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Florida Cinematographic Movies Introduction Miami is the most famous city in the state of Florida. A territory privileged by its climate and its beaches on the shores of the Atlant...

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First stage of the Industrial Revolution Between 1760 and 1870 it was the period marked by the continuous inventions, thus given the development of the first stage of the industria...

Financial planning in all aspects of life Introduction This essay originates in part to the unfortunate requirement of regularization of qualification specifically of the financial...

Financial model and quality Introduction The non -profit foundation is aimed at improving situations of quality of life, child labor and of course to strengthen art and culture. In...

Film analysis: Trainspotting By way of introduction, in my opinion the film was very realistic since it presents us without “caps” or sensing what is the life of someone who......

Female genital mutilation and child marriage in human development Introduction To begin, we will talk about human development (DH), the objective of DH is human freedoms, that is, ...

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Fear of the death of older adults in Life Cartagena centers Introduction Collet and Lester 1969 defined the fear of death in a multidimensional way, clearly differentiated between ...

Fear of death in adults to adults Introduction Since time immemorial, death has always been linked to human being, in some cultures a punishment consequence of sin, in others a......

Fast fashion and its new trends Introduction Chicana fashion was an influence that emerged in the 60-70s that became popular for the first time by Mexican-American youth that belon...

Family relationships today Introduction The family is;a social structure that is built from a process that generates consanguinity or affinity links among its members. Therefore, w...

Family father and his teaching Introduction It is a social institution. Most humans their first teaching source, is the family. Parents carry out economic or non -economic activiti...

Family conflicts and self - esteem development In family relationships as well as in all relationships, the conflict is something natural and quite recurring, but unlike other conf...

Fahrenheit 451 and the posture of life, ignorance When we talk about ignorance, we talk about a posture about life, incomplete, ignorance is the general lack of knowledge, therefor...

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Factors that make up bilingualism and its advantages and disadvantages Introduction It is not easy to delimit or specify the term bilingualism. As the first instance, with bilingua...

Facial distortions as a result of the Zika virus Introduction This essay is carried out with the objective of making people known about this problem and the serious consequences th...

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Face loneliness: Understand the effects and causes When taking some simple steps to address feelings of isolation, we can improve our physical and mental health. __________________...

Facebook use as a methodological strategy Today's students have grown up in a "digital world" surrounded by social media and mobile technologies in this way, new ways of ...

Extreme inequality: income and wealth gap as a main problem in Mexico Oxfam revealed in 2014 that 85 people in the world had the same wealth as half of the......

Exploration of life and death, works the meat of Rosa Montero Death is the only thing that all human beings have insured. That moment where races, money, gender and power......

Exploration in relation to Greek myths Introduction This text is a compilation of stories, which originally most of it was obtained from the metamorphosis book of Ovidio, who lived...

Explaining marriage, monogamy and polygamy INTRODUCTION The human being develops a first bond with a person who will over time transform into a romantic link (Bowlby, 1969). Unfort...

Existential vacuum: in search of the meaning of life Introduction.  That is the main belief of those who experience the heartbreaking feeling of the neglect for living, the weight...

Existentialism in the main character of El Tunnel In the present work we have as an orientation to an outstanding work of the Argentine author Ernesto Sabato, "El Tunnel"...

Existentialism in the second sex Existentialism against stereotypes according to Simone Beauvoir and transmitters in gender and religion through normalization in people's thinking ...

Existential and philosophical analysis of life Introduction. The important thing, then, of that new land that is created while we speak, precisely because it is not known, and that...

Excesses of sugars and refined carbohydrates in slow metabolisms Introduction Metabolism is any chemical and physical reaction that occurs in our body, this is in charge of transfo...

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Evolution of the means of transport in the Industrial Revolution With the arrival of transport the world took a great positive and negative turn since people were mobilizing faster...

Evolution of societies over time   Throughout the study of society, after knowing about hordes, clans and tribes, which have differentiated, in the case of hordes and clans both m...

Evaluation of Health Technologies in Biomedical Engineering Introduction The evaluation of health technologies is to analyze different aspects such as safety, efficacy and methodol...

Euthanasia: The right to choose on our death Introduction: A topic discussed in society, since ancient times and that will continue to be discussed in the future, is the practice.....

Euthanasia: suffer or die dignity A few days ago, I heard in the relevant noticas that occur in the media a word in singular "euthanasia", which lashed out at the......

Euthanasia, one more form of assisted suicide EUTHANASIA Thesis: Euthanasia is a form of assisted suicide, nobody decides for the life of others. Approach “Death perfectly carrie...

Euthanasia, legal support in Peru Introduction This essay will try to explain the possibilities that a person has in Peru to access euthanasia or also known as ‘dignified death�...

Euthanasia is a practice that largely involves the medical field and society Scientific advances have contributed significant changes to medicine and all aspects related to this ar...

Euthanasia in adult minors with terminal diseases Euthanasia can be the end of suffering in cases of terminal diseases or that represents constant and unbearable suffering This is ...

Euthanasia as assisted suicide Euthanasia, according to WHO is defined as the medical action by which the patient's death is caused. The word euthanasia derives directly from the G...

Euthanasia as a practice or medical intervention Euthanasia as already known is the practice or medical intervention carried out in order to accelerate the death of a patient avoid...

Etiology of disability throughout history Throughout history, disability has evolved according to the stigmatization of society but gives us a successful definition to communicate ...

Ethnography within professional nursing care Introduction Nursing is a professional discipline that covers autonomous care and in collaboration offered to people, families, groups ...

Ethics within the management and planning of strategies  One of George Washington's most celebrated phrases is “works to keep alive that little spark of celestial fire, consciou...

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