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Personal Statement 2


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Personal Statement
My educational background was based on my interests since I wanted to make progress and development as a result of my career. I pursued graduate studies in to gain more skills which could secure my employment opportunities in various organizations. The society I grew in appreciated education. Therefore there were opportunities for all the children without discrimination regardless of their gender. I had the determination and the passion for learning, and this enabled me to be self-motivated. Education institutes play a very crucial role in the society. Students acquire new skills which help them in future. Moreover, people come from different backgrounds. Therefore, it fosters understanding and individuals relate well to each other.
I chose business administration as the career to pursue in college. In KTJ international high school located in Malaysia, I was very good in mathematics, and I enjoyed playing with numbers. The passion led to the decision making of the course to take. During my free time, I always reviewed what I had studied during a particular day. It helped me excel in my examinations. Moreover, I joined Washington state university to major in business management. It is marketable, and there are high chances of employment. However, one must have the required skills and prove that after the interview is carried out. In most cases, the tests are often practical so that the potential employee may show his/her skills to the employers.
I have worked as a cashier for around eleven months in Giant supermarket.

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I handled several duties such as receiving payment in the form of cash and cards, handling refunds and items that require being exchanged by the clients and assisting in any complaints that are raised by the customers. Also, I was a volunteer at the Hati project event where I worked as a cashier at the charity event. The funds raised were donated to Hati Down Syndrome Foundation to help the needy.
The best way to gain experience while still studying is by pursuing on-campus student employment. It is difficult to secure such opportunities without any connection. However, I assisted several students to introduce themselves to the secretaries of various departments. Students at Oregon State University are able to show their ability to balance work and school. I believe that my educational background and learning experience would help me deliver quality work in business at Oregon State University. Having worked elsewhere, I can rest assured that my skills will assist the students.
There are many challenges in the organization, for instance, the prices of the available goods may be labeled wrongly on the shelves. As such, the cashier should pay for any losses incurred by the company. The employee’s salary is deducted monthly to cater for losses made. Some customers may be impatient but should always be treated with respect regardless of the situation. It helps retain clients in the organization and lure in potential customers in the entity.
During my free time, I like reading, traveling, sports and cooking since those are my hobbies. However, body exercise is important since it enables an individual to reduce health risks. The society should embrace a culture whereby education opportunities are offered equally to all people without any form of discrimination. It would help improve the country’s economic state. Employees with the required skills produce quality goods and services that are in demand from the clients.
My goal is to attain a master’s degree in business management. I am very interested in business since the skills acquired in learning may be applied when an entrepreneur is running hi/her business. Self-employment has got various benefits such as the owner enjoying all the profit alone, there is minimal supervision, and the sole proprietor makes decisions independently. I look forward to starting an entity after my studies.
Education has helped me learn that there are several challenges faced in this field. However, innovative individuals become successful because they stand out from their competitors. Training should be offered to the employees to improve their skills. Quality products and services are marketable, and they lead to increased sales.

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