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Cultural appropriation and its values Introduction When talking about cultural identity we refer to the set of values, traditions and beliefs within certain social groups, because ...
Words: 509
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Cultivate love for reading: one of the challenges of modern times Reading is fascinating, it is a safe door towards knowledge and ingenuity. This is wonderful, however, making the ...
Words: 490
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Crohn's disease, intestinal tract pathology Crohn's disease is a pathology that is related to inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract whose ethiopathogenesis is unknown, it is a...
Words: 971
Pages: 4
Critics review of Gabriel García Márquez's book Let's talk about our beloved Colombian writer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, that is, he is the renowned character Gab...
Critical analysis: the eBay commercial market Ebay was one of the most appreciated companies during the Puntocom boom, and although it has reached huge success since then, it has n...
Words: 688
Pages: 3
Criminal personality characteristics. Introduction As you will remember, in the subjects of criminological theories, criminal psychology and criminal sociology you studied the orie...
Criminal Law as Criminal Prevention Introduction What is the subsidiary nature of criminal law? “In a social and democratic state of law, criminal prevention mechanisms must impl...
Criminal Law and Violence in Sports In general, many issues related to sport are great pending subjects within criminal law. This does not occur only in Spain, but is also......
COVID-19 tests Introduction First, serological tests provide us with rapid results, but they lack reliability. Serological tests are responsible for measuring the amount of antibod...
Costumes on Heroes themes Introduction Undoubted. In addition to being honest, we have all wanted to have the powers of a superhero, ready to go to the battlefield, space or......
Cost accounting in the development of activities produced and business profitability Summary The objective of this article is to determine the fundamental and essential role that c...
Words: 1648
Pages: 6
Cosmos and Dark Matter Introduction Cosmos: dark matter, dark energy. Dark matter. When calculating the total mass-energy of the universe, astrophysicists find that barionic matter...
Words: 513
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Corticosteroid myths The use of corticosteroids such as dexamethasone in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, has revived interest in the use of this type of drugs, which have ...
Cortes love in our health Introduction Eduardo Germán María Hughes Galeano, was born in Monte Video, Uruguay, on September 3, 1940. In 1960 he began his journalistic career, edit...
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Corruption in Mexico and its consequences Have ever wondered why corruption is bad?, They have surely heard of corruption, but they have put themselves to think why corruption affe...
Control and importance of data structure Introduction The data structure is wideIn everything we use and do not realize. Importance of different programming data structures It is v...
Contraceptive methods, plan your family The economic crisis that Venezuela happens also affects sexuality, since it is increasingly complicatedof sexual diseases. Hormonal contr...
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Consequences of violence in women Introduction The project aims to diagnose the causes and consequences of feminicidal violence in the state of Michoacán as well as generating pre...
Consequences of low self - esteem in children because of gender violence The essay presented below speaks about one of the problems of greatest impact on society, gender violence a...
Consequences of liver cirrhosis in adult population Introduction Cirrhosis is a medical term which defines that the liver is healCirrhosis aggravates, the liver begins to fail, thi...
Consequences and risks of homophobia and transphobia No person is more prone to suicide for having a certain gender identity or sex-affective orientation, but it is because of the ...
Words: 663
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Congenital ichthiosis, symptoms and possible treatments. Introduction: Trying to define congenital ichthiosis (IC) is trying to define a really broad and complex topic, because it ...
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Conflicts over the holy lands of Israel between Jews and Muslims The story goes back thousands of years, in the Middle East, in this place there is a very special......
Conflict prevention in the letter of essential principles For the development of this work that is the prevention of conflicts, emphasis is placed on the legal advice and advice of...
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Concerns and differences presented between rationalism - Empiricism A long time ago both rationalism and empiricism generate many concerns and open many questions against the compl...
Words: 971
Pages: 4
Concept of the Constitution and where it was developed Introduction This essay will try to answer the question of what is the Constitution? Since we can realize that it is......
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
Computer security and problems facing SMEs Introduction Computer security (Wikipedia, Computer Security, 2019) encompasses the safety of computer equipment and also information sec...
Computer security and importance in today's society Introduction In this research work, an important issue in our current society will be discussed, where we have much of our ident...
Computers: Brief History and Effects Today living without computers is extremely difficult, because this device has become a device of great importance for society, currently the v...
Words: 361
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Computer crimes, characteristics and more common forms in which they commit Introduction To begin crime on the Internet, it is aimed at the exploitation of information and communic...
Words: 771
Pages: 3
Comprehensive SWOT ANALYSIS IN COMPANIES Introduction Through this task, I will develop the situation analysis of the proposal of a proposed business. I will prepare the SWOT study...
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Comparison of Festival Holi and Tomatina Throughout history in all cultures, diverse customs and festivities have been created;some important and serious transmitted from thousands...
Words: 468
Pages: 2
Comparison between Stephen King and Eduardo Galeano Introduction This report aims to compare the stories written by Eduardo Galeano, regarding his experiences and his idea of why h...
Words: 836
Pages: 3
Company relationship with the economic problem and production structure Introduction The company is a central institution in the operation of any economic system where people meet ...
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
COMMUNITY SOCIAL WORK TEST IN TIMES OF MODERNITY POSMODERNITY We can say that globalization has had several negative changes within the different economic political areas in a nega...
Words: 626
Pages: 2
Communication, understanding and production of texts Introduction Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory tract, making the air that enters and leaves the lungs de...
Comments on the text The year of the plague: Daniel Defoe Commentary to the text The year of the plague: Daniel Defoe In this text written by Daniel Defoe, an......
Words: 372
Pages: 1
Comment from the Sonnet XV of Garcilaso de la Vega Introduction In this comment we will analyze the sonnet XV of Garcilaso de la Vega, one of the most famous......
Colombia participation in the war carried out in Korea The participation that Colombia would have in the war that was carried out in Korea, when on June 27, 1950 from......
Cochrane in the process of independence of Peru in 1819 SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION This investigation tries to answer the question of: “To what extent did the Huachanos...
Words: 1072
Pages: 4
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