View all "Person You Admire The Most" ready papers, essays and assignments
The Great Margaret Thatcher and Iron Lady Introduction Today there is a special woman that our politicians should look with respect and cleanliness, Margaret Thatcher. His politica...
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The Great Coral Barrier in Australia The clock runs and the hours are counted for this great coral barrier, without urgent actions against global warming, it will be extinguished i...
The graphic design in the industries Introduction In the future you can impact graphic design on industries as much as industry 4.0 The majority of people think that they can......
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The graphic design career Introduction The color in graphic design Graphic design is an academic subject and work activity that consists of the illustration of any type of visual c...
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The good thing to lose weight at your wedding Introduction Many women want to lose weight at their wedding and embark on a complicated challenge that leaves them exhausted and......
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THE GOOD EAT FRUIT AND EXERCISE Introduction Vegetable consumption is recommended in any diet, with the aim of improving health. In the case of athletes this was not going to......
The gestational pregnancy process Pregnancy is a natural process inherent to the human being, which contributes to human reproduction, Menéndez, Nava, Hidalgo & Espert affirm ...
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The genetic factors of Alzheimer's disease In EA patient autopsies, neurofibrillar ovillus formed by TAU protein pads inside neurons are observed, giving rise to an insoluble ba...
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The friendship between a man and a woman was considered impossible or illusory Introduction What is friendship? Before talking about man-woman friendship, we must first define frie...
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The Frankfurt School is an institution through which the most famous philosophers passed Introduction The Frankfurt School is an institution through which the most famous philosoph...
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The five qualities of a good teacher When talking about the qualities of a good teacher we can find a lot of articles about it. That can even create more......
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The existence of God and the Responsible Society Introduction. Within this text, different positions and authors such as Dostoevski, Sartre, Nietzsche, Kant are confronted where it...
The evolution of psychoanalysis and its history The practice of psychoanalysis, founded by Sigmund Freud, caused a stir at the time of its appearance. Since then, psychoanalysis ha...
The evaluation of the image of SME in Peru Applying corporate social responsibility policies in SMEs has the same effect as on large companies regarding how they are perceived. Tha...
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The effects of body pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection that affects lung alveoli. These are small sacks covered with blood vessels in which the gas exchange is performed, that is,...
The earthly goods of man For this essay we will analyze a chapter of the book The earthly goods of Leo Huberman and the chapter is the 11 called "Gold......
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The dimensions of ethics Since human reality has an inalienable social dimension, it is feasibleIn its most immediate environment, in accordance with an orderly conglomerate of val...
The development of microorganisms Introduction In veterinary medicine together with current microbiology, it needs crops for microbial identification, and are followed by the evolu...
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The degree in Psychology Introduction The following work aims to identify the basic concepts of maturation, development and learning involved in human development, analyzing thei...
The deception that is hidden in promotions The purpose of this writing is to address the issue of "ethics and social responsibility in marketing" oriented to one of its s...
The danger of giving food to animals in the zoo All of us who have visited in a zoo, reserve or natural park know the famous plates that pray......
The Cuscaña Public School Introduction The Cuzqueña school is a pictorial school that arises during the colonial period in Cuzco, Peru. His works combine the color of flamenco st...
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The crisis in Venezuela: a social disorder This great social disorder that develops approximately since 2013, subject a country to a great crisis. After various events that Venezue...
The criminology of minors, social and economic components Minors criminology is of great relevance in the world. That is, there is talk in this case of children and adolescents who...
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The coup d'etat Introduction It is difficult to find a univocal definition for coups so that it can cover all the characteristics of all the blows that have been. However,......
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The correlation between race and power The racialization of human beings, has been used as a tool of inferiorization to population groups to justify, and preserve a political and e...
The controversy on the issue of immigration There is a lot of controversy on the issue of the impact of immigrants in the United States. Many say that immigrants who......
The context and impact on Europe after the Protestant Reform The seventeenth century is an extraordinarily turbulent century throughout Europe. Although the constants indicated for...
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The consumption and economic status in society Introduction The consequences of the consumer society. You have surely heard the expression "The more I use, the better I am&quo...
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The construction of the identity of the protagonist Literary elements Introduction Leila Slimani is a writer and journalist, winner of the Goncourt Award in 2016 with her second wo...
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The conservation of the orangutan Introduction The Orangutan de Borneo has been declared in potential danger of extinction according to an IUCN report (International Union for the ...
The consequences of the feminist movement in the e.AND.OR.A The international movement for the right to vote, carried out by the callists, was a movement of social, economic and po...
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The company as a system Introduction This essay focuses on the analysis of the concept of company as a system, trying to identify the most important factors involved in its......
The Communist Manifesto and the approach of a different economic model The communist manifesto of Karl Marx exposes certain elements of society as the economic and social structure...
The commitment of human beings with the care of the environment As human beings we have the commitment to take care of the environment, since the wonders offered by nature......
Words: 669
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The colors that stimulate joy Introduction Aunque no lo creas, los colores pueden llegar a tener ciertas repercusiones en el cuerpo, que si bien no puedes notar pues son a......
The colonial nation-state in the Indianism of Fausto Reinaga In the preceding lines it was found that Western modernity produced the state-state, for this reason we can assert that...
Words: 1482
Pages: 5
The climatic situation with current data It is undeniable that the environment is a hot topic today, being the emissions of CO2 the greatest threats to the planet. In 2015,......
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THE CIRCADIAN CYCLE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP As a starting point, all living beings from the timid unicellular organism to the human being itself have an internal biological clo...
The characteristics of forests Introduction Thorny dry thicket. It is located in the driest and quality areas of the country, near the mangroves (Pacific Ocean) in the provinces of...
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