Physical Preparation Keys In Golf
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In golf, as in all sports, physical preparation plays a fundamental role for the good performance of the athlete. So that any practitioner of this sport can develop its maximum power, a good physical condition and preparation is necessary. This will allow these athletes, alleviate possible imbalances when it comes to the execution of the technical gesture and at the same time protect the back, such as all the muscles involved to avoid possible injuries. Today we will address the keys to the physical preparation of a golfer, and we will see which are some of the most common injuries that are produced by physical condition deficits. Let’s go for it.
3 basic axes of the physical demands of a golfer
When we analyze the physical structure of a golfer, it is necessary to make up in the triangle that make up three fundamental factors for physical yields. In each vertex of the triangle we will find each of them, and without the correct operation of any of these three factors, the potential of the golfer will decrease considerably. These three factors, which function as vertebrate axes of these athletes, are the following:
- Physical factor: Golf is not characterized by a sport with high demands at the physical level, however, at the level of power, strength and neuromuscular coordination, the demands are maximum. It will be essential that the musculature involved in each hit or ‘swing’ establishes good synergies, to achieve an optimal result.
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- Psychological: as in both individual sports, the mental factor plays a key role in this sport. Have high levels of concentration, self-confidence, self-assessment, etc., will be very important when facing any adversity that arises during the competition.
- Technician: It is a sport, where both the technical component, as well as, to have great precision at the time of the blows, are very important when it comes to standing on the rest of the rivals.
What should I work in physical preparation in golf?
As we commented in previous paragraphs, having a great physical condition, will allow these athletes to show all the potential inside. For this, it is essential to mention a series of key points, when carrying out a good physical preparation in this sport:
- Importance of flexibility work
- Give the necessary importance to the general force work: we will pay special attention to the work of the Core musculature, as well as the rotating sleeves. At the same time it will be essential to enhance both the hip musculature, and the lower train. In addition, in no case, we must forget to work the arm musculature, since it will be fundamental when making a good hit. Despite not being as important as the previous two, it is interesting to raise our cardiovascular capacity levels.
- Finally and not less important, we must pay special attention to the neuromuscular coordination work.
5 Keys to reach with good physical preparation in golf
- Possess a great functional movement, which will allow us to make stable blows during the competition.
- Have a good posture control, essential when it comes to achieving good body alignment and effectively hitting the ball.
- Maintain a good degree of flexibility, thus avoiding a shortened musculature, which would affect our ‘swing’
- Achieve good stability, allowing us to be consistent in our position for long periods of time.
- Have great coordination, which will allow us to apply as much force as possible in the actions that require it.
Golf lesions due to physical condition deficit
As in many other sports, a bad physical condition, it can lead to a series of injuries that we will address below. At present, the practice of golf has increased, while increasing the number of injuries during this practice, in many cases, due to a bad specific physical condition, mentioned above. Next we will see what these injuries are, which will allow us to prevent possible events in the future:
- Lumbar level problems, something very common both in athletes at an amateur level, as a professional level. In many cases these lumbar problems are derived from the lack of activation of the Core musculature, hence the importance of the work of the same.
- Shoulder joint injuries. The most common injuries in this joint are usually discomfort at the level of the acromioclavicular joint, sub-luxations of the glenohumeral joint, as well as tendonitis at the level of the rotating sleeves, which their do not take care of themselves can derive in a chronic lesion.
- Problems at the elbow level, which can lead to epicondylitis.
- Finally, and already in a lower number of cases, impact or traumatic injuries may occur, however this type of injury usually affects younger or elderly players.
We can affirm that golf is one of the sports whose most sports practice has grown in recent years, due to the accessibility that the same has reached. However, this increase in the practice of this activity has not been linked to an increase in specific preparation in a sport as complex as golf. This lack of specific physical preparation has resulted in a series of pathologies that could be avoided with good training. Therefore, it will be essential to address physical preparation in this discipline from the three planes that were previously addressed, physical, psychological and technical. In this way we can achieve our greatest potential in this discipline and without fear of suffering any type of physical problem.
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