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Venezuelan illegal immigration in Peru Introduction Venezuela is dealing with internal conflicts due to a dictatorial regime, which has caused the immigration of its population;The...

Valentía and cowardice of life Introduction In the course of life, we are exposed to situations that seek to prove our abilities and in the same way how brave or......

Use of Technology in Medicine Teams Introduction In health, many equipment and tools are used that work autonomously or with the direction of the human hand but that is linked......

Use of music therapy as a treatment for Alzheimer Introduction Why are cradle songs known for calming children? Can music be used to mold the brain? Does it influence our......

Use and importance of chemistry in human health The usefulness of chemistry in human health The human being, since his appearance has always been involved in looking for the reason...

Use and abuse of paracetamol type analgesics Paracetamol is an analgesic that helps to reduce all types of pains such as;Muscle pains, headaches, arthritis, neuralgia, blows, pains...

Use and abuse of alcohol in the socialization of the university community Introduction The regular practice of physical activity seems to relate to beneficial effects, both physica...

Urban music, the reflection of the inequality of society As seen in the movie "Swing rebels" it is evident that in once the jazz musical genre was considered one of......

URBANIZATION AND SPACE REDISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION Treat population increase in urban areas as well as in rural. José was in charge of developing and trying to visualize thes...

University students and the beginning of their work stage Introduction This research would be a quantitative nature with the purpose of analyzing and observing university students ...

University days: lifestyle of nursing students INTRODUCTION The health of the students of the State University of Milagro and its lifestyles has encouraged us an interest in knowin...

Unemployment and informality An economic contrast Introduction When the informality and unemployment pass from days, they have been seen and considered and interpreted from differe...

Understanding the meaning of significant truths With the passing of the years in the history of humanity, living beings are constantly in the search on significant truths, the know...

Understanding of artificial intelligence and its applications Introduction The following essay arises from the need to understand artificial intelligence (AI) together with its app...

Understanding meaning to something What is all this? World, plants, oxygen, human beings. What is? Have you ever wondered? Are we nothing? Or are we all? What is the meaning......

Uncertainty between evil and absolute goodness in 'Fausto'   Fausto literary work by Johann Wolfang Goethe, divided into two parts: the first was published in 1808;The second part...

Ukraine and Russia: Conflict in Crimea Introduction and background This document speaks mainly of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine for the annexation of Crimea to Russia doi...

Types of maternal milks for infants It is desirable that the newborn receives from the birth room for the first time the food to the chest. The mother should know......

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Turning the game addiction into teaching method Introduction. The game is commonly called physical and mental activities that are carried out for purposes either recreational or ed...

Trial. Utopias and social reality  The term utopia refers to the idea of a fantastic, perfect society. Mentioning an universe parallel to the world in which one lives, it is......

TRANSTORN BULIMIA OR ALTERATION OF FOOD   Eating disorders are presented when a person does not receive the caloric intake that his body requires to function according to his age,...

Transition of positive and normative accounting thinking In history it is said that accounting is born at the same moment that man sees the need to bring accounts, although, he......

Transhumanism and Eugenics: The future of Medicine The future of biomedical sciences As we see these sciences are currently under a revolution process and for example, we even reth...

Transformations of society into the industry During the last centuries, the industry has constituted a key sector for the economic development of the countries. The expansion of in...

Traditional biotechnology and modern biotechnology Biotechnology are the methods and techniques used by living organisms such as cells, viruses, bacteria, yeasts and part of these,...

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To really serve ethics Introduction As for the content, which in the Maraña of formalities seems irrelevant, when it is precisely the important thing and that is why it is......

Tomás Moro's work: Utopia The text that I am going to comment is called Utopia, it is written by Tomás Moro who was a politician and humanist born in London,......

Tolerance, a great virtue "Tolerance is anger dominated by reason" Peter Ustinov (1921-2004). Tolerance refers to the ability to respect everything that is different from...

Tokyo Stadium for Olympic Games Introduction The Japanese are finalizing details for what will be the 32nd Olympic Games of Modernity. And they have not spared expenses as far as.....

TIME LINE ON THE HISTORY OF DISABILITY This work is intended to see the different processes of the history of people with disabilities, as they have been treated, as they......

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Those who have knowledge, do not predict: those who predict, have no knowledge How this thought of Lao-Tse "those who are aware, do not predict: who predict, do not have......

Thomas Alva Edison: Inventor and Entrepreneur Thomas Alva Edison was an American who was born on February 11, 1847 and died on October 18, 1931 at the age of 84......

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Think and write: reasons for this I originally wrote this text for my blog, but I share it as a way of expressing my catharsis process around writing, I hope......

The world talks about peace, but nobody educates for peace Educate for peace To strive to achieve peace is something that should import us all, not only to governments, world......

The world of Sofia, the history of philosophy and different thinkers Introduction Philosophy is the reason to seek our happiness and get out of our conformism, as well as teaches.....

The world of Sofia and the impulsive force of adolescence Introduction A young woman who still has that impulsive force of adolescence, the natural magic generatedHis life, his bei...

The world of Sofia and the different times through the imagination This story shows through different times through the imagination and information that our main character is knowi...

THE WORK HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLEDAD   The work one hundred years of loneliness is reflected in descriptions of the acts in all its complement and general support, the environment......

The way of working of the modern world The human being, in principle usually has a nature, in some aspect, vertical;Since time immemorial there was always someone who ‘orders’ ...

The waves of terrorism and the situation of Colombia “It is said that if you know others and you know yourself, or in a hundred battles you will be in......

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