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Pharmacotherpeutics of Gastrointestinal Disorder


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Pharmacotherapeutics of Gastrointestinal Disorder
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Gastrointestinal disorder refers to diseases that majorly affects the gastrointestinal tracts such as the esophagus, rectum, small and large intestines, pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder and other digestion organs. Digestion is the process through which the body breaks down food into a smaller component by the use of energy. Gastrointestinal is a dangerous disorder that is likely to result in other diseases within the digestive system which will then make it difficult for the digestion process. These diseases may include, functional dyspepsia and inflammatory bowel disease. The primary causes of the gastrointestinal disorder are diverticular disease, colon polyps, and bowel syndrome among many others. Some of its symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, vomiting and bleeding of the gastrointestinal (Gulyani & Gamaldo, 2012). Digestive problems are common for every individual at a given time. However, the problem can be dealt with before it advances to a severe stage. That means that there are solutions for every digestive problem faced by individuals be it a gastrointestinal disorder.
Pharmacotherapeutics of Gastrointestinal Disorder
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a popular disease that mostly affects about 10%-20% of the western region (Chait, 2010). GERD has many symptoms, but the most common ones are the heartburn and acid regurgitation. In case these symptoms appear one is advised to seek for empiric therapy or even a presumptive diagnosis.

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However, for proper care, the victim is advised to go for further testing that will help in checking further complications or the exact cause of that particular symptoms. The complications may be; the erosive esophagitis or even peptic stricture. Prescribed diagnosis for this disorder includes medical therapy, surgery therapy, and even lifestyle modification. Lifestyle modification is not as difficult as one many thinks, but it is about how individuals choose to live a life that best suits their health, for example, proper weight loss, proper sleeping position (head elevation). Through doing so, the patient will be managing GERD’s symptoms. On the other hand, medical therapy entails acid suppression, and this can only be achieved by the use of antacids, proton –pump inhibitors and histamine-receptors antagonists. At times GERD can be very destructive when treating it and this may even force other patients to go for anti-reflux surgery.
Histamine-2 can be controlled by (H2) blockers. H2 blockers are drugs that help in relieving heartburn while treating reflux. Despite being good for relieving heartburn, these drugs are not advisable for treating esophagitis that is caused by GERD. During digestion, histamine triggers acid production which normally happens after a meal. Therefore, it is advisable for the drugs to be taken 30 minutes before a meal. The H2 blockers can as well be taken during bedtime because it will help in destroying acid production at night. Example of H2 blockers includes cimetidine, famotidine, and ranitidine. The drug can also have its side effects despite having the above strength, for instance, the patient will be experiencing abdominal pain, runny nose, gas among many others. However, with time the patient will be at the best condition. Apart from H2 blockers proton pump inhibitors can as well be effective for the treatment of GERD. It should be taken an hour before taking a meal by the patient. Proton Pump Inhibitors include rabeprazole, pantoprazole, and lansoprazole among many others. Unlike the H2 these drugs can help in protecting the esophagus from inflammation. Therefore, there are many ways of treating GERD.
H2 blockers drugs
Patient name: Rita Christine
Address: 976 F 4th Street Benin MN 7685
Rx: H2 blockers drugs 500mg tablets Age: 39
Do not Refill: X ( Sign)
Refill times D.E.A. Number: 657145
Date: 21st Dec 2018 Print Last Name: Christine
Amount: 14tabs before meal
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Patient name: Rita Christine
Address: 976 F 4th Street Benin MN 7685
Rx: PPI 250gm tablet Age: 39
Do not Refill: X ( Sign)
Refill times D.E.A. Number: 657145
Date: 21st Dec 2018 Print Last Name: Christine
Amount: 14tabs before meal

Chait M. M. (2010). Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Important considerations for the olderpatients. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2(12), 388-96.
Gulyani, S., Salas, R. E., & Gamaldo, C. E. (2012). Sleep medicine pharmacotherapeutics overview: Today, tomorrow, and the future (Part 1: insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders). Chest, 142(6), 1659-1668.

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