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Physical Risk Assessment In Offices


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Physical risk assessment in offices


According to the Royal Spanish Academy: a risk is the possibility of a setback or misfortune, that someone or something suffers damage or damage. A physical risk is an agent or factor that can cause damage with or without contact and that is part of occupational risk or environmental risk. This includes those associated with noise the temperature, radiation, heat and cold stress, vibration risks among others.

It is important of periodic controls of the work area, to minimize the possibility that these affect workers, taking into account that in the health sector, mainly in the area of dentistry, control of it is difficult, because it is impossible to reduce noise, andthat for the operation of the clinic the compressor and low speed parts are needed.


Ionizing radiation

The use of ionizing radiation in the office implies risks, although it must be used for its diagnostic and therapeutic benefits. Here is the importance of knowing the risks to minimize the inconveniences and optimize the quality and safety of employees.In the article "Risks associated with ionizing radiation" the risks linked to this radiation are mentioned.

The biological effects of radiation include carcinogenesis at the cellular level, cause excitation or ionization in a biological system, particularly at the level of critical molecules (protein, enzymes, DNA, membranes), this damage is caused because of the energy delivered.

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This effect is called direct effect. The direct effect is the damage caused by free radicals which cause more important damage.

Radioprotection is based on three basic principles: justification, dose limit and optimization. Due to the frequency in certain practices the increase in exposure to radiation increases, so the damage will be greater. To reduce these damages, the protection standards must be focused on technical personnel training, the use of sophisticated fluoroscopic equipment that reduces the patient’s irradiated dose while maintaining the quality of the image and the improvement of digital techniques, aimed atMaintenance of the exposure reference levels established to optimize operations and protection systems, to reduce radiation exposure.

Another important factor to take into account is to know the limit doses below which the probability of occurrence of damage is minimal. To achieve this, it is necessary to quantify the amount of energy that a tissue or an organ of the human body receives, for which we use some dose measures between them:

  1. -Absorbed dose: This expresses the amount of energy absorbed per unit mass.
  2. -Equivalent dose: In some cases the absorbed dose is used taking into account the type of radiation and its energy.
  3. -Effective dose: which takes into account the different types of tissues that have different radiosensitivity.

Non-ionizing radiation

Naturally, we live in an natural electromagnetic spring, electromagnetic oscillation spreads in straight line and influencing the bodies manage to penetrate, reflect or absorb. Which increases damage to living organisms. The effects of non -ionizing radiation can be: thermal, non -thermal and atrmonic. Its influence can affect the reproductive system, since, the harmful effect that electromagnetic waves exert mainly.

On the other hand, numerous works mentioned by the possible carcinogenic effect of non -ionizing radiation have been presented. These studies are inconsistent, they turn out to be very different studies regarding the design, execution and interpretation of the experiments carried out. Its effects and implications on human health are not clear. Allergic processes, immune system depression, lymphocyte, macrophagic and hematological processes have also been reported, without knowing its effects on human health.

At present, it is proposed that below the levels that thermal effects occur, electromagnetic waves do not generate mutagenic responses and do not influence the appearance of Canceres. Other disorders are alterations of repolarization, cardiac infarctions, some years of the Occupational Exhibition to the CEM and others. The adverse effects on this system are controversial.

In addition, increase in hemoglobin figures have been found, as well as leukocyte modifications that depend on the energy power of microwave.It should be noted that the health organization recognizes that epidemiological studies carried out so far are insufficient to evaluate the health risks caused by exposure to radio frequencies.

Noise evaluation

The deterioration of hearing produced by exposure to noise is known as acoustic trauma. This condition is very common in people who exercise occupations in a medium with 80 dB or superior. In the case mentioned above acoustic trauma is chronic, since the acute stadium occurs in certain activities that generate a great sound impact and in accidental situations.

It is important to specify the differences between the hearing loss caused by the work environment, which is called labor hearing loss, and in cases where exposure to recreational activities is known as socioacusia. Noise -produced hearing loss has no treatment, that is, there is no possibility of recovering hearing.

This condition is an important cause of noise -induced hearing loss, mainly becauseHigh levels of ambient noise are maintained regularly for several hours a day during the year.

In several studies it has been shown that exposure to high noise levels constantly not only brings as consequences the hearing loss, but also reduces the capacity to concentrate, therefore increasing the cost of performing specific activity;In turn, the worker predisposes a more irritable state after work activity, preventing adequate rest and recovery.

Noise -induced work hearing loss is a pathology of great relevance within occupational health problems, translating in a high economic cost and in the quality of life of the affected workers. This is why its early detection is fundamental, through risk -oriented programs, allowing the establishment of effective and efficiently and efficiently.

Electrical risks

Electrical risk is that capable of producing phenomena such as electrocution and burns. This risk capable of being produced by electrical installations, parts of them, and any electrical device under voltage, with sufficient damage potential to produce electrocution phenomena and burns. It can be originated in any task that involves handling or maneuvering of low, medium and high voltage electrical installations, maintenance operations of this type of facilities and repairs of electrical appliances.

People should not manipulate any electrical element with wet hands, in humid or wet environments and provided that, being in special characteristics, it is not equipped with the necessary personal protection means.

To work the facilities, the following principles must be taken into account:

• Open all tension sources.

• Eat or block, if possible, all cutting devices.

• Check the absence of tension.

• Put to ground and short circuit all possible sources of tension.

• Delimit the work area by signaling or insulating screens.

• Avoid the use of multiple bases.

• Do not remove the grounding of the equipment and facilities.

• Do not perform operations in electricity lines, tables, transformation centers or electrical equipment if the necessary training is not possessed for it.

• Do not withdraw the coatings or insulation of the active parts of the systems.

• In the event that it is essential to perform tension work, appropriate protection means must be used.

Personal protection items

• Glasses or facial protection screen

• Gloves

• Security shoes.

Protection and prevention measures in the dental office

It is very important that in the dental office the dentists know and apply the adequate sterilization procedures, as well as the useless use of the barriers for protection and prevention of cross infections. Cross infections can be caused by microorganisms of any species, which is why any measure that is adopted to avoid dissemination within the dental office is not enough. The above is of special importance in dentistry because the procedures imply the management of secretions daily and for this reason the risk of a possible contagion is always present.

Biosecurity norms arose to control and prevent the spread of infectious diseases which were more relevant to the appearance of human immunodeficiency virus, they are also all those norms, procedures and care that should be taken when attending patients and manipulatingpolluted instruments to avoid the risk of infecting us or diseases. Dentistry professionals are exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms from spores, bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa, although they may be present in the blood and saliva of patients.

The use of effective control and prevention standards, as well as universal protection measures to avoid cross pollution between patients, the auxiliary staff of the office and even professional patient of dentistry or the assistant and vice versa. When we refer to protection measures these include: the use of gloves, mouth cover, lenses or protective mask. Gloves must be eliminated once the procedure is finished, as well as the robe must be removed before leaving the office.

It should be remembered that our hands are via input for microorganisms, so we must wear gloves no matter how insignificant the clinical activity and for surgeries the pair of sterile gloves should be used. The needle should never retailer with your hands because there is more risk of puncturing. The lid must be resumed with the same needle, unscrew and take directly to the special timing container for the cutting waste.

Chemical risks in the dental office

In the dental consultation there are a multitude of hazardous health chemical.

Among them are antiseptics, anesthetics or mercury. The dangers to which the worker is exposed are burns, dermatitis, asthma and brain damage, respiratory or renal, among others. It is important that dentists use the necessary protection for the use of these products, in addition to reviewing their correct labeling and composition.

The most effective security measure is ventilation, since it reduces air concentration levels. Similarly, it is necessary to limit work hours with dangerous products.Another preventive measure is the use of latex gloves without dust, to minimize the number of particles that are aspired and that can produce hazards in health.


To avoid any accident during chemical substance manipulation, the following measures are taken:

  • Use of glasses or protective screens, to avoid damage such as contact burns.
  • Use of appropriate masks.
  • Use appropriate and resistant gloves to chemical contacts.
  • Perform the operation away from any flame or source of calos.
  • Use funnels or dosing in order to avoid spills.    

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