples, the misery of peoples and the deepest reality that the human being lives, so it became a persecuted politician in ChileAfter a speech in which he denounced the persecution against militants of the Communist Party and accused the repression of the miners “In Chile there is no freedom of words, there is no fear of fear.

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Hundreds of men fighting for our homeland to live free of misery are persecuted, mistreated, offended and convicted ”(Neruda, 1948)

The style of his works were revolutionary, the opposition was shown and the rupture of all the literature that had been imposed by the Europeans, broke with the rules and did not follow a certain scheme. He had a personal style, focused on every way in search of creating a natural reconstruction of what he wanted to express and what he felt, this is how he intended that the reader enter his work. He used metaphors to achieve the description of his world and also used surrealism to describe everyday things "Neruda gave life, emotion and encouragement to all things in the world" (Guillén, 2016). The way and style in which Neruda wrote his poems made the National Literature Prize in 1945 and received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. According to his friend and poet, Gabriel García Márquez (1971) Neruda was considered the greatest poet of the twentieth century in any language.

After the death of Pablo Neruda, a total of 45 books leave us, some compilations, selections and antalogies, all these translated into more than 35 languages and his works are known and studied worldwide due to the impact and admiration he won in his poet years,"Its popularity and validity are permanent and their readers are counted by millions through the world" (Pablo Neruda Foundation, S.F.) . Paul leaves us his maximum literary legacy distributed in his 3 houses, all in Chile, which are currently used as museums in memory of the poet, Isla Negra, located in the Quisco;The Sebastiana, in Valparaíso and La Chascona, which is located in Santiago.

Poem "Macchu Picchu heights"

Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet. (1904-1973) Fragment.


Climb up to born with me, brother. Give me your hand from the deep zone of your disseminated pain.

You will not return from the background of rocks. You will not return from underground time. You will not return your voice hardened.

They will not return your drilled eyes. Look at me from the bottom of the earth, labrador, weaver, quiet shepherd: tutelary guanacos: mason of the challenged scaffold: watering of the Andean tears: jeweler of the crushed fingers: farmer shaking in the seed: potter in your spilled clay: tracedTo the cup of this new life your old pain buried.

Show me your blood and your groove, tell me: here I was punished,

Because the jewel did not shine or the earth

did not deliver the stone or the grain in time: signal me the stone in which you fell

and the wood in which they crucified you,

Light me the old flints,

The old lamps, the whips glued

Through the centuries in the wounds

And bloody shine axes.

I come to speak through your dead mouth.

Through Earth together together

The silent lips spilled

And from the background, talk to me all this long night as if I were anchored, tell me everything, chain to chain,

link to link, and step by step,

Shark the knives you kept,

Put them in my chest and in my hand,

Like a river of yellow rays, like a river of buried tigers, and let me cry, hours, days, years, blind ages, star centuries.

Give me the silence, the water, the hope. give me the war, the iron, the volcanoes. Cling to my body like magnets. Go to my veins and my mouth.

Speak through my words and my blood.

Neruda, p. (1999). "Macchu Picchu heights". IN COMPLETE WORKS I. Of ‘twilight’ to ‘the grapes and the wind´ 1923-1954. Barcelona: Gutenberg Galaxy. (fragment).

Literary figures:

Comparison, metaphor, hyperbole, anaphora, personification, irony

Poem analysis: "Macchu Picchu heights"

  • Lyric reason: the suffering of all men who had to build the Macchu Picchu monument
  • Temple of encouragement: impotence, authority, anger towards the injustice that the Incas lived.
  • Lyrical attitude: apostrophic

It is a poem composed of 12 parts or songs, "Macchu Picchu heights" is a composition of the glare that produces Pablo Neruda Macchu Picchu, this is a place that leads him to question about the nature of man and historical destiny,And to remember the immense and dark torture of humanity that hacks the stones, and that should suffer the impossible to build that set that today accompanies us as one of the wonders of the world, the poem ends with a great message that is againstThe historical injustice and suffering of many human beings. "Macchu Picchu heights" is also an inquiry about the secret that the stones of Álla keep regarding those who worked and inhabited among them, some men in whom the poet recognizes . In addition to being a set of human art and sacrifice, wonderful landscapes, strength and spell of nature, have a transcendent value and are symbol of the American homeland. Macchu picchu heights Poem XII is symbolic which in turn presents a relationship with the astronomical knowledge that the Incas possessed, the XII poem is the same number as the 12 months of the year and 12 zodiac signs.


Finally, we will begin with saying that the objectives proposed for this research work were met, since we managed to investigate the style of Pablo Neruda’s works and the great influence not only in Latin America, but worldwide. Neruda based his works on experienced experiences, an exaggeratedly thorough description to ensure that we as readers can empathize and feel everything he wanted to express, in his deepest feelings and thoughts, demonstrate the strength that poems and art had in general,In the reality of the human being, in the injustices that he had to see, know and live day by day and in those who were repressed and silent, as in the poem that we analyzed “the heights of Macchu Picchu”, he managed to give voice to those who alreadyThey couldn’t talk. With this we could understand the importance that Neruda achieved with his writings, he was a revolutionary man who broke the rules of what has already been imposed before, so it is considered an avant -garde exponent, since in his texts he developed freedom of expression and artistic innovation, he brokethe aesthetic canons and traditions that art had;With all this he managed to be known worldwide and attract attention at the time thanks to the translations in various languages of his works.

In a way of conclusion, Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, a great exponent of the avant -garde period with both cultural and political importance within the lyric mainly within Chile, in addition, he was an influential poet around the world and his innovative and long workTrajectory led him to win several literary awards, including the most important prize in the literary world, the Nobel Prize for Literature. His works are part of history, most part of Latin America, in which Nerud.


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