Physical And Psychological Discrimination In Homophobia
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In this essay I will address the issue of homophobic discrimination today. Homophobia or discrimination based on sexual orientation is a type of phobia that people possess homosexuals (Raffino, 2019). Specifically it is fear, hate, distrust or discomfort against lesbian, gay or bisexual people. In my opinion homophobia is something that should not exist, because I feel that the value of people is reflected in their actions and not in their sexual preferences.
At present, homophobia is expressed in different ways that physically and psychologically affect homosexuals, some of these generate instability in emotional health, insecurity and in the case of physical effects I consider the invisibility of violence. Then I will talk about these factors:
In the insecurity generated by the constant criticisms "the person is not satisfied with what has become, and tries to change himself with or without professional help" (Miller & Hoffman, 1971). This in the short or long term "affects the person, since he is repressing what is really, since his main concern is to hide his homosexuality" (Warren, 1974). In my opinion, insecurity appears when a person has an idea of himself as fragile, from attacks received towards his way of dressing or his way of being, this can make different states develop such as: shyness, paranoia or social isolation.
Sometimes sexual orientation can be a risk factor, since it is known that homosexuals show greater probabilities of heterosexual suicide (Granados & Delgado, 2008).
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There are some works that explore the risk that homosexuals show to mental health damage associated with suicidal behavior based on the experience of homophobia in the areas of socialization, the analysis allowed to distinguish three constant symptoms of psychic suffering such as: sadness,Suicidal fear and ideation (Granados & Delgado, 2008). I consider it important.
Non -lethal violence is commonly faced by LGTBI people in most Latin American continent countries. This happens due to the low complaints of complaints, which particularly invisible in terms of attacks that do not result in death. (Gomez, 2010). The reality of culture and thought (often religious) with which we are raised in Latin America, can be involved in the way we treat homosexuals, since being raised in such a specific way, it is usually difficult to get intothe shoes of the other and agree on the way his life lives.
In conclusion we can notice the hard reality faced. I consider that all human beings deserve the same respect, whatever our sexual preference, and I think that the parenting we have had based on religion or culture should not define us. I feel that we should not listen to people who use religion as an argument for their hatred, since hatred does not come from religion, it comes from the fear and ignorance of each person. I think we all have the ability to choose how we react to what happens around and choose to take the best possible attitude towards others: helping who needs it, including it and above all supporting them emotionally to avoid irreparable losses and ifYou can’t love others at least answer it.
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