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Pedagogy And Didactics Using The Virtual Learning Environment Google Classroom


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Pedagogy and didactics using the Virtual Learning Environment Google Classroom

The virtual environment of Google Classroom allows establishing a communication with the student. You can create and organize tasks for learning outside the laboratory. The student can send their doubts and a feedback can be carried out. It has the advantage that you can also work with Google Drive, because when generating a task and uploading documents a folder is created in this application. Classroom facilitates the supervision and evaluation of the students and with it we can see the student’s progress. It has the advantage of including students through email or by a code of access to the class that is generated when a course begins. There is paper savings, the delivery of tasks is scheduled and the date on which the student uploaded the exercise to the platform can be known. Students can advance their tasks, they can modify them with the teacher’s authorization if it allows them to edit. When a classroom notification is sent to them, they also receive it by email, so that the information reaches the two ways. With tasks you can anticipate the knowledge of the students, and thus in the laboratory you can work based on the doubts that they had in a general and individual way, in addition to knowing their qualification of the exercise. This allows the teacher to have an idea of the knowledge that students show regarding the subject and emphasize the doubts they present. This platform is only used for teaching-learning purposes so it does not contain ads, and is free for students.

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The teacher has control of the course because he creates and manages. In classroom students can publish and comment. In the cell biology laboratory, the virtual environment is very important and videos are used so that it can be more easily understood what will be done in the laboratory and virtually exemplify what happens in the cell depending on the objective of the subject,In addition to visualizing and preventing the risks to take into account to avoid possible accidents due to inappropriate management of the material you will use

The functions of the Classroom application saves the teacher in the sense that I can answer the student extra-class doubts, in case they arise when you are preparing your practice or previous report when making experimental development.

Virtual education is important within the training of students because it responds to the needs of a society that is constantly in progress, which has an interest in updating either in synchronous or asynchronous communication modality (García, 1999), because it promotes knowledgeintuitive, constructive, creative and critical, improving the teaching-learning process. When the teaching is at a distance the student can choose the rhythm and how to study, and induce their self-learning.

There are advantages when using the Virtual Learning environment Google Classroom, such as being able to incorporate articles, videos, images, you have a user record, your participation can be monitored, it interacts with a greater number of people, there is flexibility of schedules and geographical location, and this generates time and money savings. Help a theoretical evaluation. The disadvantages is that it must be adapted or adjusted to each discipline field. Infrastructure and connectivity must be available, such as smartphones, tablets, wireless local access network as support for learning processes in virtual environments (example of a playful application in the “Kahoot” laboratory). Take the student away from his study classmates, therefore, it is necessary for teaching to be bidirectional with his teacher so that there is feedback. Training is required to use the application so that it can be integrated into the course.

In careers with practical training, they cannot be learned and tested by the student in a virtual way, unless in the laboratory or classroom has equipment to present a virtual reality, and can be interacting as in the case in some foreign universities of the careersof medicine, dentistry, nursing where surgeries can be practiced virtually (Ryan, et al., 2019).

Active learning with videos in the laboratory has a greater impact regarding a traditional conference, allows students a practical approach to interact with the subject. In cell biology it is very important due to the fact that the cell is so small that the parts cannot be seen in a typical optical microscope, so the concepts are abstract and difficult to visualize. The videos give students the ability to visualize within a cell, the class is more attractive to progress to assets liabilities and promotes the essential critical thinking skills for the transfer or use of knowledge acquired in the classroomIn the scientific environment.

It has been proven that students’ learning styles have better effect when there are images, there may be communication with their teacher individually, through the Google Classroom application.

Traditional didactic learning is a teacher -centered pedagogical teaching, an approach that can be effective in establishing basic knowledge in students;However, this method is not the optimal for teaching in students of biological science careers because they need to learn more effectively and apply or integrate knowledge into a problem solving environment. Students value the opportunity for computer -based interactive approaches, are more visual and can increase their participation in the class, committing to seeking new information, because the decrease in satisfaction can affect their commitment and acquisition of knowledge, including their ability to rememberand retain information. The teaching mode to students impact on their learning and participation in the classroom. In the Google Classroom application they can ask questions frequently because they are not intimidated, favoring participation, therefore, it could be considered a potential tool to facilitate greater student’s commitment. Educational tools require continuous and interactive evaluation, for example, online exercises, brief review of topics. It is worth mentioning a disadvantage when they are allowed to see a video, the students check time and if it is more than 10 minutes they do not see it and justify it because they cannot ask their questions immediately when they look at them. Another disadvantage is that it is not an easy task. However, videos can be transmitted that do not match 100% with the class, to present to students details of which they should not perform or could be used to give them an explanation of other possible results generating material to discuss in class. Another disadvantage is that some participants do not have internet access at home to load and reproduce the videos.

Out -class learning should be a direct instruction, it must be completed with content notes, take questionnaires online and in class the activities must be group focused on the application of knowledge and the resolution of more specific or advanced problems. The conference must be short and make practices in teams to formulate their conclusion and can be compared with their peers. In Google Classroom you can also provide exercises specifically and individual if it is observed that a student presents some deficiency and that it is important for their learning. Difficult concepts are presented in class so that there is interaction with students, in this way the teacher understands how students capture knowledge by observing their facial signals and if it is clear or should be used to another teaching strategy so that theyThey acquire knowledge, in addition teachers can also have a brief view prior to class learning elements that must be emphasized for the next lesson. Learning is improved when essential materials are highlighted. It is important to take into account that the students are disturbed when the workload is very strenuous and occupy a lot of time to do the work at home, so the teacher must estimate the time that the student will invest in performing their homework because ofThe opposite will not participate or have a unfaithful of activities and this leads to confuse and feel frustrated due to the extra workload.

To improve student learning, it is important. It is important to work with the student based on the observed incidents and modifiable behaviors. It should be clear and concrete in what is meant, avoiding general comments and emphasizing the positive, you should not customize and judgments should be avoided. Being careful with the suggestion and warning, these guidelines help the person evolve to a better performance and understanding of the subject. For this it is required that the student be willing to expose their weaknesses and errors and is permeable to a constructive criticism. The best strategy to manage returns is to comment first positive aspects, then negative and finally positive aspects of student performance.

It will be possible that in the future the use of multi -user virtual world environments (MUVE) can also be incorporated into the common education system. Reports describe that the participation of students increases compared to traditional asynchronous learning methods (Claman, 2015). Using this platform in biological science careers would have an improvement potential in learning and offers students a multitude of educational opportunities to practice new skills and behaviors in real -life scenarios, all within the safety of a controlled environment.


  • Alves de Lima, to. (2008) constructive return, a strategy to improve learning. Medicine;68: 88-92
  • Claman, f., L. (2015) The Impact of Multiuser Virtual Environments on Student Engagement. Nurse Education in practice;15: 13-16
  • García Aretio, L. (1999). Foundation and components of distance education. Ibero -American Magazine of Distance Education;2 (2).
  • Ryan, e., Poole, c. (2019) Impact of Virtual Learning Environment on Students ’satisfaction, engagement. • J med imaging radiat sci. 50 (3): 408-415.

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