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My Personality
Personality is the combination of an individual’s behaviors and emotional patterns that are influenced by biological and environmental factors (Brandt, 2010). The personality of an individual affects how that person thinks, feels, and behaves in any situation.
I would describe myself as a person who has a conscientious personality. I tend to be very cautious of how may actions and words impact the people around me, my studies and my work. As a conscientious person, I am keen to understand the strengths and weaknesses of everyone I relate to which makes it easy for me to work as a team with others. Realizing my personality as a conscientious person helps me to create good relations with my schoolmates, family members, and even strangers. As a conscientious person, I feel that I have a duty towards other people and I am therefore very careful not to offend people with what I say or do.
One characteristic of people who have a high conscientious personality is to stay organized. I feel at ease when my surroundings are organized. I always ensure my desk at school is tidy and well-arranged and that my bedroom is neat. My organized nature seems to influence other aspects of my life. For instance, I always make sure that I am on time for class, appointments and submit my assignments on time both at school and at work. I am very keen to maintain a schedule using my diary, and I often make plans well in advance. This way I make sure everything goes according to my plan.

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Another characteristic of conscientious people is that they are goal oriented. I use my initiative to set goals and objectives that I want to achieve within a specific period. I then focus my energy towards achieving the goals and objectives set. For example, at school, I aim to achieve high grades that will eventually help me find my desired career in life. I, therefore, devote most of my time to my studies to ensure that I achieve my desired grades.
As a person with high conscientiousness, I tend to avoid making spontaneous decisions without evaluating all the options that are available. I tend to care about the potential impacts of my decisions not only to myself but also to the people who might be impacted by my decisions. I am therefore a bit slow to make decisions since I have to make a thorough evaluation of each option and its consequences. However, when I make a decision, I am confident that it is the best and it will have the desired impacts in my life and those affected by my decision.
I am confident that my personality scores as a conscientious person will help me to become an effective leader in future. Being mindful of my actions and words to people around me will help me create a good relationship with the people I lead. A good relationship between leaders and those he or she leads is important since it will facilitate sharing information and ideas that would help grow the organization.
Being a person who evaluates all options before making a decision, I would apply this trait as a leader to ensure that I come up with the best decision that will help achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Making spontaneous decisions as a leader could result to negative impacts in the organization such as losses and unnecessary expenses. As a goal-oriented person, I would apply this trait to ensure that the organizational goals are met no matter what it takes. I would do this by ensuring a good work relationship is maintained among employees and between the employees and me.

Brandt, T. (2010). Personality and Leadership: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Transformational Leadership – Perspective of Subordinates and Leaders. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co.KG.

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