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Physical And Psychological Violence In The Lgbti+Community


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Physical and psychological violence in the LGBTI+community

This academic essay is going to deal with violence, both physical and psychological suffered by people belonging to the LGBTI community+. I consider that it is a problem, since it is a way of discriminating to a group of people merely for having a different sexual orientation than that society is accustomed or what we have wanted to impose as "common", what the ChurchConsider sin, a way to get attention or new fashion, according to some people. Aspects will be addressed below to support my criteria.

Homophobia is called antipathy towards homosexual people (RAE, 2020). "Ecclesial homophobia, according to the previous definition, is a specific and institutionalized manifestation of homophobia practiced mainly in Christian religious and theological fields" (Aguiló, 2009). According to Aguiló, the Catholic Church has been the most manifested publicly to homophobia on several occasions, where most judgments take a condemnatory attitude to sexual behaviors that have no relationship so much with reproduction, masturbation, conception orAffective relationships between people of the same sex, condemning these attitudes and linking them with sin, guilt and even disease. In my opinion, the Church has been linked a lot to the Scriptures of its God and what its sacred book says. “You will not throw yourself with male as a woman;is abomination ”(Leviticus 18:22). The Bible says that the man was made to be with the woman and vice versa, he also states that what society makes not entrenched those writings, is considered sin.

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A study was carried out to 449 Spaniards between 40 to 70 years. Taking into account sexual orientation, it turned out that 90.2% of respondents was heterosexual, while 3.8% were considered homosexual and the remaining 6% was bisexual. To evaluate discrimination a questionnaire called ADHOC was used, which was based on two questions «Have you ever suffered some verbal aggression due to your sexual orientation?»And« Have you ever suffered any physical aggression due to your sexual orientation?". They threw the following results: taking into account the homosexual community, 85.7% of men and 33.3% of women, you have ever suffered from verbal violence due to their sexual orientation, if we talk about physical violence,21.4% of men suffered this type of aggression against 0% of women. On the other hand, in the community of bisexuals 18.8% of men and 9.1% of women have received verbal violence, did not present any case of physical violence. On the other hand, only 3.5% of man and 1.5% of heterosexual women say they had suffered verbal violence, only 1% of women said they had suffered physical violence. (Nebot, J. Martínez, n. Castro, j. Gil, B & Ballester, R. 2019)

Hernández emphasizes in an article of the D´Estudis magazine of violence, which until today, in various parts of the world, the people belonging to the LGBTI+ community are a victim of different forms of abuse and abuse, acts that tempt themselves against their physical integrity orMental, as well as their rights, these can be torture, abuse against health rights, become subject to different types of both pharmacological and psychiatric treatments in order to "remove" homosexuality, the suspension of lawto freedom of expression and ill -treatment. He also emphasizes that, usually, when someone’s gender identity or sexuality does not adjust with society, he is constantly a victim of abuse or discrimination. Many homophobia cases have been detected in the world, if we talk about Africa, we can take into account the case of Patrick Yousse-Djaudio, who was sentenced to a year in prison for performing homosexual practices. In the same place, 12 young people were expelled from their school for being lesbians, after this they were not accepted in any other educational center. In Nigeria, the Ministry of Justice presented a project that contained a law whose purpose was to penalize same -sex marriage, as well as sexual relations between them, regardless of whether it was in public or private, the processing ofsaid project. (Hernández, 2007).

In conclusion, people belonging to the LGBTI+ community are constantly attacked by society, either by their religious beliefs or by the way they were educated and the form of love that instilled them. Around the world, different cases of homophobia have been evidenceA "different" way. You can give the most common example that is used vulgarly that says that being homophobic is like hating someone for the simple fact that the color black likes and the other person likes white color. In my opinion, taking into account the case of homophobic people for the parenting they gave them, instead of instilling ideas of hate, they should teach them that the world is full of great things, that we are not all the same and there is the essence of being of beinghuman, in leaving their own brand, they should make them understand that the only thing we are the same, is in the ability to give and receive love, and that is fine. It is necessary to instill values such as respect, keep in mind that to change the world is not necessary only opinion, but to take the first step, take initiatives to completely eradicate the hatred or disgust of people towards people, and thus, little by littleto cause a change for good in others, and achieve an inclusive society, that has the ability to love and respect those who love.


  • Royal Spanish Academy: Dictionary of the Spanish Language, 23rd Ed. Recovered from: https: // dle.RAE.is gay.
  • Aguiló Bonet, to. (2009). "Abismal thinking, unequal sexual differentiation and ecclesial homophobia". Nomads, critical magazine of Social and Legal Sciences, 23 (3). Recovered from: https: // www.Redalyc.org/pdf/181/18111418001.PDF
  • Hernández, c. (2007). Homophobia from the State and society, threatens human rights. D´Estudis Magazine. N.º 3. Retrieved from: http: // UNASOBILCA.Weebly.com/Uploads/9/6/6/1/9661633/homophobia_aministia_international.PDF
  • Nebot, j. Martínez, n. Castro, j. Gil, B & Ballester, R. (2019). Violence derived from sexual orientation in older adults. Magazine of Psychology, N.º 1. Recovered from http: // www.Infad.EU/Magazineinfad/OJS/Index.PHP/IJODAEP/ARTICLE/VIEW/1580/1429  

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