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Physical And Cognitive Disabilities In Special Education


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Physical and cognitive disabilities in special education


Students with physical, cognitive disabilities and serious health problems can present special difficulties for themselves, for their parents and teachers. All this due to the different barriers that most of the time society imposes. That is why efficient policies must be created and implant. Many of these children require curricular adaptations and important environmental modifications, but once they are present they are able to follow the same curriculum as the rest of their classmates. On the contrary, they have many difficulties to lead an independent life.


In recent decades, arduous projects are being prepared around the reflection and analysis of the human rights of people with disabilities. Because of which it has gone from conceiving and perceiving disability as a disease to the focus of a life situation, admitting the person with disabilities as an individual subject to rights and obligations with equal opportunities and social participation.

This article is the product of the theoretical research process where a common axis is reflected based on disability. Where it is systematized in four main moments. In a first part, some historical events in relation to disability will be described as a reference. In a second moment concepts, classifications and etiologies will be addressed. During the third moment some barriers will be described that interfere with people with disabilities;and then lead to a fourth moment, where some strategies that promote accessibility as a fundamental right of people with disabilities will be described.

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The objective of this article is to face the analysis of the concept of disability and its evolution of the health approach to the rights approach and dignified life situation. The central axis of the text starts from the historical and regulatory background in efficient policies that support the neuropsychological approach from which the person with disabilities is accepted as rights subjects, with different capacities and skills that can be developed in an efficient way, according toThe severity of disability. Similarly, it will serve as an instrument to know in an integrated way different aspects of disability.

History of disability in the world

History shows us in its different stages, some of its important characteristics around disability.

During prehistory and seniority people with disabilities were perceived as a burden during camp transfers in search of prey or better lands, or when it was necessary to flee from natural disasters (Valencia, 2005);being so that they were victims of cruelty and inhuman crimes, with serious signs of suffering.

In the Middle Ages the Catholic religion mentioned that those who lacked privileges were slaves, women and people with disabilities (Valencia, 2005);justifying such evidence to personal or transgenerational sins.

Important changes have already been noticed during modernity, as a path was opened to scientific knowledge where some efforts were made to compensate for some needs of people with disabilities. (Valencia, 2005);because the importance due to studying etiologies from the disease approach, and thus giving some scientific explanation to some ailments that were then common such as blindness and deafness were given to study.

Disability in industrial society (1780 and 1790), was perceived as a brake on capitalist thrust (Valencia, 2005);Well, only strong labor was needed to carry out various activities that the industry imposed.

In the 1860s and 1870s, the Eugenics movement arises (Valencia, 2005);where there was a prominent interest in evaluating intelligence indicators, decreasing marginality through policies that involve the rights and obligations of people with disabilities. Tending to protect the rights of people with congenital and acquired disabilities, and in the promotion and development of rehabilitation programs.

During World War I (1914-1918), the rehabilitation paradigm arises mainly for cases of: mania, melancholy, dementia and idiotism. (Valencia, 2005)

In 1917, after the socialist revolution more than 100 decrees (Valencia, 2005) were approved, to provide social coverage to the people and especially children, elders and people with disabilities.

During the nineteenth century;Different organizations and representative foundations of people with disabilities were created to be spokesmen for the needs that usually happen in different aspects of their lives.

Currently, thanks to neurosciences, special education has been viable with greater impetus as a fundamental tool to promote a true inclusion in different people who have a special educational need. Where the person with disabilities is understood as an integral being, a subject of rights and obligations, which deserves equal opportunities in the different aspects of life.


Disability is a concept that is transformed and that results from the interaction and relationship between people with deficiencies and barriers due to the attitude and the environment that avoid their full and effective participation in society, on equal terms with other people(Deutsch, 2003).The "biopsychosocial" approach defines disability, from the relational point of view, such as the result of complex and difficult interactions between the functional (physical, intellectual or mental) limitations of the person and the social and physical environment that represent the circumstances inThose who live that person, includes deficiencies, limitations in activity and restrictions on participation, denoting the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a health condition) and that of individual contextual factors (environmental and personal factors) personal factors)

The classification of people with disabilities include those who have physical, mental, intellectual or sensory deficiencies in the long term that, when interacting with various barriers, can prevent their full and effective participation in society, on equal terms with others.

The causes that produce physical disabilities and serious health problems can be grouped, in a general way, in the following categories: infections, hereditary problems, accidents and trauma, multiple and "unknown factors". (Deutsch, 2003) . Infections may be due to a certain virus;Hereditary problems are due to inheritance problems, for example: hemophilia, chromosomal disorders. Accidents or injuries can cause cerebral palsy, epileptic crises, damage to spinal cord, brain injuries, or even death. Multiple factors may be due to seizures may have their origin in many and varied circumstances, such as epilepsies.

Visual disability

It is the deficiency or disability of all loss or abnormality in a structure at the physiological, anatomical or psychological level (Aruquipa, 2019). Thus, visual disability refers to the total or partial loss of the sense of sight, which directly afflicts the perception of images in a total or partial way, so it is considered a disability when people have a depuriousness in greater or greaterlower degree of visual acuity and a significant reduction in the visual field.

Hearing disability

Auditory disability is a total or partial deficit in the perception that is evaluated by the degree of loss of hearing in each ear (Aruquipa, 2019). Depending on and based on the degree of affectation, it can be partial or total and, according to its etiology, it can generate certain possibilities of solution. Hearing disability appears as invisible, since it does not present obvious physical characteristics. It is fundamentally notorious for the use of the hearing aid and in the people who were born deaf or have acquired the auditory loss at an early age, for the way of speaking

Intellectual disability

Intellectual disability ‘is a disability characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that manifests in not developing adaptive, conceptual, social, cognitive, language, speech, socio-emotional skills, game, game. (Aruquipa, 2019). Which will generate and cause a restriction in the skills and abilities of the person. To be diagnosed, valued and evaluated the person must have a C.Yo. (Intellectual coefficient) significantly low and excessive problems in their adaptation in daily life. In the most serious cases, it can be detected early and anticipated;In the slightest, schooling will show difficulty for different types of learning.

Motor disability

The main problems that limited mobility can generate is the one that a person presents because of a sequel, manifests general or specific alterations, hinders people’s displacement, making it slow and difficult, (Aruquipa, 2019). Certain times is not visible and in sometimes special support is requested such as: orthopedic devices, cane, crutches, walker or wheelchair, orthosis or prostheses.

The main difficulties that motor disability can conceive are several, among them we can mention: uncontrolled movements, coordination problems, inhibited scope, reduced force, non -clear speak, problem with fine and thick motor skills, inadequate accessibility to the physical environment.


Sordo-Chuera generates auditory and visual problems (Deutsch, 2003). The combination of both disabilities generates special communication needs, as well as specific problems of development and learning. Reason why they cannot be educated as children with visual or auditory disabilities, but require complementary aids to cover their special educational needs.

Asperger syndrome

It is a syndrome that studies with a symptomatology similar to that of autism, although

Subjects who suffer from it have normal intelligence. (Deutsch, 2003). So the cognitive area is almost not harmed, being so that social skills are deteriorated.

Cerebral palsy

It is a movement disorder and posture caused by a brain injury that generally takes place during its development (Deutsch, 2003), thus causing serious motor, cognitive and social difficulties.

Social barriers

People with disabilities face generalized obstacles to access services such as health care, who encompass medical care, treatments and auxiliary technologies, education, employment and social services, which includes housing and transport (WHO, 2001). These obstacles have different origins and causes, for example: legislation, policies and inappropriate strategies;scarce service offer;difficulties in providing services;Impericia and misunderstanding of disability;negative attitudes and discrimination;scarce accessibility;insufficient financing;and little participation of people with disabilities in decisions that directly affect their life. There are also specific barriers for people with disabilities to have the possibility to express their opinions and search, receive and dissemin.

These obstacles pay the disadvantage situation suffered by people with disabilities. These people, in particular those who live in developing countries, are in worse health, have higher poverty rates and lower rates of employment and academic success, enjoy less independence and have a restricted participation in society.

Inclusive policies

The State must especially protect those people who, due to their economic, physical or mental condition, are in circumstance of expressed weakness and will sanction the abuses or abuse that they are committed against them. (MINSALUD, 2008). You must also advance a policy of forecast, rehabilitation and social integration for the physical, sensory and psychic decreased ones, to whom the specialized care they require will be given. It is the obligation of the State and the employers to offer professional and technical training and authorization to those who require it. The State must promote the labor location of the people of working age and guarantee disabled the right to a work according to their health conditions. It is necessary to eradicate illiteracy, to guarantee a true inclusive education.


It is a vital right that every person has to be able to live with freedom and harmony. Some elements that she entails (WHO, 2001):

Products or substances for personal consumption are any natural substance or manufactured by man, collected, processed or manufactured for intake. Includes: food and medications.

Products and technology for personal use in daily life, mention the equipment, products and technologies used by people in everyday activities, including those specifically adapted or designed, located in, about or near the person who will use them. Includes: General and Technology Products and Technology for Personal Use. The products and technology for mobility and personal transport in closed and open spaces, involve equipment, products and technology used by people to move inside and outside the buildings, including those specifically adapted or designed, located in, on or nearThe person who will use them. Includes: general products and technology and help for personal mobility and transport in closed and open spaces. The products and technology for communication, refer equipment, products and technology used by people to transmit and receive information, including those specifically adapted or designed, located in, about or near the person who will use them.

Includes: general products and technology and communication aid.

The products and technology for education mention: equipment, products, processes, methods and technology used for the acquisition of knowledge, experience or skills, including those adapted or specifically designed. Includes: general products and technology and education aid.

Products and technology for employment are used in the workplace to facilitate work. Includes: general products and technology and employment aid.

Products and technology for cultural, recreational and sports activities are used for realization and progression in sports, cultural and recreational activities, including those adapted or specifically designed. Includes: general products and technology and culture aid, recreational and sports activities

Products and technology for religious practice and spiritual life are specially prepared or produced in series, which is given, or have a symbolic meaning within the context of religious practice or spiritual life, including those adapted or designedspecifically. Includes: general products and technology and help for religious practice and spiritual life.

The designs, construction, construction materials and architectural technology for public buildings constitute the environment manufactured by the individual’s man, and that covers both closed and open spaces. This atmosphere has been planned, designed and built for public use, including those adapted or designed specifically. Includes: Design, construction, construction materials and architectural technology of entrances and exits, facilities and management indicators.

The products and technology related to the use/exploitation of the soil are related to the use/exploitation of the soil that affect the outside environment of an individual, through the implementation of land use policies, design, planning and development of the space, including those thoseadapted or specifically designed. Includes: products and land technologies that have been regulated through land use policies, such as rural areas, suburban areas, urban areas, parks, protected areas and natural reserves

Belongings are products or objects of economic exchange, such as money, goods, properties and other value objects that an individual possesses or has the right to use. Includes: tangible or intangible products and goods, financial belongings.


After centuries and years of oblivion and exclusion, at present, children, youth and adults with disabilities have the right to public education. In fact, there are many children who, throughout their schooling, benefit from special educational services. However, in recent years, special education has received strong criticisms. Therefore, it is the right time to ask a series of questions and try to find effective solutions to them.

People with disabilities do not learn in the same way or at the same rate as their classmates without disabilities. The current research is trying to find better instruction methods so that these students observe more significant improvements in their academic and social performance. Many of these individuals should compensate for their disabilities when they receive instruction from well -prepared teachers and with updated knowledge from the most novel research discoveries. However, if the best that education can offer is not used, the probability that people with disabilities triumph in life are reduced.

Bibliographic references

  • Valencia, Luciano Andrés. Brief history of people with disabilities: from oppression to the struggle for their rights. 2005.
  • Deutsch, Deborah Smith. Psychopedagogical Bases of Special Education. 4th edition. Hall. 2003.
  • Aruquipa, Lizeth Atahuachi. Master in Special and Inclusive Education. Module II. Special educational needs. Ceforfi-Upea. 2019.
  • World Health Organization. EB134/16. consultive advice. 134 ° Meeting. 2001.
  • ABC of disability. MINSALUD. All for the same country. Peace, equity, education.2008
  • WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION .International classification of functioning, disability and health .Abbreviated version. 2001

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