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Sexuality in the elderly Introduction Throughout life a person from the beginning to their end is considered as sexual beings and at no time from it can be removed from......
Sexual education to understand sexual orientation The objective of learning is to master the basic concepts of development psychology by applying knowledge of matter with other ...
Words: 557
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Sense and sensitivity that Jane Eyre demonstrates in the face of his opponents Jane Eyre proves to be a woman capable of governing the world if she wanted it, but......
self-reflection The importance of conservation Introduction The decomposition of food is a constant which entails several changes and alterations either chemical, biological and mi...
Words: 704
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self-reflection on the importance and effectiveness of supply chains Introduction The importance and effectiveness of the supply chain;It is vital for food security, since it is re...
Words: 442
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Search for freedom for women Introduction With this work I intend to make visible a black stage of Spain. Many were the women who were in the look during the......
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SCOPE BIRDS AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MULADARES In Spain, the implanted legislation makes it impossible to leave dead animals at the point of the field where they have died and......
Scientific explanation of emotional reactions when we are listening to music Suppose you are listening to music quietly when that song sounds that makes all your hair stood. That s...
Science and religion, two visions of the world (criticism) In an epistemological basic concept with a purely empirical mink regarding the relationship between science and religion....
Words: 554
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Samsung screens Introduction Access to information from your favorite cell phone brand begins with digital touches. Hence, Samsung mobile screens are the most purchased spare, whic...
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Samsung phones for man Introduction Cell phones have become indispensable for man during his daily life, this encouraged companies that work in the area of electronics to increas...
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Sales personnel today Introduction The main force of every company is its staff, since it is this who establishes the direct relationship between the client and the company that pr...
Salem witches The theatrical work Las Brujas de Salem was written by Arthur Miller who an American author who wrote plays, essays and stories and has published works dating from......
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Running tapes for training Introduction They are practical tools that serve to exercise at home or in small spaces, without having to invest so much time or money. They are......
Root goods essay In this essay we will talk about horizontal property which is applied to properties that are acquired individually and collectively that we normally find in buildi...
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Role of the social worker in the area of health One of the problems that is currently consuming to society in general is drug use, a definition for this terminology......
Role of the media in society Introduction. The media are instruments or forms of content by which the communication or communication process is carried out. Through these instrum...
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Robotics and its advances in medicine Introduction Robotics is very useful in medicine that is capable of getting where the eye of man cannot. Laparoscopy uses surgical methods suc...
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Risks we face within the legalization of drugs Introduction What are the risks we would face with the legalization of drugs? Drugs have been cataloged as soft and hard, when......
Risk factors, prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension Introduction It is called arterial hypertension (HA) to the chronic elevation of systolic blood pressure (greater th...
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Rhetoric question about missing youth Introduction Taking into consideration the text of Anderson, Schum and Twining, explain in detail what the abductive reasoning is in detail, a...
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Revelation and religions summary In revelation the trinity is communicated, revelation which gives the base to the church. If God has been completely revealed in Jesus, other revel...
Rest after a brain shock Both during sports and our day to day we are constantly exposed to domestic accidents that in most cases are mild. In this article we......
Respiratory physiotherapy and its techniques A physiotherapist is not very funny to be called a masseuse. Consider that your knowledge and the pathologies you can deal with go much...
Resilience in the Bible An epic verse from the Bible in Philippians 4:13 "I can everything in Christ that strengthens me". Refers to that aspect of life called resilience...
Words: 395
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Research designs Introduction This chapter will define the approach, method and techniques to be used in this research, which aims to design a pedagogical proposal based on educati...
Rescue to the Banking of Spain Introduction The choice of this issue is given by our deep interest in the Spanish financial system and the great involvement that the crisis......
Republic: the state justice and the individual Introduction In book II, Plato at the time of Socrates to answer the question of what justice is, creates a city. His thought......
Reproductive health and family planning Introduction. Family planning more than being a strategy to reduce maternal mortality is a permanent tactic that will fully achieve sexual a...
Words: 364
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Report on Paleative Patients The theory was developed to deal with patients in the terminal state and their families, in a Norwegian context and that is why the theory can......
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René Descartes and his contribution to philosophy René Descartes, a fifteenth -century French rationalist philosopher, hesitated all the knowledge disseminated by the scholastic ...
Words: 1129
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Renal insufficiency and malnutrition Introduction The kidney is a couple of organs located at the top of the retroperitoneum zone. On both sides of his great blood vessels for vert...
Words: 880
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Religion in Spain's education Today, we live in a multicultural society, we are surrounded by students with different religious beliefs. Therefore, religious tolerance must exist w...
Words: 448
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Reforms established in Ecuador Introduction On Friday, July 17, 2020, the President of the Republic of Ecuador Lenín Moreno, reformed the Regulation of the Organic Disabilities La...
Reflections on Violence in Videogames Introduction. Video game addiction is as serious as drug or alcohol addiction, this addiction is not threatened, but most are involved in the ...
Recycle food waste Introduction The best thing that can happen to food is to reach our dishes and enjoy. Avoid throwing food that could have eaten will allow you to......
Words: 735
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Rebellion on the farm, Review of the film In my opinion it is a very good movie since, it makes you understand in a very clear and precise way what......
Reading compression as a tool in education. Introduction. Reading understanding is defined as a double process: on the one hand, a process of decoding a written message and on the....
Words: 585
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Racism in football Racism is one of the most controversy issues in international football, since in the 21st century it is still common to see within this community, a sample......
Quantitative research and the importance of generalization The quantitative approach within scientific research highlights the importance of the generalization or universalization ...
Words: 739
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