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Marketing refers to the intermediary function between the development of products and services and eventual sales with regards to the demands of the consumers. There are some skills and attributes that one should possess including business acumen, marketing analytical and leadership skills for one to be a successful marketer. In this personal statement, I will focus on these skills that I have acquired both from school and work environment and the role they have played in enhancing my marketing profession.
During my education at Pepperdine University majoring in business administration, I had an opportunity to work at Progression Athletic International (PAI) a non-governmental organization that focuses on positively impacting the youth who are faced with societal and life risks through sports, as a volunteer consultant. The experience helped to enhance my business acumen skills. I was privileged to work closely with the firm’s CEO by helping him to go through the various reports from different departments. One of my duties involved analyzing the reports, and in case the required targets were not met, identify some of the reasons for this. The job subjected me to critical thinking sharpening my ability to look at situations more keenly with intent to come up with solutions that would yield positive results. Upon analysis and observation, I identified that lack of a proper job distribution system among management and a work ethics were among the leading causes of the poor performance experienced by the firm.
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I assisted the CEO in formulating strategies that would help improve the performance of the firm. The strategies included defining all departmental heads’ duties and formulating a new work ethics recommendation. Implementation of the policies saw the rise of PAI profits by 2% in the following month. Redefining the role of each department helped to improve the quality of production hence marketing the firm to customers. The experience came in handy at Universal Prospective Corporation, a partner of 58. Com when I was required to determine a marketing strategy that would foster sales of the company’s products at least cost. Understanding the business situation, I chose to post the most influential trends’ contents on social media. In a span of two months, the sales margin had grown by 15%.
I have a wide basis for analytical skills which I have gained in the course of employment which have proved to be useful when it comes to marketing. I worked at a government corporation in the Department of Transnational Corporation as an intern. At the company, I dealt with research projects on overseas mergers and acquisitions and investigations of initial data. The projects involved collecting a huge amount of financial information, analysis, and corrections made thereon. The job enhanced my analytical abilities enabling me to acquire knowledge on how to organize raw data, draw a conclusion and give recommendations thereon. The skill is important for marketing, especially when conducting a market survey to launch either a new product or determine the performance of the company’s products in the market. The skill was handy when working at Rong Quing Ecological Companies as an intern enabling me to analyze the firm’s target client characteristics and lifestyles towards Rong Quing’s products as a sales move. Combined with knowledge from my marketing classes at college, I formulated comprehensive survey questions that helped to identify the appropriate target market needs, create attractive advertisements that led to a rise in the business’ returns.
Marketing professionals interact with different people daily due to the nature of their work. It is thus paramount that a good marketer should be equipped with leadership abilities. At Pepperdine University, some of the study work involved working in a team with classmates, and each time one of the group members would be in charge of the rest. The group activities helped sharpen my leadership skills. The challenges faced as a leader such as coordination, determining topics of discussion, assigning tasks to members, and setting time for meetings enabled me to learn patience and management skills which are crucial in marketing. For instance, at Rong Quing Company, when launching the research methodology to conduct the survey for consumer preferences, the project required me to work with a team of eight individuals whom I was in charge of. Given the knowledge from college, I successfully led the team despite some of them being older. Our findings and recommendations had a positive impact on the firm’s profits. Among the key points learned were step by step recording and follow up of progress, sharing progress with all those involved, proper and realistic administering of roles to team members, and setting the pace of the work. I believe that in marketing, leadership by example (service leadership) is essential for its success. Professors at the college emphasized on the application of service leadership as compared to traditional leadership. Service leadership is specifically important in marketing where the views of all are vital in decision making. The solution selected will be one considered to be most effective than if one party was involved. In the team, I had the ability and proficiency to listen and incorporate others’ ideas thus displaying quality leadership skills. Being a group leader, I was obligated to organize team meetings, and conduct discussions are highlighting the role and influence of creativity. While at PAL, upon formulating the strategies for performance improvement, the company CEO tasked me with the duty to oversee the creation of awareness on the change in the business culture and work ethics and ensure all staff had signed on the document to be in agreement. I applied the skill of leading with patience when dealing with difficult fellow employees who were set on giving me a difficult time. During the internship, I was able to exhibit effective communication skills and leadership proficiency in the course of promoting harmonious interactions with the team members.
Upon graduation from MSc in Marketing, I have a plan to work in the marketing or branding team in one of the largest multinational entities across the world. In the long-term perspective, I purpose to secure competitive managerial positions as a marketing director or branding director in the multinational firm. Eventually, I hope to establish my advertisement company with the aim of promoting quality and professionalism in marketing.
My experiences prepared me for the next step that I am about to undertake. My background in business administration has equipped me with valuable knowledge of organizational theories, employee relations, leadership, and marketing strategies. XX University is internationally recognized to offer quality masters programs including marketing given the top notch researches accomplished by faculty members that are students, professors, and staff. Gaining a wider platform of knowledge in marketing will enable me to achieve my aspiration of setting up my advertisement company. A further degree combined with multi skills in diverse industries, I see my career advancing from being an employee to an employer.
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